Metropolitan SDA Church Sermons

Brenda Billingy & Marquis D. Johns

Weekly sermons from the Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church (Hyattsville, MD) - featuring Pastors Brenda Billingy and Marquis D. Johns


    Understanding the meaning God placed on the earthy Temple, will help us to better appreciate the importance of caring for our BODY TEMPLE

  • The Blessed Life, part II (Kinlock)

    God want us to live in abundance. What is abundance? Pastor Kinlock breaks it down in "Life of Blessing - part II" as he helps us understand the terms and conditions of the contract of blessing described in Malachi 3.

    28 January 2017, 10:00 am
  • THE PITS (Johns)

    Start 2016 off with Metro and Pastor Johns. As we start working on our resolutions, we have the tendency to say, "This year is gonna be better than last year!" Well, Pastor Johns is here to warn you that in 2016, you will find yourself in the pits at some point, but know that your Balm in Gilead is already prepared. This sermon also starts the countdown to his farewell. He preaches again on January 30 and then his last sermon is February 6.

    2 January 2016, 10:00 am

    We celebrate how awesome our God is with a program of praise and worship, testimonies and affirmations. Enjoy our praise team "choir". Colin Bruce provides a short closing thought.

    31 October 2015, 10:00 am
  • WHY JONAH? (Ridley)

    Pastor Jason Ridley, Senior Pastor of the Hilltop Community Worship Center in Columbus, Ohio is our guest speaker. He talks about Jonah's predicament, God's provision, Jonah's promise and God's purpose.

    3 October 2015, 10:00 am

    We continue our celebration of Brenda Billingy's ministry on her "retirement weekend". Monique Steele-Griffiths provides special music. Pastor Johns preaches a powerful sermon on the need to pray without ceasing, even when it seems your prayers aren't being heard. Jesus failed at prayer too.

    5 September 2015, 10:00 am
  • GO GET EUTYCHUS! (Polite)

    We close out our Empowered series with Pastor Michael Polite - chaplain at Andrews University. He preaches a powerful word about what we need to do to keep the young adults in our church who are struggling with sin. Our youth choir provides our musical selections.

    15 August 2015, 10:00 am
  • IT'S BROKEN, BUT I'M OK (Polite)

    Pastor Polite preaches a powerful sermon about our inability to control our brains reactive response to sin. If it was up to us, we'd destroy ourselves! But praise God for Jesus!

    14 August 2015, 10:00 am
    12 August 2015, 10:00 am
  • CLOTHES (Polite)
    9 August 2015, 10:00 am
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