Spiritual Directions Podcast

Marc Thomas Shaw

The purpose of this podcast is to help those who want more direction, meaning, and purpose to move toward wholeness through greater spiritual awareness. Each episode explores a facet of the spiritual journey with guest interviews, featured spiritual teachers, and discussions to help you advance on your spiritual journey.

  • 49 minutes 57 seconds
    Spiritual Directions - Season 1, Episode 6: Authentic Spirituality with John Brand
    Long-time spiritual mentor and advocate for men's spirituality John Brand sits down with Marc to discuss what he learned in the African jungle, the principles he lives by, and the gifts he brings to men's spirituality.
    22 March 2016, 2:52 am
  • 51 minutes
    Spiritual Directions - Season 1, Episode 5: Embracing the Unknown with Steve Allman
    Former Naval officer and long-time Centering Prayer practitioner Steve Allman sits down with Marc to discuss learning to accept the journey into the unknown, the search for meaning, and a method he learned for dealing with anxiety.
    28 October 2015, 11:31 pm
  • 12 minutes 51 seconds
    Spiritual Directions - Season 1, Episode 4: The 23rd Psalm: A Contemplative Reading
    In this episode, Marc reads the 23rd Psalm through a contemplative lens, indicating how this spiritual practice can allow us to see familiar things, including time-worn spiritual texts, in a new light.
    16 October 2015, 4:24 am
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