Lotus Health Institute's Podcast

Lotus Health Institute

The Lotus Health Institute is making available a free podcast series that will consist of interviews, exclusives and excerpts from Dr. Robin Murphy's lecture series.

  • 8 minutes 31 seconds
    Episode 23: The weakest way to teach homeopathy
    In this excerpt, Dr. Murphy discusses the critical aspects of teaching homeopathy, emphasizing the importance of thoroughly learning the remedies themselves. He argues that an over-reliance on the repertory is a weakness and can undermine a practitioner's ability to apply homeopathy effectively in real-world scenarios. Dr. Murphy highlights the value of clinical experience and the practical application of Materia Medica, advocating for a balanced approach that integrates both traditional knowledge and modern practices. This podcast is an excerpt from the “Nervous Disorders” lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND In Dr. Murphy's Nervous Disorders lecture, disorders covered include Alzheimer’s disease, Bell’s Palsy, Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue, epilepsy and convulsions, fainting, headaches, migraines, memory problems, narcolepsy, motion sickness, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, sleep disorders, strokes, vertigo, and coma. The full Nervous Disorders lecture is available for streaming access. 
    1 June 2024, 5:28 am
  • 5 minutes 24 seconds
    Episode 22: Prioritizing patient needs over dogmatic ideals in prescribing
    In this excerpt, Dr. Murphy champions Hahnemann's principles of individualized treatment, emphasizing the importance of perceiving what needs to be cured rather than relying on ritualistic processes. This podcast is an excerpt from the “Organon & LM Prescribing” lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND In Dr. Murphy's Organon & LM Prescribing lecture, modern schools of philosophy and their methods of practice are evaluated and reviewed. The topics include Hahnemann’s Organon and concepts of health and disease, an introduction to LM Prescribing, water potencies, homeopathic pharmacy techniques and Hahnemann’s LM research. Also evaluated are organ remedies, the treatment of addictions, and sample cases. The full Organon & LM Prescribing lecture is available for streaming access.
    8 November 2023, 2:24 pm
  • 8 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode 21: Adjust Your Prescribing According to the Situation
    Adjust Your Prescribing According to the Situation In this podcast selection, Dr. Robin Murphy talks about the need to adjust your prescribing according to the situation, case, and needs of the patient by using alternate prescribing methods, palliation, and intercurrent prescribing. This podcast is an excerpt from the “Breast Cancer Research” lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND Breast Cancer Research contains breast cancer information, including breast cancer pathology and research, breast cancer risk factors, case analysis and case management, breast cancer and homeo-therapeutics, and breast repertory studies. Dr. Murphy also covers Carcinosin and the Cancer Miasm, homeopathic remedies and herbs, breast cancer and folk remedies, breast massage, and food tonics for cancer; baking soda, molasses, apple cider vinegar, etc. The full Breast Cancer Research lecture is available for streaming access.
    27 September 2022, 11:18 am
  • 7 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode 20: What is the benefit of tautopathy in homeopathy?
    In this podcast, Dr. Robin Murphy answers the question, "What is tautopathy in homeopathy?" and highlights the benefit of tautopathy in homeopathy. While being one of the largest and least taught branches of homeopathy, tautopathy, tautopathic prescribing, and tautopathic remedies are also important and beneficial tools in the homeopath's arsenal. This podcast is an excerpt from the “Tautopathic Remedies” lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND Dr. Robin Murphy's Tautopathic Remedies lecture talks about the history of tautopathy, case taking, potency selection, using allopathic drugs (accutane, antibiotics, ritalin, prozac, etc. ), and preventative measures. Therapeutics are given for chemical toxins, drug addictions, drug toxicity, detoxification, metals, air pollution, including antibiotics, hormones, stimulants, sedatives, and street drugs. Tautopathic and toxicity remedies from Robin Murphy’s Homeopathic Remedy Guide Tautopathic Materia Medica are reviewed. The full Tautopathic Remedies lecture is available for streaming access.
    3 July 2022, 6:41 am
  • 7 minutes 4 seconds
    Episode 19: How are Miasm Layers Different?
    How are Miasm Layers Different? In this excerpt, Dr. Murphy relates a more modern term for miasms and talks about how general layers and layers as they relate to miasms are different. This podcast is an excerpt from the “Miasm Prescribing” lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND Miasm Prescribing discusses miasms as the underlying weakness from which various acute and chronic diseases manifest. It explores miasmic theories (both classical and modern), diagnosing the five different types of miasms: active, dormant, exposed, acquired and inherited, explains the use of nosodes as intercurrent medicines and provides the Materia Medica of Tuberculinum, Syphillinum, Aurum Met, Mercury, Carcinosin, Medorrinum, Thuja, Psorinum, and Sulphur. This lecture gives information on the theory of five major miasms and their relationship to the immune system. Dr. Murphy gives descriptions of various types of miasms, their treatment, and reviews common diagnosis and treatment errors. The full Miasm Prescribing lecture is available for streaming access.
    8 June 2022, 3:46 pm
  • 4 minutes 25 seconds
    Episode 18: How synergy can cultivate vitality
    In this excerpt, Dr. Murphy talks about how a synergy of homeopathy, internal exercise, and a simple diet can cultivate vitality by tithing to the temple. This podcast is an excerpt from the “Geriatrics & Hygiene” lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND Dr. Murphy's lecture, Geriatrics & Homeopathy, discusses health and longevity, the aging process, and geriatric topics as well as reviewing the vital force, vital energy, and its relation to case taking and prescribing. The full Geriatrics & Homeopathy lecture is available for streaming access.
    8 April 2022, 3:58 pm
  • 4 minutes 20 seconds
    Episode 17: You Have To Diagnose What You're Treating
    This podcast is an excerpt from the "Musculoskeletal Disorders" lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND Musculoskeletal Disorders (formerly Musculoskeletal Problems and Health Philosophy, (A & B)) include the five principles of health and health philosophy from a vitality perspective, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder, back injuries, bone remedies, sacroiliac problems, slipped disks, TMJ, whiplash, sciatica, bursitis, ankylosing spondylitis, and tendonitis. The full lecture is available on: CD: https://lotushealthinstitute.com/store/musculoskeletal-problems-and-health-philosophy-a-b.htmlStreaming access: https://mysoundwise.com/soundcasts/1600867285999s
    19 October 2021, 3:33 pm
  • 9 minutes 5 seconds
    The Number One Subject to Master in Homeopathy
    Dr. Murphy discusses the first and number one subject to master in homeopathy and why.This podcast is an excerpt of the “Homeopathic Prescribing” CD Set. The full lecture is available on:CD: https://lotushealthinstitute.com/store/homeopathic-prescribing.htmlStreaming access: https://mysoundwise.com/soundcasts/1600867285999s
    4 November 2020, 12:52 pm
  • 6 minutes 37 seconds
    Dr. Murphy's Signs of Health
    Dr. Robin Murphy talks about his signs of health that indicate when a treatment, tonic, or remedy is working. This podcast is an excerpt from the "Superfoods & Herbal Tonics 1" lecture by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND. The full lecture is available on: CD: https://lotushealthinstitute.com/store/superfoods-herbal-tonics-1.html Streaming access: https://mysoundwise.com/soundcasts/1599806732321s
    16 September 2020, 9:38 am
  • 4 minutes 3 seconds
    Dietary Harmony and Food as Provings
    This podcast is an excerpt from Dr. Robin Murphy, ND's "Dental, Mouth and Throat" Lecture CD Set. Dr. Murphy discusses the dietary harmony and food as provings. Dental, Mouth and Throat Comparative Materia Medica of dental remedies. Clinical and Repertory review of teething difficulties, toothaches, dental surgery, TMJ and jaw disorders, bruxism, cavities. Discusses remedies for amalgams and their removal. Mouth and throat disorders, thrush, strep and herpes infections, adenoids, tonsillitis, laryngitis, speech problems. Reviews dental, mouth and throat rubrics from the Homeopathic Medical Repertory. https://www.lotushealthinstitute.com/store/index.php/cd-seminars/dental-mouth-and-throat.html
    3 January 2018, 1:14 pm
  • 6 minutes 56 seconds
    Asclepius in the Balance
    This podcast is an excerpt from one of Dr. Robin Murphy, ND's lectures in Trinidad in 2010. Dr. Murphy talks about the need for taking a balanced approach to healthcare as per Hahnemann and Asclepius that Hahnemann wrote about in the article "Asclepius in the Balance" (Aeskulap auf der Wagschale) before he became a homeopath.
    3 April 2017, 12:30 pm
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