Guide for Gay Living – Jim Duke

If you are gay or bisexual, how do you manage the ins and outs of coming out? How do you navigate the world of online dating? Where do you go to find the kind of relationships you want, regardless of your age? How do you navigate through the transitions of social acceptance in a rapidly changing society? Whether it’s for you, a friend or a family member, being gay is about finding resources, information and support. With insight, maturity, great guests and a healthy dose of humor, let Jim Duke be your guide through today’s gay world.

  • 56 minutes 49 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Going on Hiatus

    After a lot of careful thought and consideration, Guide For Gay Living is going on hiatus. The process of making that decision and what went into it, why now is the time to do it and what might happen next draw parallels between many of the issues that face the LGBT community. Where do you put your effort, your time and your money? How do you know when it’s time to hang in and when it is time to let go, whether it is a business venture or a relationship? Are you doing things that “fit” who you are or trying to meet the expectations of others? Jim Duke shares some of the history that went into his development of his coaching business Guide For Gay Men and why now is the time to evaluate, re-tool and improve on how he is doing what he is doing to support the business. Your listening — along with your sharing your opinions, thoughts and comments — are greatly appreciated.

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    1 December 2013, 10:36 pm
  • 59 minutes 5 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Conan Dunham — Historical Perspectives of Gay Liberation

    Current news stories center on the rising developments in marriage equality and movement towards federal protection against discrimination in housing and employment for LGBT citizens. However, progress does not occur in a vacuum nor does it come without cost, and much of the price of today’s freedoms was paid years ago. Names like Harvey Milk and Troy Perry might be familiar to older members of the gay community, but for many they are either characters in a movie or ancient history. For openly gay singer and songwriter Conan Dunham, they are real people who participated in the forefront of the rights enjoyed today. He shares his experiences with the real Harvey Milk, Troy Perry and the Freedom Train to Washington. His song (“Tell ‘Ol Anita“) reflects on the positive impact that Anita Bryant’s declaration of war against gays had on galvanizing the gay community to action. Listen and appreciate the stories and experiences he shares of the historical framework that led to many of today’s improvements for LGBT members.

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    25 November 2013, 5:00 am
  • 55 minutes 51 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Choices and Choosing

    Every day of your life you are faced with choices. From what to eat for breakfast to whether or not to remain with your spouse/partner, we are faced with decisions. Some are small, some are large, but all impact our lives in one way or another. Faced with a choice, how do you know whether or not you are making the “right” decision? What tells you whether or not you are choosing the correct path? Do you look in your past and wish you had made different decisions? Is there such a thing as the “right” decision in the first place, and what resources are there to help steer you? Can bad decisions actually result in good outcomes? Join your host Jim Duke for a discussion about the choices we make in our lives.

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    18 November 2013, 5:00 am
  • 56 minutes 33 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Gay Life Coaching

    Are you looking to make changes in your life? Are you wondering what resources are available and how to select what might work best for you? What is the difference between therapy and coaching? When is therapy the choice when you are struggling with making changes in your life? When is coaching the better option? Can therapy and coaching work well together? What do business, executive, marketing and life coaching all have in common? What makes gay life coaching different? These and many other questions are answered in this week’s segment of Guide For Gay Living with your host, Jim Duke.

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    11 November 2013, 5:00 am
  • 51 minutes 48 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Coming Out — Family Function and Dysfunction

    The process of coming out is an ongoing one, not a singular event. In recent show, I spoke with Rich Clemons, The Coming Out Coach about coming out at various life stages and how one’s age and independence affects coming out. In this show, I look in more detail about how the process is affected by family function and dysfunction. What circumstances make it easier to come out? Why are some families more accepting than others? Is a family member who is “gay positive” guaranteed to be a source of support? What makes it difficult to even consider sexual orientation as an issue? Empty Closets is a website that provides resources and information about coming out and the various stages one faces in coming to terms to sexual orientation.

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    4 November 2013, 5:00 am
  • 51 minutes 23 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Letting Go

    We have a tendency to hold on to the people, beliefs and things in our lives. There are times, however, when being able to say good-bye is not only healthy, but a way of unburdening ourselves from the people and things that are holding us back. It’s not always easy to let go, but sometimes saying good-bye is not only kind but also honest, and it is an experience we rob ourselves from having. Jim Duke talks about the importance of letting go, how our beliefs of how the world works can change and evolve, and how our relationships with people and things can be improved by letting go.

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    28 October 2013, 4:00 am
  • 52 minutes 39 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Gays and Aging

    Growing older is a natural part of living — every living thing ages. How we view that process — as something worthy of veneration or something that reduces value — has much to do with what drives our culture. In a recent online interaction about singer Steve Grand, identified as the “first openly gay male country singer,” I pointed out that Drake Jensen (who I interviewed back in June) should also be given credit, to which a respondent declared Jensen to be “too old.” We live in a society that focuses on youth and marginalizes the aging, at a time when we are becoming an increasingly aging society. So what does it mean to be gay and growing older — to be “gayging“? Some thoughts on why society thinks about aging the way it does, why ageism and homophobia are linked and how you can rethink your own inevitable aging process.

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    21 October 2013, 4:00 am
  • 58 minutes 57 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Adora Diana — Masturbation and Touch

    Everybody does it, right? Or do they? How does masturbation help explore sexuality, what purpose does it serve and how can it enhance a couple’s sex life? Are there downsides to masturbation? What about the myths and social stigmas against masturbation? What role does touch play in human relationships? How important is touch? And are some people touch-phobic? Sexologist and Sex and Intimacy Coach Adora Diane of “Healthy Eros” returns for another frank, insightful and entertaining discussion on the role of masturbation and touch in our sexual lives. Note: this is an adult discussion and does contain graphic references.

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    14 October 2013, 4:00 am
  • 55 minutes 7 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Gay Guide To Online Dating

    As part of the development process for a new book Jim Duke is writing about the gay online dating scene, Jim shares his views of some of the pitfalls and triumphs that come with online dating. The internet offers a tremendous amount of opportunity for people to connect and meet, but it also comes with a lack of social structure — an etiquette, so to speak — that helps guide people on what is and is not proper behavior. That reality is not likely to change, so how do you adapt to a reality that doesn’t encourage openness and honesty in communication? Jim has some ideas and suggestions about how to make the online experience more meaningful and successful, beginning with defining what you really want to get out of it.

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    7 October 2013, 4:00 am
  • 59 minutes 9 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Christopher Johnson — Gay Fathers — Part One

    The decision to become a parent is an important one. There was a time when a single gay man had few if any options for becoming a father, but times have changed. Christopher Johnson, CEO of Whitehorn Group, talks about his personal journey towards becoming a father, his experience with finding an egg donor and the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and how his daughter Sophia has changed his life.

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    30 September 2013, 4:00 am
  • 2 minutes 6 seconds
    Guide for Gay Living – Sorab Wadia — The Rainbow of Gay Multi-Culturalism

    Culture, society, religion, sexuality — those of us in America have our views how it does (or doesn’t) all come together, but it is not the only view in this great big world. Sorab Wadia was born in Bombay to artistic parents in a culture rich with religious elements and influences. His professional journey as musician, singer and actor has led him to the stages of New York and appearances on popular television shows. His one-man show based on Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” garnered him much well-deserved praise, as did his recent turn as the fading Bollywood star in off-Broadway’s “Bunty Berman Presents.” His personal path, colored by his background and experiences and woven into a fascinating tapestry, brings wonderful examples of what it means to be gay in various cultures. His coming out, his self-acceptance and his search for love are universal themes, but told with the humor and pathos of a true artist. Join Jim Duke for this world view of the experiences of one man coming to terms with his sexual identity.

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    16 September 2013, 4:00 am
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