Psychic Cowgirl

Psychic Cowgirl

Wisdom from an illustrious Psychic Cowgirl ®; Reverend Shannon Laackmann B.Msc, C.Ht brings a practical cowgirl wisdom to metaphysical topics to help you increase your awareness, intuition and understanding of yourself on your personal journey. Warning: hanging out with this Psychic Cowgirl will automatically raise your vibration, and increase your intuitive talents.

  • 31 minutes 32 seconds
    Release Stress and Embrace Joy
    How do you shift your energy from feeling overwhelmed or stressed to confidence and clarity?

    Staying grounded and aware is necessary at this time.   

    Guided Imagery is A secret Garden for Stress Relief.  Powerful and Magical  

    To learn more about the Psychic Cowgirl 
    5 March 2025, 10:58 pm
  • 28 minutes 15 seconds
    Intuitive Nudges and Wise Guides
    Do you follow the nudges from the Universe? 
    Have you ever had a nudge that you could not quit thinking about until you did something about it?  That happened to me last week, and the Universe delivered an opportunity, and I am glad I took it.  It was worth it.  😊

    Guided Imagery to connect you to a Wise Guide.💜

    I recommend making a list of 3-5 questions you wish to know the answers to or a situation you wish clarity on so you can be ready for the connection during the Meditation.  
    27 February 2025, 1:11 am
  • 32 minutes 24 seconds
    Working Genius and Joy
    Guest Nancy Dewald from Lead Up Training and Consulting shares her program, which provides clarity for business owners, builders, leaders, and teams. 

    You are more productive when you know your working geniuses and your self-awareness increases.  An example of people who have the Inventor genius often say, I have an idea; what about if we do .....   Tenacity Genius will often say I'm on it, Got it, Let me do it.  What are your Geniuses? 

    Nancy can be reached at

    Knowing my geniuses has created confidence and clarity, and opportunities have arisen for my Psychic Cowgirl business due to that energy.  

    19 February 2025, 8:24 pm
  • 39 minutes 37 seconds
    Cat Antics and Chakras
    I have a cat who is done with cold weather and wanted to help with the podcast.  It was supposed to be about Chakras, but Donatello is cute and pushy.  

    The Deep Chakra Cleanse and Balance did happen with some background cat antics.  🐈‍⬛😻😽

    15 February 2025, 1:49 am
  • 30 minutes 57 seconds
    Release the Negative to Embrace Positive Energies
    Negative energy can feel sticky and overwhelming, affecting the way we talk to ourselves and move through life.

     This episode explores how mindfulness practices—like laughter for well-being, meditation, breathwork, and guided imagery—can help shift your state, clear your emotional clutter, and cultivate a more positive, empowered mindset.
    31 January 2025, 6:57 pm
  • 31 minutes 44 seconds
    Confidence and Intentions
    Discover how clarity in your intentions builds self-confidence. 

    Being confident helps you stay aligned with your goals. 

    Guided Meditation to Boost your inner strength by aligning you with the energies of Confidence to continue the positive direction for this year.
    22 January 2025, 7:08 pm
  • 28 minutes 50 seconds
    Do you have energy tangles and cords that need to be disconnected for you to invoke more positivity?   

    Guided Imagery to Disconnect all your cords and reconnect to the positive energies. 
    15 January 2025, 9:47 pm
  • 28 minutes 50 seconds
    Do you have energy tangles and cords that need to be disconnected for you to invoke more positivity?   

    Guided Imagery to Disconnect all your cords and reconnect to the positive energies. 
    15 January 2025, 9:47 pm
  • 29 minutes 44 seconds
    Positive Direction for 2025
    How do you take yourself in a positive direction in this new year or anytime?  

    How do you release habits or beliefs that are no longer in alignment with who you wish to be? 

    By releasing overthinking and being less hard on yourself.  You deserve better 🥰

    Guided Meditation to move you in a positive direction 

    8 January 2025, 6:25 pm
  • 43 minutes 51 seconds
    Bye 2024, Hello 2025
    As 2024 wraps up, what a roller coaster of ups and downs this last year was. What can we expect in 2025?  Guided Meditation to Cleanse and Balance Your Chakra Energies with the Intention to Release Anxiety and Worry and Invoke Calm and Clarity 
    11 December 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 43 minutes 48 seconds
    Soul Replenishment
    How do you nourish your soul?  What replenishes you?  How do you fuel your body when life feels challenging?  How do you shift your energy when it feels heavy?  Guided Meditation to Cleanse and Balance your Chakra system to nurture and self-care with intention.
    4 December 2024, 3:00 pm
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