Monterey Church: Elizabeth Goodman, produces the weekly preaching of Rev. Elizabeth Goodman, pastor of the Monterey United Church of Christ (UCC). Mindful of the challenges of today, Rev. Goodman approaches scripture with wisdom and wonder in the hope of hearing the word of God who still speaks and in the faith that it will, as ever, enlighten our path and guide our steps from life to life.
This is a talk I prepared for a 2024 honoring of MLK Day, which I reworked for a gathering in 2025.
Fire isn't settled as to its meaning in scripture. So be not afraid.
Christmas harks us to a gauzy past. It should rather poress us into an imperitive future.
Melodious Accord came to Church on the Hill to sing in Advent.Â
"What is truth?" Pilate asks, not recognizing that truth is there in the room with him.
Jesus' counsel was clear: resist, don't revolt. Time for rebuilding for the sake of better justice is coming.
The poor widow wasn't to be praised. Rather, the Tample was to be shamed. We're not morally upright when we cooperate with power structures that exploit. Jesus meant something else altogether.
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