Yoreh Deah – OU Torah


A mini-shiurim in Yoreh Deah, the section of Shulchan Aruch which includes the Laws of Kashrus. These shiurim go through each siman (chapter), beginning with siman 87 (Basar B’Chalav/Mixing Meat and Dairy), elucidating the halachic concepts involved and drawing on the major commentaries and writings of the foremost halachic decisors in order to provide a through, detailed overview of the issues.

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  • Yoreh Deah 114, 11: Muryas/Fish Oil
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  • Yoreh Deah 114, 9, 10: Canned Tuna Fish
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  • Yoreh Deah 114, 10: Kavuah
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  • Yoreh Deah 114, 8: Kavush
    15 June 2021, 12:00 pm
  • Yoreh Deah 114, 6: NK Yeast Used to Produce Mead (Honey Wine) -- What Constitutes a Davar HaMaimid?
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  • Yoreh Deah 114, 5: Uman Lo Mareh Umnaso
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  • Yoreh Deah 114, 4: Machlokes as to whether Stam Yanim (Grape Juice or Wine) is batel b'shaish or b'shishim in other juices
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  • Yoreh Deah 114,1: Issur of Beer and Intermarriage
    13 May 2021, 1:18 pm
  • Yoreh Deah 114, 1: Can Standard Fare be Considered Olah Al Shulchan Melachim?
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  • Yoreh Deah 113: Bishul Akum…
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