Sermon audio from Redemption Bible Church
Sermon Series: Seeking Wisdom
Sermon Title: Source of Wisdom
Passage: Proverbs 8
Preacher: Robin Philip
Sermon Title: Responding to the Mercies of God
Passage: Romans 12:1-2
Preacher: Alvin Thomas
Sermon Series: Psalms of Advent
Sermon Title: A Psalm of Joy
Passage: Psalm 4
Preacher: Robin Philip
Sermon Series: Psalms of Advent
Sermon Title: A Psalm of Peace
Passage: Psalm 85
Preacher: Robin Philip
Sermon Series: Psalms of Advent
Sermon Title: A Psalm of Love
Passage: Psalm 89
Preacher: Robin Philip
Sermon Series: Psalms of Advent
Sermon Title: A Psalm of Hope
Passage: Psalm 2
Preacher: Ashley Herr
Act 1: A Rebellion Against God (v1-3)
Act 2: God’s Response (v4-6)
Act 3: God’s Promise (v7-9)
Act 4: God’s Warning (v10-12)
Advent serves as a reminder that the One who has come will come again
What is it you hope Jesus will do upon his return?
What is it that leads you to ask God, “Why?” and cry out to God, “How long?”
The church’s liturgical calendar is “the attempt to live the Jesus life over and over again all the years of our lives…The liturgical year is the process of slow, sure immersion in the life of Christ that, in the end, claims us, too, as heralds of that life ourselves.” - Joan Chittister (The Liturgical Year: The Spiraling Adventure of the Spiritual Life, pXVI, 13)
“We begin our Christian year in waiting. We do not begin with our own frenetic effort or energy. We do not begin with the merriment of Christmas or the triumphs of Easter. We do not begin with the work of the church or the mandate of the Great Commission. Instead, we begin in a place of yearning. We wait for our king to come.” - Tish Harrison Warren (Advent: The Season of Hope, p3-4)
“In Advent, we don’t pretend, as I once thought, that we are in the darkness before the birth of Christ. Rather, we take a good hard look at the darkness we are in now, facing and defining it honestly, so that we will understand with utmost clarity that our great and only hope is in Jesus’s final victorious coming.” - (Advent: The Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ, p58)
Sermon Series: How to Live, How to Love
Sermon Title: Another Reminder to Love
Passage: 1 John 4:7-12
Preacher: Ashley Herr
Sermon Series: How to Live, How to Love
Sermon Title: Discerning What is True
Passage: 1 John 4:1-6
Preacher: Ashley Herr
Sermon Series: How to Live, How to Love
Sermon Title: Approaching God With Assurance
Passage: 1 John 3:19-24
Preacher: Ashley Herr
Sermon Title: Jesus Prays for the Church
Passage: John 17:20-26
Preacher: Robin Philip
Sermon Series: How to Live, How to Love
Sermon Title: Love Like Jesus
Passage: 1 John 3:11-19a
Preacher: Ashley Herr
Why all these reminders to love?
Loving others is hard sometimes, really hard
We’re quick to forget
The words and way of Jesus is counter to our culture
Love is NOT:
Murder (v12)
Hate (v15)
Greed (v17)
Apathy (v17)
Reflect on how you have failed to love like Jesus, who you have failed to love, and why
Repent of your failure to love
Receive God’s love
Respond to God’s love
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