Don't Be Misinformed - God Is A Person | HG Vaiśeṣika Dāsa | Pilgrimage of The Heart | 5 Feb 2025
Oftentimes people just aren't fully informed. They're different types of people, and their motives may be different. And oftentimes, when people get a hold of a Śrī Īśopaniṣad, for instance, and they read it, and then they say, "Oh, okay, I'll worship Kṛṣṇa," or we have experience in presenting Kṛṣṇa consciousness in a systematic way to people, and it's often, or always, a conundrum when to bring up the point that God's a person. In fact, in any presentation anywhere, there's always a reticence to cross that bridge.
But we have found that people are often more ready than one might think. And it's a relief, actually, to find somebody finally comes out and says it: "God's a person, by the way."
And I remember, back in the good old days, when I first got a Back to Godhead magazine, I had read so many books that had this impersonal conception, because that's what was available in my library and in my parents' house and wherever I could get my hands on. And there were directives to offer prayers, and then in the same paragraph, there were descriptions of how "we're God, we just haven't realized it yet." And that was a conundrum for me, because I thought, "Am I praying to myself?" I thought, "Maybe it'll work out. I'll figure it out later."
But when I read the Back to Godhead magazine, the revelation came when I was looking at an advertisement for the Śrī Īśopaniṣad, and it said, "The ancient Vedic literatures say, actually, the Supreme Absolute Truth is a Person." And I looked, and there was actually a picture of a person there. And I thought, "Oh, my God, somebody finally came out and said it!" I found it to be a great relief that someone had the strength of purpose to just say, "God's a person." And I got rather excited about it. I wanted to read that book right away and find out, "Well, how is He a person?" And most people are, I believe, at least the ones I've come in contact with, are innocent. They've been given partial information or misinformation, and sometimes it takes a while to sort that out, but it's a much, actually easier concept to accept, that God's a person, than it is with all the workarounds that you have to do for "He's not a person."
(excerpt from the talk)
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20 February 2025, 12:00 am