Vox Veniae Podcast

Vox Veniae

The work of the people. Our weekly rhythm of being together as a larger community to WORSHIP and CONFESS, to engage SCRIPTURE and PRAYER, to celebrate EUCHARIST, and to be sent back into the city with a BENEDICTION each and every week.

  • 20 minutes 15 seconds

    What do you feel separate from in your life? On this Transfiguration Sunday, Lilly Ettinger reminds us that creative transformation often comes in times when we experience great challenge and turmoil. [2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2]



    • In what ways do we struggle with “veils” that obscure our understanding of God and ourselves?
    • How might you open yourself to Jesus’ transformative work in an area of your life where you veil a “veil” remains?
    • What steps can you take to confront the veils that obscure God’s light in your relationships, work, or community?
    2 March 2025, 11:31 pm
  • 30 minutes 38 seconds
    Resisting Oppression with Repentance

    When you encounter systems of oppression do you tend to shrink or fight? Kimberly Culbertson acknowledges the conflicts we encounter all around us and within us, inviting us to creatively resist the destructive violence, and imagine a world in harmony with God’s Reign. [Luke 6:27-30, 35b-36]



    • How might you lean into the creativity of a third way when you are caught in the either/or thinking of shrinking or fighting as you encounter systematic oppression?
    • When you encounter dissonance, how open are you to repentance as a move toward greater freedom and strength in relationships and community?
    • How compassionate are you toward yourself when you make missteps in your pursuit of justice and right relationship?
    23 February 2025, 8:50 pm
  • 30 minutes 30 seconds
    Remembering Vox's Roots

    How does remembering our past shape who we are becoming together in the coming years? Christopher Mack facilitates a panel of Carol Lee, Hannah Friesen, and John Bagwell, longtime members of Vox, as they tell the story of what has made Vox such a special community. This is in conversation with our scripture which talks about the importance of roots both for resilience in times of adversity and for bearing good fruit in the years to come. [Jeremiah 17:5-10]



    • How has your time at Vox shaped your spiritual journey?
    • Where are you hoping to bear fruit in your own life this season?
    • Is there an invitation for you to become more rooted in spiritual community?
    16 February 2025, 8:12 pm
  • 29 minutes 20 seconds
    RSVPing to the Astounding Vocation of Our Humanity

    How can we pay attention to the conversation of Majesty and Mystery in our own humble lives?

    On the fifth Sunday after Epiphany, Christopher Mack connects our experience of Divine Majesty to our need to receive and give mercy in a way authentic to our calling. [Isaiah 6:1-8]



    • What is your soul longing for today?
    • How can we validate the deeper questions of one another’s lives?
    • Where do you need to see yourself or others more clearly and compassionately?
    9 February 2025, 4:52 pm
  • 21 minutes 28 seconds
    The Explosive Power of a Still Small Voice

    What might it mean to be exceptional? On the fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Vanessa Maleare invites us to see the Divine guiding us to harness our power through acts of mercy, resistance, and hope rooted in God’s Beloved Community. [Luke 2:22-38]



    • How do I see God’s movement around me?
    • Do I hear an invitation?
    • Does the invitation align with who God is?
    2 February 2025, 6:40 pm
  • 26 minutes 53 seconds
    Good News Embodied

    As we reflect on how Christ is revealed during the season of epiphany, how are we invited to embody the good news Jesus lived and taught? On the third Sunday after Epiphany, Weylin Lee guides us to meet this moment of uncertainty with a robust embodiment of the good news of Jesus the Christ. [Luke 4:14-21]



    • How do we respond to unexpected invitations to embody good news?
    • What opportunities resonate for us to embody good news to the most vulnerable?
    • What is our collective work to embody good news as we move into a new season of Vox (4.0)?
    27 January 2025, 2:39 am
  • 24 minutes 52 seconds
    Gifted for Mutuality

    On the second Sunday after Epiphany, Lilly Ettinger wonders what happens when we look at spiritual gifts less as markers of our individual superiority and more like gifts to further our common good. [1 Corinthians 12:4-11]



    • Where do you find communities of mutuality in your life? Where are you looking for them or hoping to find them?
    • Where have I seen the beauty of community flourishing, and how can I participate more fully in that?
    • What role does vulnerability play in the strength of a community, and how am I invited to lean into it?
    19 January 2025, 6:01 pm
  • 33 minutes 52 seconds
    Watering Down Fear

    What might baptism have meant for Jesus and what might it mean for us today? On the Baptism of the Lord Sunday, Christopher Mack plunges into waters of chaos and upheaval to hear baptism  as an invitation to be transformed into the person, who by God’s grace, we are called into becoming…for God, ourselves, and one another. [Isaiah 43:1-2; Luke 3:21-22]



    • What wisdom have you gained from participating in a community moving through fear and upheaval together? 
    • How can we reorient ourselves around that which is life-giving, for our flourishing, inviting us into mutuality and interdependent beloved community?
    • If you feel you’ve lost sight of who you’re becoming in Christ, how can you listen for the voice calling you beloved this week?
    12 January 2025, 10:07 pm
  • 21 minutes 27 seconds
    Grounded in Imago Dei

    On the second Sunday after Christmas, Aurelia Dávila Pratt reminds us of our true identity as children of God, image bearers, and beloved. Repeating The Jesus Prayer and other intentional phrases and mantras, we are invited to ground ourselves in our deeper meaning and purpose.  [Luke 18:9-14]



    • What helps you remember who you truly are, especially when life feels overwhelming?
    • When do you feel most grounded or connected to the Divine within you and around you?
    • When have you felt the need to start over, and what gave you the courage to begin again?
    6 January 2025, 12:40 am
  • 23 minutes 55 seconds
    Being a Blessing

    How can we create a shared world where God’s love is experienced? On the fourth week of Advent, Vanessa Beltran highlights how moments of shared vulnerability–like Mary’s journey to Elizabeth–are essential to becoming who God created us to be, so we can truly understand God’s blessings. [Luke 1:39-45]



    • How can you open your heart and life to others in ways that allow both you and them to experience the blessing of God’s love, even in moments of vulnerability or unknowingness?
    • In what ways do you sometimes forget that you are blessed by God, and how can community—your relationships with others—help you remember and live into this truth?
    • How can you actively create spaces of relational freedom and blessing in your daily interactions, allowing both yourself and others to experience God's love and affirmation?
    22 December 2024, 6:30 pm
  • 27 minutes 23 seconds
    Joyfully Undone

    Is there a part of your life that feels exiled or stuck in a rut? On this third week of Advent, Christopher Mack hears in the message of John the Baptizer, an invitation for our lives to be joyfully undone in the wilderness of waiting. [Luke 3:7-17]



    • When have you experienced a disruption that led to transformation?
    • How can this season of waiting re-envision our way in the world?
    • Where is there an invitation for God’s newness in this current disruption?
    15 December 2024, 5:35 pm
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