Studying the past to shape a better future. Taught by Ed Stevens, President of the International Preterist Association. The production of new podcasts has been suspended while Ed prepares the next series. All of our previous podcasts are archived below. You will want to listen to all of them while waiting for the new ones to be produced. A PDF lesson outline for each podcast is available FREE by email request: ([email protected]). Mention the title or date of the podcast when you request it. Be sure to visit the International Preterist Association website (click on the webpage icon at the top on smartphone screens, or at the top right on computer screens). There are some great preterist articles, books, audio, and video resources to help you in your studies.
This is the first of two lessons that Ed Stevens presented at the 2016 Blue Point End Times Conference. This lesson discusses the kind of godly lifestyle that the pre-70 saints maintained, and explains WHY they lived that way. Their reasons for living sensibly, righteously, and godly during that time of persecution right before the End, was somewhat complex. While they were motivated by all of the same reasons that we are, they had an additional factor of eschatology. The nearness of the Parousia, and the need to finish the Great Commission, plus the imminency of the great tribulation (Neronic persecution), all combined to intensify their need to live holy lives. Even though we do not have those eschatological factors motivating us today, we do have the same hope of immortal life in heaven which those pre-70 saints had. And that hope stimulates us to purify ourselves, just like it did for those saints in the first century. For a PDF written transcript of this lesson, click here.
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