Testimony: A Musician's Story is an audio-biography series that features your favorite positive artists, telling their stories through their music and interviews. The program is narrated by Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown.
His parents are from a country that is no longer, and he grew up in one of the most culturally diverse areas of the country. In this episode of Testimony: A Musician’s Story, the Middle Eastern Bay Area rapper Marc Stevens, shares his Christian Testimony. Marc talks about his people being persecuted for their Christian faith, and how his experience as a Rapzilla Freshman has been a revival of his heart. Additionally, he breaks down: “Yeah Right”, “Say That” feat. Porsha Love, “Run Up”, and “We the Wave” feat. Mission in the 4-song-breakdown.
In this episode of Testimony: A Musician’s Story I interview artist manager-party promoter-booking agent-label president, Erinn Knight. Erinn was born on the south side of Atlanta, GA. If you know Erinn, then you know she is an ATL enthusiast! ATL has the highest number of black entrepreneurs per capita in the world, and she grew up seeing a lot of successful black people, so she attributes her ability to dream big to her city. “I come from the dopest city in the world,” said Knight.
“ATL is the first place ever I felt fully accepted and loved. Bless my parents but I never felt that in my home life,” she revealed. Knight grew up in a two-parent household, as a pastor’s kid. As a PK she felt as though her identity was restricted. Her identity wasn’t her own, her parents wanted her to present herself oneway, and the church community put their expectations on her, “People put the hopes of their children onto PKs. They want you to influence other kids and you too, are a kid,” Knight said.
The older Erninn got the more her mom allowed her to be herself, but she said it was always a struggle. And to this day, she believes her parents don’t totally understand her career, “When you are a visionary you are never going to be able to explain yourself to people,” she concluded.
There are several instances in her life where Erinn recommitted to her relationship with Christ. When sharing her Christian testimony she highlights the ages 16, 19, 21, and a time most recently during the pandemic. “It’s impossible to really believe something if you only believe it at face value the first time you hear it. If your doing anything aside from deconstructing it consistently, you might as well be blindly following something that could be misleading,” Knight shared. Furthermore, she believes “To be a black Christian there is no way I can just take it by face value… Christianity has been so influenced by imperialism, colonization, and white supremacy… The first ten iterations of the gospel were through white lenses… It’s about learning where the church started, and what the truth of the Bible says about me.”
In the Christian Hip Hop music business industry, the name Erinn Knight brings clout. She is not only The Woman, but she is That Person! This is interesting because she comes from the rock/punk world, and she had to google the acronym CHH. The Vans Warped Tour is where she spent years learning and developing her skill sets. She did a brief stint in film, and then discovered the music of rapper-singer Kaleb Mitchell, by way of singer Xavier Omar’s SoundCloud account. Knight and Kaleb developed a relationship on social media, that led to weekly phone calls with the then 16-year-old and his dad. This is where trust was built. Once Kaleb was 18 years old she became his manager. Kaleb and Erinn shared a couple of full-circle moments with the artist Xavier Omar, FKA SPZRKT. The first song she and Kaleb dropped on her new record label Build Your Own Dreams (which she is the president of), featured Xavier Omar. And the first music festival she organized, the Holy Smoke Festival, Xavier and Kaleb performed at.
Prior to managing artists, starting a label, and throwing a festival, Erinn and her team started the booking agency INVT Only. Originally they worked with Kaleb Mitchell, Wande, nobigdyl., and WHATUPRG. Now they work with 12 artists.
Knight isn’t quick to work with someone. She prefers to walk with them for a year and make sure all parties involved can provide value, and it has to make sense. “The reason why anyone fails is because of the business infrastructure. Not because they are not talented. I try to help people avoid pitfalls and from signing bad deals. I try to help them find their pathway through without having to give up their masters, or with someone who doesn’t have their best interest [in mind],” said Knight.
Knight doesn’t work exclusively with Christian hip hop artists, nor does she work exclusively in music. Erinn manages southside ATL rapper Scotty ATL, and BYOD is the brand manager of his premier gold grill company, Grillz by Scotty. BYOD recently has gotten into merchandise management as well, where they do the manufacturing, fulfilling, design, and customer service of the clients’ merch.
How does God’s presence help her navigate the Christian hip hop music business industry? “I definitely see His hand working in me and through me in the music scene. Especially, the amount of influence that He has given me, not only in the Christian scene, but the Atlanta scene, and being able to maneuver worldwide. I’ve seen a lot of favor. Musically, He is helping me to go where ever I need to go and helping me to make sure I stay grounded.”
Satanic rituals, mental health, and being too hard for Christian Hip Hop. In this episode of Testimony: A Musician’s Story, presented by Sound Seekers, Southern California rapper Adrien Lamont shares his Christian testimony. Adrien discusses his drug and alcohol addiction that led to schizophrenic episodes, which eventually caused him to give his soul to the devil. Don’t worry, God snatched it back with an Uber ride and a modern-day John the Baptist. Also Mother Brown delivers a thoughtful and humorous prayer. Additionally, Adrien breaks down "They Can't Top It", Won't He Do It", “Big Things", and “Unique”in the 4-song-breakdown.
In this episode of Testimony: A Musician’s Story I interview one of Christian Hip Hop’s talented artists from Detroit, Porsha Love, who shares her Christian testimony.
The evidence that God’s presence is apparent in Porsha Love’s life begins with her praying during this interview asking Him to bless this moment.
Porsha tells us how she always loved church, even as a little child.
“I used to beg my momma to take me to church.”
At the age of 3 or 4 years old she would freestyle rap with her brother and always had a gift for rap.
Her mother loved music and it influenced her to pursue music.
In high school, she developed her love for music and started pursuing secular music.
Porsha Speaks about how she and her friend re-created a song originally written by Dope Boy Cash Out, but made a girl version that went viral.
As an adult, she didn't always go to church but one day she experienced a life alternating moment where she really came to know God and started serving him. But she struggled with the feeling that being a woman of God wasn’t serving her.
Porsha shares some exclusive details about past events, almost losing her life to car accidents and intoxication. “I knew that the Devil was trying to take me out”, Porsha expressed.
She talks explicitly about the ‘gift of singleness’ and she uses her social media to minister to other women of God that life is not always about being married.
Also, she speaks about being in a season in her life practicing celibacy and singleness.
Christian Hip Hop as a whole is growing and Porsha Love would attest to the fact that women in this industry are making moves, “selling out shows, growing a large fan base and killing it on stage.”
Additionally, Porsha breaks down: “70 Degrees” feat. Miles Minnick and George.Rose, “Daniel Ch 3” feat. Cree and Kelia Coleman, “Up Tuh Speed” feat. George.Rose, and “Don’t Worry Bout It” feat. Wande in the 4-song-breakdown.
Key Points In Interview:
14:12 When invited to go to church, she felt the presence of God for the first time, “I just knew God was God, I didn’t know He could meet me in the middle.”
16:10 Porsha talks about how she felt as an adult trying to serve God and the struggle it caused due to the fact she used to rap secularly in the world.
16:59 She receives a prophecy in bible study that if she did not surrender herself to God, then her life would be on the line.
19:35 Since 10/10/2011, Porsha details how God turned her life around, giving her a ministry about purity.
26:46 Porsha shares how she has a big personality but when it comes to relationships she is really shy.
32:18 She reflects on how great it is that God is not allowing her to build on relationships romantically at present because God is still building in her.
38:18 Women in the Christian hip hop space show genuine love and support for each other.
51:42 Talks about when she wasn't selected for Rapzilla’s freshman list, but yet blessed to have so many features and artists wanting to work with her.