Truth in Love

Dale Johnson

A podcast providing biblical solutions for the problems people face. This podcast is a resource from the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. For more information about ACBC visit

  • 14 minutes 32 seconds
    TIL 483: Is It Sin or Is It Not (feat. Keith Evans)

    1. Is this the only question we should ask when considering the question of sin?

    2. How are these five categories addressed by Scripture?

    3. How do we process our sinful actions towards others?

    4. How do we avoid downplaying intentions in order to help those in sin?

    Click here to find training opportunities from one of our training centers!

    16 September 2024, 8:00 am
  • 23 minutes 35 seconds
    TIL 482: Counseling in a Bicultural Context (feat. Manuel Herrara)

    1. What has been your experience in counseling in a bicultural context?

    2. How can we be culturally sensitive but not compromising of biblical truth?

    3. What are some specific challenges to working in different cultural contexts?

    4. What are some practical stragies to work through cultural norms and biblical truths?

    Click here for more information about out Spanish Pre-Conference!

    9 September 2024, 8:00 am
  • 23 minutes 43 seconds
    TIL 481: What Can an Unbeliever Know? (feat. Greg Gifford)

    1. What are some helpful categories to frame what an unbeliever can know?

    2. What are some relative passages?

    3. What are some key doctrines pertaining to knowledge?

    4. What are unbelievers able to know?

    5. What are the practical implications for counseling?

    Click here to read through the Journal of Biblical Soul Care!

    2 September 2024, 8:00 pm
  • 18 minutes 46 seconds
    TIL 480: Counseling Individuals from a Different Theological Background (feat. Marshall Adkins)

    1. Relationship between sound doctrine and counseling

    2. Relating to those with different theological backgrounds

    3. Role of the church in guideing our theology as it relates to the counseling room

    Click here to sign up for our conference!

    26 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 16 minutes 38 seconds
    TIL 479: Helping Women Who Struggle with Eating Disorders (feat. Caroline Newheiser)

    1. What is the role of Social Media in spreading this problem of eating disorders?

    2. What do you see as some of the root issues of sin with this issue?

    3. What is the importance of the Gospel with this issue?

    4. What changes when we decide to love others more than ourselves?

    5. What are some practical things counselors can keep in mind when counseling someone in this situation?

    Click here to see more on the ministry of Vision of Hope.

    Click here to find any of our other training centers.

    19 August 2024, 1:54 pm
  • 23 minutes 44 seconds
    TIL 478: Encouraging Parents with Wayward Children (feat. Stuart Scott)

    1. What led to the writing of this book?

    2. What are the false assumptions Christian parents make?

    3. What is the parent's goal for thier children?

    4. What is the right way to handle the professions of our children?

    5. Ways to encourage parents who have wayward children in the church.

    6. What to do with wayward older children.

    7. What are helpful passages when dealing with wayward children?

    Click here to see our High School Curriculum.

    12 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 13 minutes 43 seconds
    477: Counseling Troubled Dreams (feat. Keith Evans)

    1. God's providence even in the midst of troubled dreams

    2. Giving counsel to those with troubled dreams

    3. Guidance in practically addressing troubled dreams

    Click here to sign up for our pastor's retreat!

    5 August 2024, 8:00 am
  • 24 minutes 28 seconds
    TIL 476: Finding Rest in Christ (feat. Paul Twiss)

    1. What makes us feel burdened?

    2. What did Jesus do to provide rest?

    3. What is required of us?

    4. What type of rest does Jesus give?

    Click here to register for our conference!

    29 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 19 minutes 36 seconds
    TIL 475: Critical Issues in Biblical Counseling (feat. Ernie Baker)

    1. Motivations and Need for this series

    2. Target Audience for this series

    3. The Psychologies and Common Grace as first two topics for this series

    4. Upcoming Titles for this series

    Click here to partner with us!

    22 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 19 minutes 1 second
    TIL 474: Journeys to Biblical Counseling (feat. Brad Brandt)

    1. Who is Brad Brandt?

    2. What was life like before biblical counseling?

    3. What convinced you to seek help in biblical counseling?

    4. What has been the impact of biblical counseling on your ministry?

    5. Why do you believe biblical counseling works?

    Click here to register for our conference in October!

    15 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 20 minutes 9 seconds
    TIL 473: Embracing Your Complete Identity in Christ (feat. Paul Tautges)

    1. Recap of last week

    2. Review of three categories of Saints, Sinners, and Suffering

    3. Remade in Christ through justification and sanctification in Colossians

    4. Remade application through talking to yourself, to God, and to others

    5. Remembering that our identity is in Christ and nothing else for discipleship

    Please pray for our Colloquium.

    Members can access past colloquium videos on our website through your account portal under free resources.

    Find this podcast transcription here. 

    8 July 2024, 8:00 am
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