Compleatly Beatles

Ian Boothby and David Dedrick

The All-Beatles Podcast

  • Real Love


    Well, Beatles fans, this is it: the final episode of Compleatly Beatles. We have to say we’re a little bit sad, but also pretty proud of this series. We know some of you wanted us to keep the show going into the solo albums, but we felt like that was not the core mission of the show – which was to look at and discuss every Beatles album from Please Please Me to Abbey Road and that’s exactly what we did.

    You’ll be glad to know that we answered some of your questions – hopefully all of them, but if we left someone out, we blame Dave. Speaking of Dave, he got to nerd out on some deep context, and he and Ian had some fun answering  questions like favourite Beatle books, ranking the albums and making their personal Beatle playlists.

    A big thank you to all our listeners and a big thank you to those of you who have written into the show over the last few months with your comments, questions, trivia, corrections, interesting links, stories, etc. We’ve loved hearing from all of you. And a big thanks to Wayne Henderson of for sending us some recorded feedback. It was a real pleasure to receive something extra we could use on the show (and boost our egos!). Wayne hosts five different podcasts (!) – and Ian and Dave complain about doing two – including The Packers Fan Podcast and an Under the Dome podcast. You can see his other podcasts at his website. He’s a busy guy!

    Goodbye, everyone! Thank you for listening.

    9 July 2014, 1:00 pm
  • The Beatles Movies


    Hello, Beatle fans. On this episode of Compeatly Beatles, Ian and Dave take a look at all the Beatles films: A Hard Day’s Night, Help!, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine and Let It Be. As usual, there is lots of background and history, but there is lots of discussion about the films. Which is their favourite? And which is their least favourite? As usual, they do not agree, but you’ll have to listen to find out the answer!

    Oh, bee tee dubs, Clara Bow was the “It” girl, not Mary Pickford, who was “American’s Sweetheart” or Theda Bara, the first “vamp”.

    25 June 2014, 1:00 pm
  • Abbey Road


    It’s the end of the road (see what I did there?) for Compleatly Beatles‘ look at all the Beatles’ albums – song by song, album by album. We did it! We hope you enjoyed this journey from Please Please Me – an album recorded in one day – to Abbey Road – an album with one song that took six months to complete! Which song? Well, you’ll just have to listen to Ian and Dave as they take a long (a very long) look at the Beatles final album: Abbey Road. It’s almost like they couldn’t say goodbye.

    But that’s not the end for Compleatly Beatles. We’d like to do at least one more podcast covering the films and we are also planning a question and answer show. So, if you have any questions you’re dying to ask Ian and Dave – maybe something they didn’t cover, maybe a specific question about their own Beatle likes and dislikes – this is your chance! Leave questions for us on the Facebook page, drop us a line on Twitter at @Sneaky_Dragon, write something here on the website or shoot us an email. We’re hoping for lots of questions!

    11 June 2014, 1:00 pm
  • Let It Be


    On this episode of Compleatly Beatles, Ian and Dave take a look at Get Back/Let It Be, the Beatles most turbulent album, recorded at a particularly unhappy time for the band – George Harrison himself called the recording sessions “hell”. There is so much history and drama to this album that the historical context almost overwhelms the song by song analysis, but it’s all very interesting and we’re sure you will enjoy it. So sit back and let’s Get Back

    (PS. We know that Let It Be officially came out after Abbey Road, but since it was recorded first old Mr. Stickler, David, insisted on doing this album first.)

    28 May 2014, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    Yellow Submarine


    Well, everyone, it seems like it’s time to take a look at the red-headed stepchild of the Beatles’ catalogue and give a quick once over before we move on to more important albums, but Dave says not so fast. He thinks it’s time we re-evaluated this much-maligned record and remove what he calls “The Curse of the Yellow Submarine Soundtrack”. And he makes a pretty darn convincing argument too. Perhaps you’ll agree with him; perhaps not – but join Ian and Dave as they take another look at some of the most overlooked and underrated songs in the Beatles catalogue.

    14 May 2014, 1:00 pm
  • The Beatles (Part 2)


    Welcome to the second half  of our coverage of The Beatles (also known as The White Album).

    Any of you listeners out there who asked for even longer shows, this one is for YOU! For anyone who didn’t want the show to get any more bloated than it is, WE’RE SORRY! But there is just SO MUCH to talk about!  To switch it up a bit, Dave and Ian are joined by friend and local Vancouver music legend David M. of No Fun who is probably an even bigger Beatles nerd than Dave and has the advantage of having lived through and remember the Sixties.

    It’s a big, big album so we divided it in half – almost as though it originally came out as two records – and we divided up the singles that came out before The White Album as well so we also talk about the brilliant Hey Jude/Revolution single. The Beatles is a huge and complicated album and the history around it is equally interesting. The album was so big in every way that it almost stopped The Beatles career. Let’s take a look at it, shall we?

    By the way, Dave checked his record collection and David M. was right: the Mary Hopkin single “Goodbye” b/w “Sparrow” was a double A-sided single and has the green apple on both sides. Glad we cleared that up!

    If you’re interested in checking out David M. or No Fun, you can check out David here at his YouTube channel and someone was kind/larcenous enough to post two of No Fun’s early EPs as mentioned by David during the show. You can check them out here and here as well as their later single “Don’t Leave Me Hanging”.

    30 April 2014, 7:19 am
  • The Beatles (Part 1)


    On this episode of Compleatly Beatles, Ian and Dave discuss the first two sides of the Beatles only double album, The Beatles (aka The White Album. They also discuss the first of two singles released before The Beatles, “Lady Madonna” and its b-side “The Inner Light”. We’ll hear about The Beatles trip to Rishikesh; we’ll hear about the steady disintegration of the Beatles as a band; and we’ll hear about their struggles to complete their greatest achievement – the delightful, infuriating, moving, amusing, disturbing and wondrous curate’s egg that is The Beatles.

    16 April 2014, 7:00 am
  • Magical Mystery Tour


    This week on Compleatly Beatles, Sneaky Dragon’s Ian Boothby and David Dedrick join The Beatles at the height of their psychedelia and go on a Magical Mystery Tour. Join them as they discuss the songs, the stories behind the songs and a little bit of the history of the Magical Mystery Tour project. They also bid a sad farewell to the first and maybe greatest pop music manager, Brian Epstein. Dave has been looking forward to this one since the album contains probably his favourite Beatles song. You’ll have to listen to find out which one!

    Ian and Dave would love to hear what your personal favourite Beatles song is and why. You can write to us here or leave a message on our Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you.

    3 April 2014, 6:27 am
  • Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band


    This is it! The jewel in the Beatles crown; the ne plus ultra of pop music. There will never be another quite album like Sgt. Pepper’s and Ian and Dave are all over it. Songs are discussed; production is explained; and trivia is thrown around like so much confetti. Join Sneaky Dragon’s Ian Boothby and David Dedrick as they celebrate one of The Beatles’ greatest achievements.

    Once again, this episode went a l-i-i-i-ittle long, but, come on! Sgt. Pepper’s…

    19 March 2014, 2:03 pm
  • Revolver


    Here is the episode Dave was waiting for: Revolver – his favourite album by The Beatles! The Beatles take a giant step into the musical pantheon with one of the most imaginative, innovative and important albums ever made – not to mention one of the all-time greatest singles in Paperback Writer with Rain – arguably one of – if not the – greatest B-side of all time. Ian and Dave break it all down in  minute detail for all you Beatlemaniacs. We apologize right off the top for the excessive length of this week’s episode, but there really was just so darned much to talk about!

    Also, some Compleatly Beatles thanks to a couple of our listeners: first, thanks to Marcus Harwell for metronome duties – Marcus figured out that Rubber Soul’s “You Won’t See Me” slows down by a whole three beats per minute during the song (Dave knew he wasn’t crazy!); and second, thanks to Layne for his great questions – one of which we answered on this episode (we promise to get to the rest, Layne!).

    5 March 2014, 9:46 am
  • Rubber Soul


    This week on Compeatly Beatles, we look at the fantastic 1965 album Rubber Soul as well as the first double A-sided single “Day Tripper” and “We Can Work It Out”. It’s another long episode, but there’s just so darn much to talk about as the Beatles begin the next phase of their recording career and leave behind their Beatlemania era-style. There is also a little controversy as David defends and Ian condemns John Lennon’s “Run for Your Life”. Don’t worry though; they were still talking at the end of the episode.

    Thanks for listening and, please, feel free to leave your comments below on such subjects as “Run for Your Life”, Elvis Presley and how Ringo is the greatest drummer ever.

    19 February 2014, 4:59 pm
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