"Women's Grit & Grace: Where Are You Afraid of Your Power?"
Power is a concept and energy many women are ambivalent about, feeling both a poverty of it in their life and yet conflicted in claiming more of it. Understandable as for so long, women have been subjucated to forms of power destructive, demeaning, denigrating. The good news is there is a growing awareness of this state of affairs and growing support for going from #metoo to #nomore.
Power for women can be embraced as not in conflict or denial of our deepest values and truths as women-that all life is precious and worthy of our support. Yes, this is not the current form of power which is based in control, in might makes right, in power over that less able to defend itself. Embracing our power as women will require we no longer agree to be silent, to always be nice, to not make waves. And to not become a mirror of what we do not like about other forms of power.
Join JaiKaur as she offers wisdom on women's ways of power, of the power of compassion, and the power of our dignity, nobility, and divinity as women. CLICK HERE to learn more about JaiKaur and her services for women and relationships.
20 July 2018, 7:00 pm