Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, The by PATANJALI


Yoga sutras by Patanjali is a seminal work in yoga, this book is more about control of mind and the true goal of yoga. The sutras are extremely brief, and the translation in neat English makes it very easy for people to understand the ancient Sanskrit text. It starts with the birth and growth of spiritual man through the control of mind. In all, this is a "all in one" book for yoga philosophy written by the master himself. (Summary by sidhu177)

  • 5 minutes 58 seconds
    Introduction to Book 1
  • 38 minutes 6 seconds
    Book 1
  • 3 minutes 14 seconds
    Introduction to Book 2
  • 23 minutes 13 seconds
    Book 2 from 1 to 28
  • 24 minutes 26 seconds
    Book 2 from 29th to the end
  • 6 minutes 1 second
    Introduction to Book 3
  • 28 minutes 46 seconds
    Book 3 from 1 to 28
  • 36 minutes 30 seconds
    Book 3 from 29th to the end
  • 2 minutes 49 seconds
    Introduction to Book 4
  • 48 minutes 30 seconds
    Book 4
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