Vineyard Columbus Sermons


Welcome to the Vineyard Columbus podcast! We want to be a relevant church that does not exist for itself, but for Christ and for the world. Here you will find our weekend messages taught by Rich Nathan and others. We hope God blesses you through these messages.

  • Finding Hope in a Time of Suffering
    Pastor Rich Nathan offers really wise advice on what we should set our hope on during the Coronavirus pandemic. Our hope is anchored in the past: Jesus rose! Our hope remains in the present: Jesus lives! Our hope is completed in the future: Jesus is coming! Christian hope is not falsely optimistic, but realistic. Most importantly, it results in God glorifying those who trust in Him!
    12 April 2020, 1:00 pm
  • Good Friday 2020
    Pastor Shane and the VC Twenty community take us on a poetic reprise of love announcing the death of Death in the death of Christ for ALL who would have faith to believe.
    10 April 2020, 12:00 am
  • Building to Withstand the Storm
    Pastors Eric and Julia Pickerill teach about how to build a life that has a foundation strong enough to withstand the toughest storms by looking to Jesus. They also give a call to action including radical generosity and fervent prayer.
    5 April 2020, 12:00 am
  • Questioning Christ from Quarantine
    Pastor Charles shares strong encouragement about how to successfully navigate the quarantine or difficult times like the current COVID-19 crisis. He shares more than easy church answers. He provides solid, biblical guidance like the following: 1. Having faith that is firm through disappointment. 2. Developing relationship with faithful friends who will pray for you through doubt. 3. Praying for God to help you see the signs that He is at work and doing good things, in spite of difficulty.
    29 March 2020, 12:00 am
  • God is our Refuge
    Pastor Rich walks us through Psalm 46 and other scriptures to demonstrate how God is our refuge and continues to be the One who makes our lives secure even during a trying time like the age of the Coronavirus.
    22 March 2020, 12:00 am
  • Navigating Worry in the Age of Coronavirus
    Pastor Rich teaches us how we can choose not to worry during the Age of the Coronavirus because God is in control, He loves us, and will care for us. In addition, he encourages us to love our neighbor by caring for one another during this time of crisis.
    15 March 2020, 12:00 am
  • Navigating Doubt because of suffering
    Pastor Julia discusses how to handle doubt when we experience suffering.
    8 March 2020, 12:00 am
  • How to Navigate Doubt
    Eric begins a new sermon series called "Navigating Doubt". In this teaching he will focus on the external factors that contribute to doubt and how we can navigate a culture of doubt to trust God more.
    1 March 2020, 12:00 am
  • Ash Wednesday 2020
    Ash Wednesday 2020
    26 February 2020, 12:00 am
  • It Takes a Whole Church
    Dr. Charles Montgomery, Jr. teaches about the church's role in partnering with families to raise healthy kids through cultivation, authentic modeling, and active engagement.
    23 February 2020, 12:00 am
  • Spiritual Formation in the Lives of Children
    16 February 2020, 12:00 am
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