Sound Bhakti

Vaisesika Dasa

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  • 42 minutes 49 seconds
    Take Advantage of Loving Exchanges & Friendships in Bhakti | Pilgrimage of The Heart | 14 Feb 2025
    I was just thinking Kṛṣṇa consciousness means Kṛṣṇa's family, and all of the elements that everyone's looking for in their life, for loving exchanges, is there in Kṛṣṇa's pastimes with His mother, His father, His friends, and so forth, but also in the association with devotees. We have Godbrothers, Godsisters, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandchildren—everything's there, only on a spiritual platform. And so I was just appreciating, I could say, after many years in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, that one of the aspects that I relish the most is being with my Godbrothers or Godsisters. And as time goes on, it becomes more relishable, because it's obviously rarer. There are fewer of us. So just thinking to say, take advantage of the deep friendships that you have, the loving exchanges. Rūpa Gosvāmī puts it in his book on devotional service, and says, "dadāti pratigṛhṇāti, guhyam ākhyāti pṛcchati, bhuṅkte bhojayate caiva, ṣaḍ-vidhaṁ prīti-lakṣaṇam"—that have these loving exchanges with the devotees, because it's a mainstay of the process of devotional service. Do you agree? Do you want to say anything about it? (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    5 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 18 minutes 33 seconds
    Put Yourself in Kṛṣṇa's Hands, He Knows You | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | Japa Jolt | 26 Feb 2025
    When I was just in Māyāpur, one of the events during our stay there was the opening of the Prabhupāda Museum. So I went there by invitation, and one of the aspects that I was treated to was a couple of Godbrothers that I hadn't seen in a long time were sitting outside the museum talking. So I joined in the conversation, and one of them said to me, "My aspiration in this last stage of my life is to realize the verse of Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura: 'There's nothing else to be had in the fourteen worlds except the holy name.'" And of course, I've heard that many times before, and I've also quoted it myself, but hearing it from a Godbrother who's serious—a stalwart, had a special effect on me, and it became a meditation of mine. And it made the chanting of my rounds even more relishable. Because I was thinking, "Where else is there to go? There's nothing else to be had in the fourteen worlds except The Holy Name," and full permission just to be completely present with the Mahāmantra. And what's more, to put it at the very top of my list for priorities, is to hear, chant, remember The Holy Name, and don't worry—everything else will be obtained by chanting The Holy Names without offense. (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose #mantrameditation #makejapagreatagain #japajolt #chantharekrishnaandbehappy
    3 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Sincerity In Spirituality | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | ISV | 01 Mar 2025
    Conclusion: Give up all self-interested desire and serve Kṛṣṇa, and hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in the association of devotees, to come to that point of complete purification of intention and purpose. Pray by chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa. "Please, Kṛṣṇa, if You so desire, remove any last vestiges of desire for material enjoyment from my heart." (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    2 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 13 minutes 37 seconds
    There Is Nothing Else To Have In The 14 Worlds Except The Holy Names | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | 1 Mar 25
    We're in the right company at the right time, and our CEO, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, has all the right values, and He wants all of us to be spiritually wealthy. All we have to do is to invest every day, or, if you like, if you don't mind being extremely spiritually wealthy, you could just invest all the time. Nobody can stop you, and there's no limit to it, and there are no layoffs. So we can only lay ourselves off. Lord Caitanya won't do it. We should do the best we can to take advantage of this greatest wealth, because there's nothing else to be had within the fourteen worlds, except for The Holy Name. (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    1 March 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    The Ācāryas Are Your Reinforced Concrete | Pilgrimage of The Heart |10 Feb 2025
    Prabhupāda said, "Come to Vṛndāvana for three days or three years." Three years means you have some bona fide service you've been appointed to perform in the Dhāma, or you're here to take a little time to experience the Dhāma, but come here very carefully, gingerly, walk with humility to the various places. And don't assume that you're a great rasika Vaiṣṇava, because you're here. And this is indicated in this prayer of Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura. He was meticulous in inculcating this mood with his disciples, because there's a way in which one may assume and then not have access. So what gives us qualification? As Madhavānanda Prabhu was saying the other day, to enter, we have to have a passport and visa. It means you are given some permission to enter by your Guru, and you're seriously coming in with a mission to serve and to become a better servitor. (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    27 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    The Topmost Yogi Knows How Much The Material World Stings | Pilgrimage of The Heart | 7 Feb 2025
    When we're facing externally, we've turned away, and we don't realize our relationship. But when we do turn towards Kṛṣṇa, we become insiders, that means we're inside Kṛṣṇa. We're inside the family again. In Gajendra's prayers, Gajendra remarks that, "My Lord, You're never inattentive to me. It's not that when I pray, then that's when You pay attention." He said, "You're always paying attention." In fact, we're intimately connected with Kṛṣṇa, and we're never intimately connected with the material world. 'Asango hi dhyayam puruṣaḥ,' means we never really have a connection here. So, when we come to devotional service by choice, Gajendra says, then You're immediately responsive, because You're already just waiting. In 1.2.17 of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, 'svakītaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ puṇya-śravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ', the Prabhupāda writes in the purport that Kṛṣṇa wants us to come back to Godhead more than we can desire. He said, "Practically nobody wants to go back to Godhead, but Kṛṣṇa wants everybody to go back to Godhead and be insiders." So that's in this verse, samo ’haṁ sarva-bhūteṣu, na me dveṣyo ’sti na priyaḥ—that half of the verse refers to those who are externally focused, and for them, Kṛṣṇa is dutifully sending the checks. He doesn't even put His name on it. It's like some payment, an alimony payment, or something, whatever it is, but the person doesn't want to disturb the other person's mind, so they don't even put the name on it. They just make a direct deposit so that, "Okay, you don't want don't want to know me anymore, so I'll still pay, but I'll just keep it anonymous." You don't even know where the payments are coming from. People don't even realize God's paying them all the time. He's kindly providing, as Prabhupāda said, for every living being, He is giving all their necessities and more, but everyone just thinks Eh.. there is no God. It's like one fish said to the other, "Do you believe in water?" And he goes, "Nah! I've never seen any water. I don't know what they're talking about." But we're enveloped by God's love all the time. He's providing. ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    25 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 58 minutes 50 seconds
    Chop Down The Tree of The Material World by Hearing Bhagavan Kathā | Pilgrimage of The Heart | 8 Feb
    It is helpful to come down to what the basics are, and then, as Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura said, "Follow the simple path strictly." I just received a quote the other day from a friend, in which Prabhupāda said, "It's illegal to collect a lot of obscure quotes from a lot of different śāstras, just to show that you know more than other people about a topic." He said, "You only need a few books, but get to know them really well. Go deeply within several of these books—Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Bhagavad-gītā, Nectar of Devotion—for the purpose of being very clear about what's important." And Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura said, "Follow the simple path, but do it very strictly." Just because it's simple doesn't mean that you don't have to put your attention to it. You should be very strict about it. And then we also find that it's a lot deeper than we thought. "Oh, just sixteen rounds—that's all you're going to do?" If you actually chant sixteen rounds attentively, you realize that, "Oh, I'm barely doing anything. There's an ocean here, and I haven't even investigated more than just below the surface. What else is there?" And what to speak of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam and Caitanya-caritāmṛta! Prabhupāda said on a morning walk, when there was an argument about reading many different kinds of books available from different authors, Prabhupāda said, "Yeah, fine, but assimilate what you have." And if you try to assimilate Bhagavad-gītā As It Is, it may be a lot deeper than you thought. Who can actually assimilate Bhagavad-gītā fully before moving on to every book available at Ras Bihari Lal, "the biggest little bookstore in the world"? I hope there's never an earthquake, because that place will really collapse. (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    24 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    Surrender To Kṛṣṇa Is All Gain And No Risk | Pilgrimage of The Heart | 6 Feb 2025
    So, it's a very exciting life, depending on Kṛṣṇa. And Prabhupāda speaks in one lecture, saying that we have these four regulative principles. One of them is gambling, he said, but we have a replacement for gambling, and that is surrender to Kṛṣṇa. It seems like a gamble, but it's not, as one of Prabhupāda's Godbrothers once said, "Surrender to Kṛṣṇa—it's all gain and no risk." But the material world is all risk and no gain. So whatever you get, you're going to lose anyway. But there's this fear that "I won't survive unless I try to accumulate wealth, protect myself." I'm not saying you shouldn't accumulate some wealth, whatever you need, but there's always a fear. But ananyāś cintayanto māṁ, ye janāḥ paryupāsate... (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    23 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 41 minutes 11 seconds
    Learn To Control The Gateway Sense | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | Pilgrimage of The Heart | Feb 11 2025
    Prabhupāda would sometimes come and mostly attend Bhagavad-gītā classes. Sometimes in Vṛndāvana He would come and listen to His students speak, and you'll hear on some recorded lectures, Prabhupāda would defer to Pradyumna. Like once, Prabhupāda was sick, and He asked Pradyumna, "You speak." He didn't let him speak that long, but Prabhupāda did attend classes, and He set an example of what you talked about before, and what Viṣṇu-gadā Prabhu was referring to, when somebody's asked to speak there, they've been given that service. One should, as Prabhupāda says, "If you write about Kṛṣṇa consciousness, you should write as a servant, not think that I'm going to become a famous author or famous devotee, because I wrote something and I wrote more books than somebody else." You should think that "I'm doing this as a service," or actually, first off, it's for self-purification. And if one is asked to speak, one should speak for self-purification, and one should feel that one is fully authorized, having been instructed to speak. So, Prabhupāda set that example Himself. (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    22 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Don't Be Misinformed - God Is A Person | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | Pilgrimage of The Heart | 5 Feb 2025
    Oftentimes people just aren't fully informed. They're different types of people, and their motives may be different. And oftentimes, when people get a hold of a Śrī Īśopaniṣad, for instance, and they read it, and then they say, "Oh, okay, I'll worship Kṛṣṇa," or we have experience in presenting Kṛṣṇa consciousness in a systematic way to people, and it's often, or always, a conundrum when to bring up the point that God's a person. In fact, in any presentation anywhere, there's always a reticence to cross that bridge. But we have found that people are often more ready than one might think. And it's a relief, actually, to find somebody finally comes out and says it: "God's a person, by the way." And I remember, back in the good old days, when I first got a Back to Godhead magazine, I had read so many books that had this impersonal conception, because that's what was available in my library and in my parents' house and wherever I could get my hands on. And there were directives to offer prayers, and then in the same paragraph, there were descriptions of how "we're God, we just haven't realized it yet." And that was a conundrum for me, because I thought, "Am I praying to myself?" I thought, "Maybe it'll work out. I'll figure it out later." But when I read the Back to Godhead magazine, the revelation came when I was looking at an advertisement for the Śrī Īśopaniṣad, and it said, "The ancient Vedic literatures say, actually, the Supreme Absolute Truth is a Person." And I looked, and there was actually a picture of a person there. And I thought, "Oh, my God, somebody finally came out and said it!" I found it to be a great relief that someone had the strength of purpose to just say, "God's a person." And I got rather excited about it. I wanted to read that book right away and find out, "Well, how is He a person?" And most people are, I believe, at least the ones I've come in contact with, are innocent. They've been given partial information or misinformation, and sometimes it takes a while to sort that out, but it's a much, actually easier concept to accept, that God's a person, than it is with all the workarounds that you have to do for "He's not a person." (excerpt from the talk) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    20 February 2025, 12:00 am
  • 2 hours 36 minutes
    Book Distribution Is A Good Idea | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | ILS | Śrīdhāma Mayāpura | 18 Feb 2025
    The word sampradāya has a specific meaning, which is a bequeathment, which means to pass down, and in this case, the greatest gift. And we are a sampradāya of givers, and what we give very specifically—because, although there are many ways that one can try to help others—we give the light of knowledge through the Guru paramparā's teachings so that people can extricate themselves from the material world, as Caitanya Mahāprabhu taught Sanātana Gosvāmī: māyā-mugdha jīvera nāhi svataḥ kṛṣṇa-jñāna—it's not automatic, not svataḥ, that people come out of ignorance. But when jīvera kṛpayā koila kṛṣṇa veda-purāṇa, there's an intervention of knowledge. Then living beings who are within the portal of a human body can very readily come to their senses, and we see it very often, don't we? In book distribution, when somebody makes a U-turn in their life just after getting even a smidgen of information—I know it happened for me. (Excerpt from the presentation) ------------------------------------------------------------ To connect with His Grace Vaiśeṣika Dāsa, please visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to your wisdom literature collection: ------------------------------------------------------------ Join us live on Facebook: Podcasts: For the latest videos, subscribe For the latest in SoundCloud: ------------------------------------------------------------ #vaisesikaprabhu #vaisesikadasa #vaisesikaprabhulectures #spirituality #bhaktiyoga #krishna #spiritualpurposeoflife #krishnaspirituality #spiritualusachannel #whybhaktiisimportant #whyspiritualityisimportant #vaisesika #spiritualconnection #thepowerofspiritualstudy #selfrealization #spirituallectures #spiritualstudy #spiritualexperience #spiritualpurposeoflife #spiritualquestions #spiritualquestionsanswered #trendingspiritualtopics #fanthespark #spiritualpowerofmeditation #spiritualgrowthlessons #secretsofspirituality #spiritualteachersonyoutube #spiritualhabits #spiritualclarity #bhagavadgita #srimadbhagavatam #spiritualbeings #kttvg #keepthetranscendentalvibrationgoing #spiritualpurpose
    19 February 2025, 5:26 pm
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