Our Life in Christ

Our Life in Christ and Ancient Faith Radio

Our Life In Christ brings you the orthodox Christian faith as recorded in Scripture, taught and practiced by the early Fathers of the Church, and preserved within the spiritual life of the Orthodox Christian Churches around the world.

  • Trinity, Incarnation and Sacrament: Dogma - Part 1
    This is the first part of a nine-part series on forming an Orthodox world view that is founded on the dogmas of the Trinity, Incarnation, and sacrament. In part one we discuss the concept of "dogma" or doctrine. Is dogma important? How can we talk to modern people who believe they don't believe in "dogma"?
    25 October 2020, 2:13 am
  • Relics Part 4: Persons, Essence and Energies
    In part four of our discussion of relics, we tackle the nature of God and the nature of the human being and how we can "know" a person. What is the relationship of "nature" to a "person"? What is an "energy"? How are a nature's energies expressed? The proper definition of nature, energy and personhood form the cornerstone for a proper definition of salvation and the goal of our existence in God.
    23 February 2019, 10:54 pm
  • Relics Part 3: Essence and Energies
    After a two-month disappearance, Steve and Bill resurface and finally record part three of the series on "Relics." In this program they discuss the Orthodox view of God and how the creation can literally "participate in God," or, as St. Peter says, be a "partaker of the divine nature." How can the infinite God who says, "You cannot see my face and live," also promise that "the pure in heart shall see God"? The distinction between the essence and energies of God is one of the fundamental dogmas of the Orthodox faith and gives us a vision of our union with God which is ultimately our salvation.
    20 February 2019, 5:54 pm
  • Divine Liturgy Part 5: Lay Aside All Earthly Cares
    The bread and wine, the gifts of the people, have been moved from the table of preparation (prothesis table) to the altar in the Great Entrance. In this program we further discuss the Cherubic Hymn in which we are admonished to "lay aside all earthly cares" as we confront the reality of the heavenly Kingdom and the unity of all believers both in heaven and on earth who confess "Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity one in essence and undivided." We enter a liturgical dialogue with the priest as we contemplate the greatness of the grace of God who accepts from us sinners our gifts in order to return them to us as the Body and Blood of His Son. In this liturgical dialogue we acknowledge our life in the Trinity, the love and unity of the Church, the glory of God, our gratitude to God for His mercy and the awesome and fearful prospect of taking the "fire of divinity" into our human flesh in the Eucharist.
    3 March 2017, 2:52 pm
  • We're Back
    Steve and Bill offer indisputable evidence that they are still alive by breaking radio silence. Tune in and find out what has been going on for the last few weeks, and then join them in a discussion of "The Unseen Warfare," a Lenten discussion of the spiritual warfare.
    18 February 2016, 6:04 pm
  • Understanding The Virgin Mary - Part 3
    This is the final program of the three-part series on Mary from our audio archives of our live program on KPXQ Phoenix. In this program we discuss several misconceptions about Mary and her place within the Christian Church through the ages.
    7 February 2016, 3:31 am
  • Understanding The Virgin Mary - Part 2
    In this program we continue the discussion of the Church's teachings regarding the perpetual virginity of Mary. This program was from originally broadcast live in December 2004 on KPXQ in Phoenix, AZ
    7 February 2016, 3:30 am
  • Understanding The Virgin Mary - Part 1
    In the next three programs we deal with the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. This series is taken from our live broadcasts at KPXQ 1360 in Phoenix, AZ.
    7 February 2016, 3:29 am
  • Sola Sacramentalism?
    In the tenth and final program in the series on "Developing an Orthodox World View" Steve and Bill discuss the notion of "sola sacraments." Often we hear that the Orthodox (and other liturgical Churches) believe that all that is necessary is to show up on Sunday and take communion in order to be saved. In this program we look at the relationship of the sacramental life to the rest of our Christian walk in Christ. This is also the first program recorded in the "Basement Catacomb Studio."
    7 February 2016, 3:23 am
  • Incarnation, Sacrament and Salvation - Part 9
    In the ninth part of the series on forming an Orthodox world view, Steve and Bill continue the discussion of the sacramental world view in light of the Incarnation and Trinity.
    7 February 2016, 3:22 am
  • Incarnation, Sacrament and Salvation - Part 8
    In Part 8 of the series we discuss the foundations of a "sacramental world view" based on the dogmas of the Incarnation and Trinity. How does God relate to creation and thus to the human being through the Incarnation and how does this manifest itself in the sacramental life of the Church?
    7 February 2016, 3:21 am
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