Secrets of Organ Playing Podcast

Secrets of Organ Playing

Conversations about all things organ playing. Vidas Pinkevicius and Ausra Motuzaite-Pinkeviciene talk with experts from the organ world - concert and church organists, improvisers, educators, composers, organ builders, musicologists and other people who help shape the future of our profession.

  • 15 minutes 15 seconds
    SOPP708: I’ve started to approach my organ pieces like my scales, ‘from memory’ and I’m definitely making progress

     Let’s start episode 708 of Secrets of Organ Playing Podcast. This question was sent by Dawn, and she writes:
    “Hi Vidas,
    I’m finding your advice very helpful. I’ve started to approach my pieces like my scales, ‘from memory’ and I’m definitely making progress. I’m recognising finger patterns are better too, which I normally don’t. So thank you for your advice on memorisation.
    In answer to your questions:
    My dream is to play competently and confidently. Perhaps in the future to reach Grade 8 standard if I’m ever good enough.
    The 3 things holding me back:
    1. Poor fingering.
    2. Poor rhythm.
    3. Slow speed.
    Thanks again for your advice and support. It’s much appreciated.

    13 March 2024, 1:11 pm
  • 46 minutes 22 seconds
    SOPP706: About our summer organ trips to Poland, Denmark, Ukraine and Latvia

    Let's start episode 706 of Secrets of Organ Playing Podcast. Today we decided to discuss a little bit about our last summer organ trips. So we hope you will enjoy our conversation about all the recitals that we played in various countries.

    30 August 2023, 10:02 am
  • 16 minutes 39 seconds
    SOPP705: I'd like to be able to accompany any song without losing the mood of the song

    This question was sent by Matthew, and he writes:
    “Hello Vidas & Ausra,
    Thank you for all that you are doing to encourage and coach organists!
    1. What is your dream for organ playing?
    Be able to accompany any song without losing the mood of the song. Rich bass and appropriate chords.
    2. What are 3 most important things that are holding you back from realizing your dream?
    a. Fingering
    b. Unable to play soprano and alto in the right hand simultaneously (bass and tenor in the left hand simultaneously)
    c. Knowledge of chords
    Best regards,

    10 May 2023, 4:47 am
  • 14 minutes 36 seconds
    SOPP704: Which of your studies do you recommend for learning repertoire within a short period of time?

    This question was sent by Leo, and he writes:
    Good morning,  Which of your studies do you recommend for learning repertoire within a short period of time?
    Thanks,  Leo

    3 May 2023, 4:32 am
  • 12 minutes 8 seconds
    SOPP703: I want to become the best organist that I can be. Things holding me back are playing anxiety, physical stamina, and lack of concentration.

    This question was sent by Pamela, and she has a dream to be the best organist that she can be. And holding her back is playing anxiety, physical stamina, and lack of concentration.

    8 March 2023, 5:16 pm
  • 8 minutes 49 seconds
    SOPP702: Are there any secrets or nuggets of wisdom as it pertains to learning difficult pieces quickly?

    This question was sent by Leo, and he writes

    Good evening,

    Thanks so much for the fine work that you and your staff render.
    I am currently moving into a new position as organist for the Second Presbyterian Church here in Memphis. I am ecstatic about this amazing opportunity.
    Are there any secrets or nuggets of wisdom as it pertains to learning difficult pieces quickly. Please advise or share what to purchase on your website.
    Thank you

    1 March 2023, 5:09 am
  • 14 minutes 14 seconds
    SOPP701: How do two tablets with the music score know when to switch as they do when you turn pages?

    This question was sent by Richard, and he writes:

    “Hey Vidas,
    I just watched your video of 4 movements your Nun Danket Suite - VERY nice.
    Question: how do the tablets with the music score know when to switch as they do?

    22 February 2023, 5:30 am
  • 17 minutes 21 seconds
    SOPP700: My dream is to improve my improvisation techniques

    This question was sent by Pedro, and he writes:

    1. My dream is to improve my improvisation techniques. I think this goes through more music analysis, and trying to write down small pieces.  I would also like to be more confident when choosing the appropriate registration.  And finally I would like to change my finger touch, that is still one of a trained pianist.

    2. Things that hold me to reach that goal is : Time to play more often and access to an organ.

    Thank you, Pedro

    2 February 2023, 3:54 am
  • 11 minutes 25 seconds
    SOPP699: How Rorate caeli, ornamented chorale prelude by Jeanne Demessieux is constructed?

    This question was sent by Rien Schalkwijk, our friend from YouTube, and he wants to know how Rorate caeli, ornamented chorale prelude by Jeanne Demessieux is constructed.

    25 January 2023, 5:47 pm
  • 10 minutes 6 seconds
    SOPP698: My dream is to be able to sight-read hymns well enough that a last minute change to a hymn in a church service doesn’t worry me

    This question was sent by Rebekah, and she writes:

    1) My dream is to be able to sight-read hymns well enough that a last minute change to a hymn in a church service doesn’t worry me.

    2) What’s holding me back is time - I just started playing the organ a little less than 3 months ago, and I can only get to the church to practice 3 days a week. I do practice on my piano at home on the other days.


    18 January 2023, 4:38 pm
  • 13 minutes 5 seconds
    SOPP697: How to Teach in an Organ Studio Where One Student is Playing With One Finger Only and Another - Rather Well

    Today, we’d like to talk about how to teach in an organ studio where one student is playing with one finger only, and another rather well.

    16 November 2022, 10:47 am
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