
Escape Artists Foundation

The Sound of Horror

  • 24 minutes 28 seconds
    PseudoPod 930: The Dabblers

    “The Dabblers” appeared in the 1928 collection The Beast with Five Fingers It was a wet July evening. The three friends sat around the peat fire in Harborough’s den, pleasantly weary after their long tramp across the moors. Scott, the ironmaster, had been declaiming against modern education. His partner’s son had recently entered the business with everything to learn…


    26 July 2024, 4:01 am
  • 22 minutes 7 seconds
    PseudoPod 929: Bonesoup

    “Bonesoup” originally published in Strange Horizons, July 2022 From the author: “My initial idea was a Hansel and Gretel retelling where the Evil Witch actually has children of her own. It became a story about Greece’s intergenerational trauma, called Occupational Syndrome, caused by the Great Famine of 1941-1944. This trauma still influences the way people act to this day and…


    19 July 2024, 4:01 am
  • 41 minutes 28 seconds
    PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s Girls

    PseudoPod 928: Mr. Harmon’s Girls is a PseudoPod original. CW: child sexual abuse, grooming The first day of school. Bright, cold, the sky that special autumn blue. All of us in new clothes and fresh white shoes, bold and laughing, shy and silent, angry and turned darkly inwards.


    12 July 2024, 1:29 pm
  • 28 minutes 55 seconds
    PseudoPod 927: Three Nights With the Angel of Death

    “Three Nights With the Angel of Death” was originally published in the anthology ALONG HARROWED TRAILS from Timber Ghost Press in July 2023 The Quick and the Dead Arizona, 1884—Day One The people of Vulture City are calling him the Angel of Death. But that makes no difference to us. There’s a one-thousand-dollar reward on him, and that kind of money never comes easy. No.


    5 July 2024, 10:33 pm
  • 39 minutes 34 seconds
    PseudoPod 926: Beach Head

    “Beach Head” was published in On Spec (longtime Canadian sci-fi/horror magazine) – 2008 & The Best Horror of the Year Volume 1 – 2009 CW: Drug use, problematic language “Are you still alive over there?” Alvy’s voice sounded weak, but it retained the bong-huffing tonality that had been his hallmark since he hit puberty. It grated at me almost as badly as the…


    29 June 2024, 8:02 pm
  • 54 minutes 57 seconds
    PseudoPod 925: Black Bargain and What Every Young Ghoul Should Know

    “Black Bargain” was originally published in Weird Tales, May 1942 “What Every Young Ghoul Should Know” was originally published in Amateur Correspondent, September-October 1937 What Every Young Ghoul Should Know” is a little piece of ephemera from an amateur zine, and very much written for Bloch’s friends. He sasses Clark Ashton Smith for taking his dictionary. He takes a shot at…


    21 June 2024, 4:01 am
  • 32 minutes 50 seconds
    PseudoPod 924: The Things That Wash Up on Marble Beach

    PseudoPod 924: The Things That Wash Up on Marble Beach is a PseudoPod original. From the author: “Following the enthusiastic and repeated recommendations of a good friend of mine (looking at you BDM), I read Dan Simmons’ Hyperion a couple of years back. Though I greatly enjoyed each of the pilgrims’ tales, the finale of one of them (not saying which one, you’ll just have to read the…


    14 June 2024, 4:01 am
  • 32 minutes 1 second
    PseudoPod 923: Too Little, Too Little, Too Much

    ‘Too Little, Too Little, Too Much’ originally appeared in Cossmass Infinites in March of 2022 Fans of the urban legend of the Russian Sleep Experiment may be excited to see a recent movie release “The Soviet Sleep Experiment” is available online now with our very own narrator Paul Cram in the film as Subject 6. Here’s the movie trailer John Wiswell As soon as the adults…


    10 June 2024, 4:01 am
  • 39 minutes 42 seconds
    PseudoPod 922: Something Stirring Underneath

    PseudoPod 922: Something Stirring Underneath is a PseudoPod original. From the author: “At the far northwestern corner of Georgia down an unmarked path off a logging road lies the crumbling ruins of a manor that was host to murder and fire. It is only one of many forgotten places in the Deep South, some dating back thousands of years to civilizations that have been nearly lost to time…


    6 June 2024, 11:12 am
  • 22 minutes 59 seconds
    PseudoPod 921: Chickamauga

    ‘Chickamauga’ first published in the San Francisco Examiner, January 20, 1889 One sunny autumn afternoon a child strayed away from its rude home in a small field and entered a forest unobserved. It was happy in a new sense of freedom from control, happy in the opportunity of exploration and adventure; for this child’s spirit, in bodies of its ancestors, had for thousands of…


    27 May 2024, 6:12 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    PseudoPod 920A: The Gorgon

    This special return to the vault episode is in support of Storyteller: A Tanith Lee Tribute now live on Kickstarter. Listen to editors Julie C. Day & Carina Bissett as they discuss the inspiration behind the Storyteller anthology. Tanith Lee wrote stories for an audience that was hungry for something beyond what was being offered at the time and yet her legacy is half forgotten.


    24 May 2024, 11:40 pm
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