Activate the Female Orgasm System: The Story of O-Shot®

Charles Runels, MD

True stories of the pain and the pleasure of women seeking and finding sexual healing. "Isn't it about time the women have their turn?"

  • 3 minutes 3 seconds
    Urinary Symptoms After an O-Shot® (Orgasm Shot®) Procedure

    Question From One of Our Providers…

    I completed an O-Shot yesterday. The patient had no pain during the injection or issues. I used 4 ml of the PRP in the anterior vaginal wall. Today, she is complaining of fullness in the bladder. She is urinating, but states that she feels that she has to urinate all the time. I have not had a response like this so far. Is this the PRP still needing to absorb and causing some irritation or is there something else going on?

    So the way she describes this, it sounds like she did everything perfectly well, and actually, these sorts of symptoms, in my opinion, mean that you got it right. And the way I’m visualizing this, of course I could be proven wrong, but the way I’m visualizing this is whenever you have, let’s say an abrasion and/or a scab, and you have this healing wound. Now, if you think about it, even as a child, you remember that scab itched, and you wanted to scratch it, and you felt burny and all sorts of feelings, sometimes throbbing.

    So we’re basically creating this artificial signal to the body because the body hasn’t really been injured, but we’re taking these platelets, releasing all these chemotactic factors and growth factors and vasodilators, and the tissue says, “Whoa. We’ve been injured.” And there becomes lots of sensations surrounding this artificial hematoma that we’ve created.

    Then if you imagine translating all those sensations around the urethra or into the clitoris, you might have all sorts of interpretations of that, and the things I’ve heard are everything from almost everything you can think of, hypersexuality. One woman said she felt like she became very aroused and even almost orgasmic every time she urinated. Interestingly, this was a woman who was competing in a fitness contest and was drinking lots of water as part of that getting ready for that contest, so she was having lots of arousal.

    Others have urinary urgency, frequency, dysuria, all sorts of sensations. The bottom line is almost anything you can imagine they might feel it for the first three to seven days. Once you get to the two-week mark, really by the time you get to the one-week mark, all that stuff is usually gone, and by the time you get to the two to three-week mark, that stuff is gone, and now you’re starting to see the beneficial effects of the procedure itself.

    So hopefully that helps, and again, the first time it happened to me, I thought, “What’s going on here?” But I hear this a lot from all of our providers.
    I would highly recommend that you also check out the webinars. A lot of these tips are there. I just cannot over emphasize how many pearls and tips about patient selection and doing better with the people that you do treat you’ll find if you go to the webinars and watch some of those, maybe one a week, just check them out.

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