FSBreak - The Flight Simulator Podcast


FSBreak is a weekly show that covers Flight Simulator news, reviews, and hardware all rolled up into one easy to digest weekly show. Host: Eric McClintock of www.fszone.org.

  • FSBreak 122: Beyond GameSpy and DCS Interview
    This episode we speak with two members behind the FSX Beyond GameSpy website as we speak about the future of FSX multiplayer, and also talk with Matt Wagner, producer for DCS about DCS and DCS World.
    26 February 2013, 3:39 am
  • FSBreak 121: FlightSimCon 2013 and X Plane 10 News
    We talk with Chuck of FlightSimCon 2013, and Ben Supnik updates us on some X Plane 10 64 Bit News!
    17 January 2013, 3:10 am
  • FSBreak 120: 2012 Holiday Special
    Santa goes over some of the FSBreak teams most favorite moments of 2012.
    26 December 2012, 12:34 am
  • FSBreak 119: Keith Smith of PilotEdge.net and More!
    Keith Smith of PilotEdge.net, FTX EU England Released, and more.
    23 November 2012, 2:50 pm
  • FSBreak 118: REX Essential Plus and REX Latitude
    REX Essential Plus and REX Latitude
    8 November 2012, 3:39 am
  • FSBreak 117: Starting out in Flight Sim
    The FSBreak crew covers some topics helpful to new flight sim folks, including the sims on the market, and how to get started with a sim and addons for free. They also cover some of the news that happened after their 2 month vacation!
    8 October 2012, 2:28 am
  • FSBreak 116: X-Plane 777 and the demise of Flight
    Ramzzess and Philipp talk about the upcoming 777-200LR for X-Plane, and KCFS Releases Republic Seabee V2 with P3D support, and an upcoming X-Plane version. Kevin also joins us to speak about the demise of MS Flight.
    16 August 2012, 1:52 am
  • FSBreak 115: Flight Sim for Real World use
    This Show's Topic: Flight Sim's place in Real World Aviation.
    26 July 2012, 11:04 pm
  • FSBreak 114: DCS A-10C Warthog and News...
    Charlie Reed Reviews the DCS A-10C Warthog, PMDG June Development Update, New Orbx Releases, A2A Releases and Updates, and More details about SimAir Announced
    7 July 2012, 1:13 am
  • FSBreak 113: REX Essential Interview
    Tim Fuchs and Reed Stough join us and talk REX Essential.
    8 June 2012, 12:47 am
  • FSBreak 112: Computer Pilot Magazine, and getting started in FSX
    Francois A. Dumas of Computer Pilot Magazine, Carenado C90B KING AIR for FSX, Carenado Seneca II for X-Plane, More REX Essentials Previews, Orbx UK Offices, X-Plane seeker, Captain Sim 737-200 Version 1.0 Service Pack Released, Updated Websites: Avsim and JustFlight, and a Voicemail for top Scenery/Aircraft/Joystick for FSX
    11 May 2012, 1:11 am
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