Home Energy Design

Amanda Gates - Interior Designer + Feng Shui Practitioner

Home, Energy, Design, is all about designing spaces that feel as good as they look. If your home is not energy aligned, then no matter how much money you spend or how beautiful your style is, the home will always feel off and it's affecting your life--more than you think! Join Host, Interior Designer, and advanced Feng Shui practioner of over 20 years Amanda Gates as she explores interior design, energy alignment, holistic living, sustainability, metaphysics and so much more. And if you have a topic you'd like to hear more about or something to share, please email us! [email protected]. "Get the energy right and everything else will follow."

  • 59 minutes 51 seconds
    193: Talking ascension with the Trio of Light

    In today's episode I sit down with Mary, Jan and Katlin of the Trio of Light. Together their goal is to help people grow their light, understand ascension and explore unity consciousness through the channeling of higher dimensional light and information. What exactly is ascension? Is it a place? When will we get there? Why do we even want to go? 

    Today you'll learn about the Trio and what they are bringing to the world to help others ascend, what it all means, and of course, why it matters.


    Trio of light: https://www.triooflight.com

    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Book: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    23 September 2022, 2:02 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    192: Author and designer, Carrie Leskowitz

    Back in June, I reached out to a dear friend of mine by the name of Linda Holt. I wanted to collaborate with her on my new book, Feng Shui for the Soul, and see if we couldn't do something together to tell more people about it. To my surprise, she mentioned designer and author Carrie Leskowitz and said we needed to connect. Why was I surprised? Because Carrie has written a book called Ohm for the Home. Unbeknownst to either of us, we were both writing books between 2017 and 2019 about the importance of our environments and their role in our health—she from a life coach and design perspective, me from a design and feng shui perspective.

    I absolutely love this synchronistic story. She and I tapped into the other-worldly ethers and together we created books to help others find the language and tools necessary for transformation.

    In today's episode, we talk about our backgrounds, the process of birthing a book, and how she and I were on a very parallel path and didn't even know the other one was doing it!


    Carries website: https://www.carrieleskowitzinteriors.com


    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Book: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    9 September 2022, 5:40 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    191: Dr Meg Haworth on Feng Shui for the Soul

    So many people keep reaching out to me regarding my new book, Feng Shui for the Soul, and saying the same thing: "Wow, this is not what I expected!"

    It focuses more on the energetics of our lives and how we can more fully tap into Universal truths so that we can achieve more peace, love, and happiness. This has nothing to do with where to place your couch, or where to put a physical object. This goes beyond anything that's ever been written about Feng Shui. This is how we use our environments to reach our soul purpose.

    In today's show, Dr. Haworth asks me about the importance of nature, why the front door is key to our health, and so much more. Are you ready?


    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Book: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    26 August 2022, 5:32 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    190: Animal Spirits and their messages

    In today's episode, I speak with Dr. Steven Farmer about the critical, mystical messages we receive every day from the animal kingdom. What makes them unique? How do we know when to listen? Better yet, how do we know what they mean?


    What made this show even more otherworldly was the timing of it all. Two days after I recorded this show my beloved Handsome Harley passed away. I've been grief-stricken and during my fog of sadness, he sent me the greatest message one could ever receive. So powerful in fact it brought me to my knees. This is the magic that surrounds us all and speaks to each of us if we listen. 

    Learn about the power of animals, how they speak to us, and how to interpret the messages, and pay attention!

    Photos: Harley, a snake, and a bobcat: https://gatesinteriordesign.com/harley-a-snake-and-a-bobcat/


    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Book: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com


    29 July 2022, 5:53 am
  • 29 minutes 12 seconds
    189: Why you need to remove negative energy with Feng Shui

    In the last two years, everything has been chaotic and intense! Including the real estate market. It's important to note that the energy of it all hasn't just affected the real estate market. Inventory has been at record lows, prices have skyrocketed and homeowners are getting hundreds of thousands of dollars over asking - despite buyers waiving inspections, and overlooking house flaws because they are desperate to win the deal.

    Combined with mass shootings, inflation, and radically intense politics, the energy has been frantic, competitive, scary, and fierce. And It continues to be fueled by the ego. We are getting caught up in the lack of it all, the scarcity of it all and we have entered a dog-eat-dog world, of crazy!

    Today I'm going to talk about why you need to clear negative energy using Feng Shui principles, and why it really matters. 

    Book: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g

    Negative energy video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQyuNPNtRcA&t=9s

    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    8 July 2022, 5:04 am
  • 1 hour 44 minutes
    188: Manifesting your Lions with Purpose
    Today's episode is a unique show I put together for the book launch to help you understand that this was not done in a short amount of time, and neither should the projects you work on! People always ask me if I truly live the way I say I do. Everything I do, create and touch is done intentionally, and slowly, honoring the natural rhythms of unfoldment. Today I share with you the story of this book and how it took 7 and half years to birth - all done deliberately and ensuring the energy was right. In a world of fast fashion, fast news, and instant gratification, it's hard to live in a way that helps you manifest your lions, intentionally. We'll talk about your lions too! But, if you're too busy trying to keep up with how you should live or think you should be doing it, you create nothing but empty calories. In today's audio, I share how every inch of this book was intentionally laid out, and created to cultivate Chi every step of the way through expert astrologer and numerologist Sharita Star! I share our journey over the last seven and half years and how we finally landed here, on June 27, 2022. The date of magic!   New Book: Feng shui for the Soul: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g   Sharita Star: https://sharitastar.com  

    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com


    27 June 2022, 5:21 am
  • 41 minutes 8 seconds
    187: What you don’t know about Deja Vu, with Walter Zajac

    Today's guest is Walter Zajac, author of They Came, Beyond Deja Vu. Have you ever wondered why a place feels familiar? Or why someone you just met seems like an old friend? Growing up, Walter had this sense again and again. As a child, Walter endured abandonment from his mother, being bullied in an orphanage, and then adopted by an American family that mentally, physically, and sexually abused him. As a coping mechanism, he began to astral travel with spiritual friends, not knowing at the time that's what he was doing. Years went by and he met these friends in real life, discovering that many weren't even on the earth plane when he traveled with them.

    In this extraordinary story of otherworldly experiences,  we talk about childhood abuse, abandonment, Astral travel, psychic ability and so much more!


    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Book: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    10 June 2022, 5:17 am
  • 34 minutes 9 seconds
    186: Feng Shui for the Soul, How to Achieve More Ohm from Your Home

    In today's episode, I'm taking you on a feng shui ramble gamble about breaking old habits that no longer serve you. You know the ones, the glorification of being busy and simply being frenetic because you've been conditioned to think you're far more in demand and important if you are.

    But what about our Chi? Has anyone stopped to think if any of it really matters? Or where did this idea even come from? Well turns out it stems back to the industrial revolution. The wealthy came up with the idea that to be lazy or leisurely meant God saw that as a sin. So from that, we birthed an ideology that to work hard meant to get ahead and serve God. But who did it really serve?

    In today's modern world with so many fantastic advantages that our ancestors did not have - dishwashers, washing machines, electric cars, technology beyond our wildest dreams, and groceries that can be delivered in two hours - how is it that we are still so busy?

    Today I am going to break it down. What it really means to your Chi to subscribe to the busy bubble, and why getting back to basics is the only way you're going to be able to reconnect and feed your soul.


    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Book: https://amzn.to/3T2SK6g

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    3 June 2022, 5:35 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    185: The Sacred Blueprint With Aisha Rose Melodie Hassan

    Today's episode was done by Aisha Rose Hassan from The Sacred Blueprint™. She did an amazing online conference this past weekend and yours truly was a guest. She was kind enough to share the audio with me so I could post it here. I think it's fun when other people interview me and I think you’ll enjoy it too. I'm sure she has similar questions that other people just like you have. So sit back and enjoy as Aisha interviews me about Feng Shui!

    Learn about my process, how I got into Feng Shui and why all this energy stuff matters!!

    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com/courses/feng-shui-for-the-soul-prelaunch (pre-launch SALE! Ends March 27th at midnight!)

    New Book: https://www.ohmforthehome.com


    25 March 2022, 5:14 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    184: Turn your fear into fuel with Anna Tsui
    Shadow work. Have you heard of it?  I remember years ago hearing this term “shadow work.”  I first learned about it during a book reading in the spring of 2001 at a metaphysic bookshop when I went to meet, and hear Dr. Micheal Newton speak and read from his new book, Destiny of Souls. He was a trained psychologist that discovered many of his patients had fears, anxieties, and idiosyncrasies that were developed often in childhood, but also from past lives. He said the only way to release and let go is to go into the shadows and do the work. Shadow work. Today I'm chatting with an intuitive coach and author, Anna Tsui, to talk about the inner guidance system, the future of business, women and their roles moving forward and so much more, are you ready? Hell yeah! let's do this   Anna Tsui: https://www.annatsui.com  

    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com


    18 March 2022, 5:48 am
  • 27 minutes 7 seconds
    183: When Sh*t hits the fan

    In today's episode, I talk about the desire to manifest something, doing the work to make it happen, and not getting what you want.

    Often times as I am working with a client, whether on their personal Chi or the Chi of their environment, the client has a desire to manifest something specific in their life. And this is great news! Whenever working on your environment you have to have an intention, but what happens when you go into it with the greatest intentions and it all falls and you feel like you're going to hell in a handbasket?

    Today I share my own experience of doing "the work" and not getting what I want and how to navigate uncertainty with absolute trust, even if you don't feel like it. Life is hard, let's talk about ways to get through it!

    Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com

    Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

    Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

    11 March 2022, 3:26 pm
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