Classics Podcast

The work and ministry of SermonIndex can be encapsulated in this one word: Revival. Concepts such as Holiness, Purity, Christ-Likeness, Self-Denial and Discipleship are hardly the goal of much modern preaching. Thus the main thrust of the speakers and articles on the website encourage us towards a reviving of these missing elements of Christianity

  • 55 minutes 31 seconds
    His and His Alone by K.P. Yohannan
    Brother K.P. Yohannan preaches with passion and burden for us to realize we are not our own but have been bought with a price. He calls for those that will follow Christ in whole-hearted devotion and live for His approval alone. There is a lost and dying world going to Hell and need to hear the Gospel and see it clearly in our lives.
    9 December 2011, 4:06 am
  • 53 minutes 30 seconds
    The Fear Of The Lord - Malachi's Resurgence by David Ravenhill
    Here we are confronted by one of America’s foremost, modern, “prophets” as he deals with several of church’s most fundamental truths: the fear of God, and the Holy Spirit—and we find his message greeted largely with silence. He crosses all denominational lines, and spares no one. Yet, when he is finished, and we look at ourselves and the North American church one cannot but wonder what will become of us if, as the brother points out, the church doesn’t get its act together. Can we really hope to survive, as a nation and as a people, if we continue to prefer our denominational dogmas, in the place of Scripture? The ramifications of this sermon are devastating.
    28 October 2011, 12:57 am
  • 51 minutes 8 seconds
    Only One Life Will Soon Be Past by Zac Poonen
    Brother Zac shares from the famous phrase of the missionary C.T. Studd: "Only One life will soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last." He shares the need not only to do things in the Name of Christ but to do them in the calling and power of Christ's life in us. A powerful needed message towards especially those in ministry or pastoring.
    16 August 2011, 8:52 pm
  • 57 minutes 37 seconds
    Offer Your Bodies A Living Sacrifice by Paul Washer
    Paul Washer powerfully shares an exposition of Romans chapter 12 verse 1 on offering our life as a true sacrifice to God. He clearly shows that it must in light of the work of mercy and justification that God offers through His Son Jesus Christ. This is a powerful message calling for full surrender and holiness to the Lord.
    5 August 2011, 2:44 am
  • 25 minutes 14 seconds
    Following Jesus The Straight Gate by Hans R. Waldvogel
    Brother Hans Waldvogel shares powerfully that salvation is in the person of Jesus Christ. Not in sects, denominations or specific doctrines or theology. But in the blood and work of Christ and His indwelling us by the Spirit. May God bring us to a place of reality in our walk with Jesus.
    6 June 2011, 3:07 am
  • 30 minutes 9 seconds
    God's People Are Not Prepared by Mark S. Case
    According to the scriptures, we should have on "the whole armor of God" in order to be able to "stand in the evil day." That day is now, and it is no secret that God's people are not dressed in His whole armor. Also, the scriptures show time and again, that as believers we shall give account of our lives to God. Today, there is no teaching of responsibility with accountability for the believer. God's people are not prepared to stand in the evil day, or to meet God to give an account of responsibility.
    29 May 2011, 2:43 am
  • 1 hour 59 minutes
    Where is the Fire? by Leonard Ravenhill
    This is a powerful burdened message preached at a Baptist Conference in Texas around 1990. Ravenhill shares on the burden for a unction, anointing and power from above to rest upon the Church. He speaks for 2 whole hours sharing his burden for revival. Do we have the fire of God in our life's?
    13 May 2011, 1:11 am
  • 29 minutes 10 seconds
    At the Price of God's Own Blood by John Piper
    This is a very challenging message given by John Piper on the life and ministry of Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf and the Moravian movement. Oh what a tremendous example of piety and sacrifice in these saints who gave all in response to the free salvation offered in Christ. May this stir you to give all, what can you truly hold back from the Son of God's love?
    21 April 2011, 5:41 pm
  • 57 minutes 39 seconds
    Studying the Scriptures And Finding Jesus by Albert Mohler
    Mohler began by describing the current landscape of the American church—we need a recovery of understanding the Scriptures in their totality. He expounded Jesus’ dialogue with the Pharisees in John 5 with specific application for us. The Pharisees’ rejection of Jesus was a refusal to recognize God’s witness of him. The takeaway for us is important: one can study the Scriptures extensively and not get it.
    13 April 2011, 11:44 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    The Crushing of Christ by Paul Washer
    Paul Washer shares on the gospel message of Christ taking on the wrath of God for the lost world. This is a clear message of the Gospel and its focus and elevation of Christ alone. Amidst the shallow presentations of the gospel this message elevates the true Gospel.
    6 April 2011, 6:11 am
  • 37 minutes 20 seconds
    Turning Carnal Cash Into Kingdom Currency by Glenn Sheppard
    Glenn Sheppard preaches a powerful message on the proper way to use money as a Christian. He gives a strong exhortation about the abuse of seeking lustfully money for personal gain amongst the Churches. He clearly shows how many leaders are seeking comfort and gain in the ministry. There needs to be a change in North America the way we use money for the glory of God.
    25 March 2011, 4:33 am
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