Trinity Happy Hour

Trinity Happy Hour

With your hosts James Lee and Kester McCullough. Trinity Happy Hour includes conversations, stories, interviews with special guests, and roundtable discussions all within an inclusive space for people interested in exploring the God Who is Love.

  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    21 - Andre Rabe

    Andre Rabe joins the podcast today! We get to know Andre and ask him what his responses are to various ways in which we, as people, speak condemnation into our being. We also talk about desire versus need which is an amazing teaching from Andre's new book Desire Found Me.

    Visit Andre Rabe's website

    7 August 2017, 9:00 am
  • 48 minutes 50 seconds
    20 - Resurrecting the Trinity w/ Dr. James Sawyer

    On this episode of the Trinity Happy Hour, Dr. James Sawyer joins us! Dr. Sawyer is a theologian, author, and traveling teacher. We talk about the beauty and goodness of the trinity and why it still matters today, the caricatures and false ideas we often hold about God, and Dr. Sawyer's latest book: Resurrecting the Trinity - A Plea to Recover the Wonder and Meaning of the Triune God.

    More information about Dr. Sawyer and his work can be found at Sacred Saga Ministries.

    18 July 2017, 9:00 am
  • 43 minutes 26 seconds
    19 - The Shack - Part 3

    Paul Young (Author of The Shack) joins the podcast today! Kester, James and guest host Bill Winn talk with Paul about The Shack, lies we believe about God, the timing of the Lord, and more.


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    27 March 2017, 10:00 am
  • 42 minutes 21 seconds
    18 - The Shack - Part 2

    Kester and James reflect on their life experiences due to the impact of the book-and-now-movie The Shack. We go through deep and personal stories and how we shape those stories based on the God we see in Jesus. 

    Listen to more Trinity Happy Hour and join the conversation at

    23 March 2017, 10:00 am
  • 55 minutes 58 seconds
    17 - The Shack - Part 1


    Bill Winn joins us this week as we begin our three part series exploring the story, emotions, theology, and meaning of the book-and-now-movie The Shack! (Part 3 will feature our interview with The Shack author William Paul Young!)

    We have a great conversation with Bill, James, and Kester exploring what it means to say that God IS love. We are also exploring what we mean when we say God is just, and what His justice looks like towards us and the people we love.

    We also share some deep stories of God working in our lives, destroying the things that would destroy us, and untangling the twisted knots of our lives.


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    20 March 2017, 10:00 am
  • 57 minutes
    16 - State of the Union

    The Trinity Happy Hour is back! 

    After a half year break, we are starting our second season! We are diving right in to the crazy world we are living in, and trying to turn our attention to the only State of the Union that matters: The Trinity!

    This episode we talk about how people have responded to the show, how much we missed you all, and how to respond to a sometimes-very-backwards world.

    We will take a look at: The Union between Father, Son, and Spirit; our inclusion in that union; and our participation in Hope and trust that changes the world around us, one little piece at a time. 


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    27 February 2017, 9:00 am
  • 43 minutes 35 seconds
    15 - Kenneth Myers - Atonement - Part 3 of 3

    Bishop Ken (again!). Ken joins us for our last episode in our atonement series, and it happens to be our last episode for Season 1 of the Trinity Happy Hour podcast. Today, we’re going over the most common questions people have regarding the atonement and penal substitutionary atonement. Ken helps us tackle these questions using biblical knowledge and early church teachings. 



    Part 1 of 7 -



    Bishop Kenneth Myers - Salvation (and how we got it wrong)

    Athanasius - On The Incarnation

    Gregory of Nyssa

    St. Basil

    Alexander Schmemann - For the Life of the World




    KEN’S BOOKS ON AMAZON Search for “Bishop Kenneth Myers”








    31 August 2016, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    14 - Kenneth Myers - Atonement - Part 2 of 3

    Bishop Kenneth Myers joins the podcast today in Part 2 of our Atonement series! Ken is the author of “Salvation and How We Got It Wrong” which is available on This book placed Kester and James on the trajectory toward understanding the major differences between penal substitutionary atonement and what the early church believed. Ken hails from Texas and travels the globe to teach on subjects like atonement and the Trinity. 

    Follow Bishop Ken BOOK BISHOP KEN FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS FACEBOOK AMAZON Search for “Bishop Kenneth Myers”

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    24 August 2016, 8:00 am
  • 39 minutes 59 seconds
    13 - Atonement - Part 1 of 3

    This week we begin our three part series on The Atonement. We take a deeper look at how God has united Himself to us, what exactly happened on the cross, and what this means for all of us.

    This episode, Kester and James lay the groundwork for our discussion by defining terms, discussing why this topic is so important, and giving an overview of the major modern and historical theories of atonement. This may sound a little technical, but you don't want to miss it!

    This series, we push to answer some key questions: Why did Jesus have to die? What did Jesus accomplish on the cross? What is the role of the Father in our salvation? What is sin? Does it even matter? What do we need to be saved from? What are we being saved to?

    Listen to more Trinity Happy Hour and join the conversation at

    17 August 2016, 9:00 am
  • 52 minutes 45 seconds
    12 - Bill Winn - Sacred v Secular Dichotomy

    Bill Winn is back! This week, Bill teaches us the importance of how not to divide what's sacred vs. secular in this world. Simply put, many of us grew up with this idea that life and vocation outside of typical church jobs or ministry programs is somehow two completely different things. How can an accountant or a plumber consider his/her work to be "sacred"? Bill gives us insight into how that's possible because of who God is and how he works through everyone in the world regardless of job title, position, gender, or...get this...beliefs!

    Bill Winn can be found at

    The "Sacred/Secular" sermon can be found at

    If you appreciate our show, give us a review on your favorite podcast app!


    10 August 2016, 10:00 am
  • 16 minutes 45 seconds
    11 - Happy Minute - The Parable of the Golden Buzzer

    James Lee gives us the Happy Minute episode this week! In the episode, James shares a story he wrote titled "The Parable of the Golden Buzzer." If you've ever seen America's Got Talent you will know that each judge is given one opportunity to press the 'golden buzzer' which allows a contestant to automatically be sent to the live show rather than have to go through more rounds of auditioning. The Parable of the Golden Buzzer takes aim at our identity and how we see ourselves, but like many of Jesus' parables it is a made up story that helps illustrate what God is really like. 

    The clip from America's Got Talent which inspired this parable can be heard after the parable is told. All rights to this clip belong to America's Got Talent and has no affiliation with Trinity Happy Hour.

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    3 August 2016, 9:00 am
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