Willow Creek Community Church Weekend Podcast

Willow Creek Community Church

Weekend Messages From Willow Creek Community Church

  • 33 minutes 18 seconds
    All things are possible | Dave Dummitt & Shawn Williams

    All things are possible with God. No, really! Nehemiah’s story in the Bible shows us how, in partnering with God first, nothing is impossible. Nehemiah does what was previously impossible for 100 years–built the walls of Jerusalem–through his faith and partnership with God. What could that look like today for us? In our final week of Celebration of Hope 2024, Pastors Dave and Shawn challenge us and demonstrate, through the story of Nehemiah, how we can come together to help make big dreams come true and make a huge impact in the world!

    28 April 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 43 minutes 48 seconds
    You have something to offer | Dave Dummitt

    Do you have what it takes to make a difference in the world? To change it for the better and to help others? 

    Yes! You do! 

    Nehemiah, in the Bible, felt like he had many constraints, but he was still able to use his influence as King Artaxerxes’ cupbearer and his connection to God to serve others in need. And you can too.

    In week two of Celebration of Hope 2024, David Temfwe of the Jubilee Centre, one of our partners in Zambia, demonstrates how God has given us all that we need to use our influence, connections, and resources to help people around the world, and tells us how the Jubilee Centre is making a significant impact in the lives of the people they serve in Zambia.

    21 April 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 37 minutes 1 second
    Tune your heart | Shawn Williams

    What do you do when you’re faced with a big problem? Most of us do one of two things: either move quickly into action, or become overwhelmed and freeze. It’s fight, or flight, or freeze. When we think about how to change the world, or how to help people in difficult times, our best course of action is to go to God first. It’s a natural thing to want to help so badly that we rush in out of desperation or to feel so overwhelmed by the scale of a problem that we simply can’t find our way into action. And that’s where attuning your heart to God becomes incredibly powerful.

    14 April 2024, 5:15 pm
  • 25 minutes 39 seconds
    Doubts and questions | Pat Brennan

    Have you ever been told to stop questioning and just believe? People say that with good intentions, but it can lead to a lack of faith. It’s perfectly normal and expected to have doubt and curiosity about Jesus and the Bible. Have you ever heard of “doubting Thomas?” In John 20, Doubting Thomas had witnessed Jesus’ miracles and heard Him teach, but he still wanted to see the resurrected Jesus for himself. Jesus’ response to “doubting Thomas” says a lot about how He welcomes, and even encourages, our own doubts and questions!

    7 April 2024, 5:15 pm
  • 27 minutes 48 seconds
    Easter at Willow | Dave Dummitt

    We know the Easter story—Jesus lived a perfect life, suffered and died on the cross, and then rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. But what would it have been like to be one of His disciples or friends at Easter? They changed their entire lives to follow Him; then everything they thought would happen shattered when Jesus died. Their own hope died. But then Jesus was miraculously resurrected and appeared to Mary and many others. While they didn’t fully understand the depth of who He was or what had happened, they knew for certain that He was alive! And that is what gives us hope for our own lives now.

    31 March 2024, 5:15 pm
  • 54 minutes 53 seconds
    Not alone in our loneliness | Shawn Williams (Good Friday Full Service)

    Many of us have a fear of being alone. It’s a very human trait to suffer through feeling lonely and social isolation. But with God next to us, we are never truly alone. And God understands our feelings of loneliness and sadness; Jesus suffered terrifying depression and loneliness in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46)and cried out to God in desperation. Jesus experienced the depths of despair so that we would never have to experience true isolation. As we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday, we unpack the story of His life and journey to the cross to see how Jesus is God with us in all things.

    30 March 2024, 2:00 am
  • 38 minutes 30 seconds
    Can we be angry? | Megan Marshman

    We imagine Jesus as a very serene, calm and soft-spoken man. But, just like us, Jesus feels anger, and in John 2:13-25, He gets so angry Jesus flips tables! But have you ever noticed that anger comes from another feeling? The thing that lies underneath it causes an explosion that sometimes we struggle to contain; your disappointment, grief or sadness. But we don’t need ways to manage anger–it’s not about how to control your anger, either. God made that feeling; therefore, feeling angry is not a bad thing. However, we can express our anger in ways that do not harm ourselves or others. Pastor Megan Marshman helps us understand how.

    24 March 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 36 minutes 19 seconds
    Overcoming shame | Shawn Williams

    Shame is a word and feeling we all want to avoid. Shame is often a barrier between us and God, too. Our regrets, all those actions and feelings we carry with us for years, weigh us down and make us feel less than worthy of God’s love. But that’s just not true at all.

    In John 18, Peter denies Jesus three times, something he is deeply ashamed of. And then, in John 21, Peter is forgiven by and restored through Jesus.

    You, too, can experience forgiveness and restoration; true healing and freedom from shame, guilt and regret. Pastor Shawn shows us how this is possible in our own lives.

    17 March 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 28 minutes 8 seconds
    A God who grieves | Thomas Anderson Jr.

    Does God understand our grief? In the story of Lazarus and his death and resurrection, Jesus shows us that He lives grief just as deeply as we do. Even though Jesus knew Lazarus would be brought back from the dead, He still joined Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, in their grief and sadness. Jesus also demonstrates how, through Him, we can use our grief for a greater purpose; a deeper connection with God and with others around us. Pastor Thomas visits John 11 and the story of Lazarus in the Bible.

    10 March 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 39 minutes 46 seconds
    Contagious joy | Dave Dummitt

    When Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, it was not only His first miracle but also caused great joy. No, not because the guests got the best wine (but that did make them pretty joyful)! But because Mary, Jesus’ mother, saw Him step into His calling. 

    We can sometimes wonder how we can be happy. Or curious about where others are finding joy in this life. We can ask; what do I need to find my joy? 

    As we begin a new series on Big Feelings, Pastor Dave takes us to John 2:1-12 to discover how being close to God can bring out our own joy.

    3 March 2024, 6:30 pm
  • 39 minutes 48 seconds
    It transforms the world | Megan Marshman

    What is the power of our giving? Can our generosity change the world? In the earliest Christian church (in Acts 2:42-47), people gave so that others in their community were looked after. Orphans were homed, the sick were cared for, and anyone with a need was helped. 

    Jesus calls us to do the same in our world today! We can help in our community by giving generously–and remember, it’s not about the amount you give, but the heart behind it–we can meet the needs of others. What would the world look like if we all gave to help in our community?

    25 February 2024, 6:30 pm
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