Tales of the Justice Society of America

Two True Freaks!

This podcast and this team (Mike Bailey & Scott Gardner) are awesome!! I have caught up to the current hiatus (Mid 2015 - ???) and have really enjoyed every episode and can't wait for it to start up again. All-Star Squadron is coming up to some great issues (#50 & 52); and getting to re-visit Crisis with a couple of guys with great insight and their own thoughts and memories is just the best.

  • Tales of the Justice Society of America Presents: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Episode 4: And Thus Shall The World DIE!

    What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by enjoying the End of the World, right???

    (What the heck, Hollywood made millions off the idea!)

    Join hosts Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner as they discuss the exciting Fourth Chapter of the Maxi-Series that forever changed the DC Universe!

    “I truly think you guys are the yardstick people should strive for in covering classic comics from the past in podcast form.” — Victor Wachter

    4 July 2015, 11:59 am
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America #93: June, 1985

    Just in time to say “we DID get an episode out in April”!!


    Join hosts Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner for more fun and excitement on Earth-2… while it lasts!

    This time ’round, Baron Blitzkrieg attempts to cure his hysterical blindness (whatever the hell that is) through use of the Liberty Bell (however the hell that works). Johnny Quick interrupts some dwarf-flinging, everybody hates Hawkgirl, and Liberty Belle can’t keep her uniform off. It’s wacky World War II hijinks by Roy Thomas, Arvell M. Jones, and Pablo Marcos.

    Then, jumping ahead 40 years in the timeline, we check back in with the Sensational Character Find of 1985 — CHROMA!! This one’s a humdinger, folks. Strap in! By Roy Thomas, Todd “Spawn” McFarlane, and Tony DeZuniga.

    NEXT TIME — Crisis On Infinite Earths #4!! The Death of the Monitor!! The End of the Multiverse!!

    30 April 2015, 8:24 pm
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America Presents: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Episode 3: Oblivion Upon Us!

    The Titans! The Legion! The Outsiders! AND MORE!

    The End of the World Continues!

    In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Greatest Comic Book Event of All-Time, Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner bring you THE DEFINITIVE coverage of the Marv Wolfman, George Perez, and Dick Giordano masterpiece that forever altered the DC Universe — CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS

    In this exciting third episode, the guys address even more listener feedback!

    Then, it’s on to the main event — “Oblivion Upon Us!” — as the Crisis arrives on Earth-1!! Can even the combined might of the New Teen Titans, Batman and the Outsiders, and Superman have any effect this cosmic menace???

    Guest-stars galore!! Kamandi, Sgt. Rock, The Haunted Tank, The Losers, The Legion of Super-Heroes, Bat Lash, Jonah Hex, Nighthawk, Scalphunter, and many, many more!!


    This podcast “mini-series” is an in-depth examination of Crisis on Infinite Earths with full synopses, discussion, commentary, and even a look at the might-have-beens.

    We’re very proud of our coverage in this year-long celebration of DC’s finest hour and we hope you’ll join us every month for each new episode!

    30 March 2015, 10:17 pm
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America #92: May, 1985

    “Tales” is back with a brand-new installment!!

    Join hosts Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner for more fun and adventure on the world of Earth-2!

    First up, the fellas take a look at All-Star Squadron #45 in which Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle once again face the menacing might of — BARON BLITZKRIEG!!

    Then, in Infinity, Inc. #14, Todd “Spawn” McFarlane makes his dramatic debut are penciller as the Infinitors go up against the… um… fashioned-challenged CHROMA!!

    And Norda gets lucky! Well, sorta. But that does mean there’s hope for ANYONE, right?

    Next Episode — Crisis on Infinite Earths #3!!

    27 March 2015, 1:41 pm
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America Presents: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Episode 2: Time and Time Again!

    From the Dawn of Man to the Great Disaster… and BEYOND!

    The End of the World Continues!

    In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Greatest Comic Book Event of All-Time, Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner bring you THE DEFINITIVE coverage of the Marv Wolfman, George Perez, and Dick Giordano masterpiece that forever altered the DC Universe — CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS

    In this second episode, the guys address some listener feedback!

    Then, it’s on to the main event — “Time and Time Again!”, the exciting second chapter of the story that forever altered DC Comics! From Anthro, the First Cro-Magnon, to Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth… and everywhen in between! Guest-starring Superman, Batman, The Legion of Super-Heroes, The Blue Beetle, Green Lantern, Obsidian of Infinity, Inc., Firebrand of the All-Star Squadron, Geo-Force of the Outsiders, Firestorm, the Nuclear Man, and many, many more!!


    This podcast “mini-series” is an in-depth examination of Crisis on Infinite Earths with full synopses, discussion, commentary, and even a look at the might-have-beens.

    We’re very proud of our coverage in this year-long celebration of DC’s finest hour and we hope you’ll join us every month for each new episode!

    27 February 2015, 9:17 pm
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America #91: April, 1985

    “Tales” is back with a brand-new installment!!

    Join hosts Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner for more fun and adventure on the world of Earth-2!

    First up, the fellas take a look at All-Star Squadron #44 in which Hourman and Firebrand go on a double date and end up facing the Nazi uber-siblings Night and Fog!!

    Next, in Infinity, Inc. #13, it’s nekkidness all around as our skinny-dipping teen heroes find themselves menaced by everyone’s favorite schizo, Rose and Thorn!

    PLUS — more Crisis Management, this time with Jonah Hex and World’s Finest, and LISTENER FEEDBACK!!

    Next Episode — Crisis on Infinite Earths #2!!

    20 February 2015, 9:11 pm
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America Presents: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Episode 1: The Summoning

    THIS. IS. IT!

    The End of the World Begins Now!

    In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Greatest Comic Book Event of All-Time, Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner bring you THE DEFINITIVE coverage of the Marv Wolfman, George Perez, and Dick Giordano masterpiece that forever altered the DC Universe — CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS

    In this first episode of a multi-part series, the guys explore the history and ramifications of the event along with providing their own personal stories of how, when, and where they became familiar with DC Comics’ company-spanning epic.

    Then, it’s on to the main feature — an in-depth examination of Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 with full synopsis, discussion, commentary, and even a look at the might-have-beens.

    We’re very proud of this first installment in what will be a year-long celebration of DC’s finest hour and we hope you’ll join us every month for each new episode!

    30 January 2015, 8:24 am
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America #90: March, 1985

    THIS IS IT!! The LAST Pre-Crisis episode of “Tales of the Justice Society of America”!!

    Join hosts Michael Bailey and Scott H. Gardner as they take a look at two more awesome issues of JSA goodness!

    First up, “All-Star Squadron” #43 in which our heroes contend with Prince Daka and his sinister agents Kung, Tsunami, and, our personal favorite, Sumo the Samurai!! By Roy Thomas, Mike Baron, Arvell Jones, and Bill Collins

    Next, the guys attend “The Press Conference” in “Infinity, Inc.” #12!! By Roy Thomas, Tony Dezuniga, Tim Burgard, and Joe Rubinstein

    And, finally, the LAST Pre-Crisis installment of “Elsewhere in the DC Multiverse: Crisis Management Edition” examines two — AND ONLY TWO!! — appearances of THE MONITOR!!

    NEXT EPISODE — This is it, boys and girls — CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #1!!

    23 January 2015, 11:22 pm
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America #89: February, 1985


    Ready for what?


    I guess.


    That sounds pretty exciting.


    So does this mean we’re two episodes closer to Crisis?



    21 January 2015, 9:02 am
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America #88: America vs The Justice Society – Part II of II

    Tales is back…with improved sound even!!That’s right, guys and gals, Tales of the JSA is back and Scott and Mike have an episode that they have been looking forward to so much they spend like twenty minutes talking about video games at the beginning of the show! After that bit of business, they dive into the third and fourth issues of AMERICA VS THE JUSTICE SOCIETY!

    See the Wizard take the stand!

    Watch as the ultimate villain is revealed!

    Join the guys in asking “HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK?!!” several times throughout the episode!

    It may seem like they didn’t like the books, but they did. We promise. (they just have some serious issues)

    Next Time…back to the normal ALL-STAR and INFINITY INC talk and another edition of CRISIS MANAGEMENT!!

    9 January 2015, 12:13 pm
  • Tales of the Justice Society of America #87: America vs The Justice Society – Part I of II

    This time out, Scott and Mike take a break from the day to day business here at “Tales” to begin their look at a mini-series that came out at the end of 1984 and told the COMPLETE HISTORY of the Justice Society of America!!

    Now, as a straight up history it might be a little dry, so writer Roy Thomas hung the idea around a plot that sees Batman accuse the JSA of treason from beyond the grave!

    The guys tackle the first two issues this episode and we see the accusation, the JSA in chains, and the trial begin! There are surprise witnesses, surprise villains, and, of course, a shadowy figure behind it all!

    Next time: The Excitiing Conclusion as the history lesson wraps up and the Ultimate Villain makes himself known!

    GOOD NEWS!! “America vs The Justice Society” is soon to be reprinted and you can pre-order it here — America vs The Justice Society Trade Paperback

    2 January 2015, 3:37 pm
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