
TheShowLab Producer Podcast

The ShowLab Producer Podcast is a podcast for producers. We discuss beatmaking, business, technology, and whatever other stuff that has to do with producers.

  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Episode 41 With Dallas Producer J. Rhodes
    In episode 40 I tapped in with my brother Dallas Producer Justin Rhodes.
    We talked about some his greatest moments, such working with in the studio with Dr. Dre, becoming a Professor at Berkeley. We talked about the importance of understanding the music business. We also talked him being a film director. Please make sure you like,share,and subscribe.

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    7 August 2024, 1:21 am
  • 54 minutes 57 seconds
    Episode 40 With My Son Kid Littro
    A Musical Family Affair. Today I sat with my youngest son Myron aka
    @kidlittro7253. We talked about how he got started, his inspiration, beatmaking, much more. Please like, share, and subscribe.

    Follow him on IG and Tiktok Kidllitro27

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    18 July 2024, 4:02 pm
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Episode 39 With My Wife Demaries Glaspie
    Today on this episode. My wife sat in and talked about being Producer's wife. A lot give and take, sacrifices, and just making it work for our family. We wanted to share our journey hoping that it will encourage you guys. Please like, share, and subscribe.

    Follow my wife on social media

    Youtube ​⁠
    Check out her music


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    18 July 2024, 3:51 pm
  • 43 minutes 56 seconds
    Episode 38 With D.R.U.G.S Beats
    On today's show I talk with the homie Dorian aka D.R.U.G.S
    We talked about his placements, working with Dr. Dre. His friendship with DJ. HouseShoes and his choice of Weapon

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    30 March 2020, 1:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 52 seconds
    Episode 37 With Courtney Orlando aka JR>
    On this Episode I talk with my dude JR. About how he got started, His battle with depression, mental health, and his new music and new ventures.

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    16 March 2020, 1:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 20 seconds
    Episode 36 Industry Vet Carlos Broady
    We talked about how he started with Bad Boy, Netflix Series @hiphopevolution, technology, and mobile production.

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    2 March 2020, 2:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 6 seconds
    The Showlab Producer Podcast 35
    Today we are talking about the Pros and Cons of Royalty-Free Sample Kits and The rise of Sounds and Splice.

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    24 February 2020, 2:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 42 seconds
    The Showlab Producer Podcast Ep. 31 With Cardec Drums
    What up doe! We are back with another episode with producer Cardec Drums! From touring to sound design...Cardec breaks it down for producerville!

    Twitter: @cardecdrums
    IG: cardecdrums

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    22 August 2018, 10:30 am
  • 48 minutes 15 seconds
    The Showlab Producer Podcast Episode 30 With Poetics
    On this episode of The Showlab Producer Podcast we interview Poetics. We chop it up about work, video games, musical influences and his latest musical output. Peep it!

    IG: @prodbypoetics
    Twitter: @prodbypoetics

    Become a supporter of this podcast:
    4 July 2018, 11:30 am
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