Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Life coaching | Self help hosted by Kim little
Podcast 29: How to overcome flying phobia with hypnotherapy
Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also, as usual be a free audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
This week’s podcast is part of a mini series which started with episode 26 where I talked about anxiety, in episode 27 Overcome phobias with hypnotherapy I looked at general overview of phobias.
If you have a fear of flying you’ll probably already know a lot of the information in this podcast so we’ll take a general overlook of the fear.
It’s a very common fear, one I’m contacted about quite often, especially this time of year and towards summer when people are thinking about going on holiday.
As with all fears and phobias it might be one of many different parts that might be triggering the response you have so figuring out what your triggers are will help you feel more in control of the response. Is it the
You can let the fear rule you, how often do you even need to fly? That’s fine if you never want to leave the country, or you’re happy to take the train or a boat everywhere, but what opportunities will you miss by not being able to fly? Will it affect your career? Your social life? If it doesn’t impact on you now, will it later?
How will your life improve once you’ve rid yourself of the fear? Imagine yourself flying with ease, enjoying the experience. Would you
I’m sure you can think of other ways your life will be improved once you are able to enjoy flying.
Today’s hypnotherapy audio will include a technique that will help you visualise a successful and enjoyable flight.
There are many techniques that we can use to help you overcome phobias so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
You can also contact me today on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
Podcast 28: How to overcome dentist phobia with hypnotherapy
Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also, as usual be a free audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
This week’s podcast is part of a mini series which started with episode 26 where I talked about anxiety, in the last episode Overcome phobias with hypnotherapy I looked at general overview of phobias.
The NHS website states that 1 in 4 people dread going to the dentist, if you are one of those who go cold at the thought of the dentist this podcast is for you.
You might have had a bad experience or felt a build up of negative feelings around the dentist. Perhaps you’ve heard a horror story or been influenced by horror movies. However you have got to this point you can be assured that this type of phobia can be conquered and you can visit the dentist and have the teeth you deserve.
Fears and phobias can be experienced in many different ways maybe it’s the sound of the dentist or the smell. You might even find just the thought of the dentist is enough to bring you out in a cold sweat. Commonly people who are in a state of fear or phobia experience
The benefits of going to the dentist regularly include
Today’s hypnotherapy audio includes techniques you can use to reduce your anxiety and build resources that’ll make visiting the dentist more enjoyable.
There are many techniques that we can use to help you overcome phobias so if you
Podcast 27: Overcome phobias with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
In episode 26 I talked about anxiety and how you can manage this with hypnotherapy. This week's podcast follows on from this so please go back and listen for more information on anxiety.
A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or an animal.
Phobias are more exaggerated than fears. A fear might make you feel a bit anxious where a phobia can become so severe that a person might begin to organise their whole life around an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation, an object, an animal or a bodily function.
This can be very restrictive and can cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety.
Phobias usually build up over time but can also follow a traumatic event. The severity of a phobia can vary dramatically. If you’re only faced with your trigger very rarely it might not affect your everyday life too much. Or you might be debilitated by the fear for a large part of your life and plan your life around the phobia.
You might feel
These are instantaneous and you might feel you have no control of these responses. This is where cognitive therapy can help you change the reactions you have to triggers and take control over your reactions to the world around you.
This reaction can be attached to many different scenarios and this is why there are so many different phobias we can experience. From the more common fears and phobias like
To the less common phobias like
These are all more specific phobias which are centred around a situation, an object, bodily function, animal or an activity.
Phobias can also be more complex which tend to be more limiting and usually develop during adulthood. Complex phobias are commonly associated with deep rooted fear or anxiety about a particular situation or circumstance such as agoraphobia or social phobia. This type of phobia might take a longer therapy plan to overcome because there are so many triggers that need addressing.
Listen to this week's podcast for my 5 top tips to help you overcome phobias.
Today’s hypnotherapy audio includes techniques you can use to reduce your response to your trigger and find new ways to overcome phobias.
There are many techniques that we can use to help you improve your mornings so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 26: Overcome anxiety with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
In episode 15 I looked at stress and how you can manage this with hypnotherapy and I’d highly recommend listening to this as it will give you more information on how stress affect us and the other challenges that stress and anxiety can create within us. I also don’t want to repeat all of the info from that podcast so please, go back and have a listen after this podcast!
Anxiety is a by product of stress, that old saying there’s no smoke without fire well, there’s definitely no anxiety without stress.
You might experience
This can be an easily ignored challenge at first but can progress into more damaging symptoms such as
Do you experience
Anyone can experience anxiety, from the smallest child to the oldest pensioner. Anxiety is very subjective, one person's fear is another's excitement. This can change day to day or minute by minute depending on the situation and how you're feeling.
This can be because of a large stress, such as an exam or after a series of small stresses that build up. It is common to be unaware when we are anxious or stressed, we can change this by being more aware of our behaviours when we are anxious and noticing the signs when anxiety starts to creep in and begin to affect our lives.
Anxiety can be because of
What other situations can you think of that you might feel anxious about?
Anxiety isn't just a negative state, this can help us progress in life and strive for our goals. We use anxiety for entertainment when we watch scary movies, go on roller coaster rides and play scary computer games.
Things that make us anxious can be seen as something to avoid or something to conquer. How could your life be improved just by using this simple thought change?
Listen to this week's podcast for my 5 top tips to help you overcome morning routine stress.
Today’s hypnotherapy audio includes techniques you can use to reduce anxiety and release old negative habits to make room from new more helpful habits. There are many techniques that we can use to help you improve your mornings so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 25: Overcome morning routine stress with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
At the beginning of the school holidays I spoke about how to overcome summer holiday stress so now the kids have gone back to school it seems like a great time to talk about how to overcome morning routine stress.
There are some common challenges most parents face in the morning which include
People feel the effects of stress in different ways, do you find yourself feeling
Listen to this week's podcast for my 5 top tips to help you overcome morning routine stress.
Today’s podcast will also include a technique you can use to release any unwanted feelings and overcome morning routine stress. There are many techniques that we can use to help you improve your mornings so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 24: Keep healthy with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
When I talk about feeling healthy in this podcast I’m referring to your usual state and illness as those pesky colds, coughs and other bugs we catch from time to time, especially as the weather starts to cool down over the next few weeks.
These illnesses could be a bacterial infection, which is caused by bacteria, or a viral infection which is caused by a virus. Each of these types of infection can cause fever or irritability so it can make it difficult to figure out where you got sick. Both types of infection are spread in basically the same way.
When we pick up an illness it can leave us feeling pretty wiped out. You might feel
You might also worry you're neglecting your loved ones or underperforming at work which can lead to guilt or disappointment in yourself because you need to take time to rest and recover from your minor illness.
Listen to this week's podcast for my 5 top tips to help you improve your immune system and keep healthy.
Today’s podcast will also include a technique you can use to help build your immune system and keep healthy. There are many techniques that we can use to help you improve your health so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 23: Improve sports performance with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
The Olympic games Rio 2016 are at the halfway mark and with another week of action to come I thought now would be a great time to talk about getting the most out of your skills and improve sports performance.
You need to train your body so you are performing at your best ability but what happens if our mind isn’t part of this training regime?
I quite like the analogy of being in a boat that needs to be rowed towards your goal. One oar is training hard and making sure you keep your body fit and healthy, trying to row with just this one oar will get you some success but you’ll probably just find yourself rowing in circles, never able to progress to the next level. You need to also train your mind, this is the other oar. Having both of these helps you get to where you want to be with a lot less effort than one oar alone!
Performance anxiety will affect us all differently but will be experienced by us all at some point to some degree.
This could be experienced in many different ways, it’s commonly those usual symptoms of the fight or flight response
When you are at the peak of your sports performance you
Listen to this week's podcast for my 5 top tips to help you improve your sports performance!
Today’s podcast will include a technique you can use to broadly enhance your sports performance and build your confidence as an athlete. There are many techniques that we can use to help you improve sports performance so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 22: Overcome alopecia or hair loss with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
There are many reasons this could be hereditary, a side effect from medication, age related pattern baldness or many other reasons so if you are experiencing hair loss it’s always a good idea to speak to your GP.
We’ll be focusing on stress related hair loss today but if you’re losing your hair because of another reason hypnotherapy can still be helpful, if you’re stressed because of the hair loss the stress could cause more hair loss so reducing stress is always a good idea!
There are a few different types of alopecia
It’s not known exactly why some people experience hair loss but this can sometimes be triggered by stress. Alopecia is a condition that affects around one in a thousand. Even the healthiest person with no family history of hair loss can experience alopecia in some form.
Hair loss can be difficult to cope with for men and women. Hair can be seen as our crowning glory, so losing this when you’re young or at a vulnerable time in your life can really knock your confidence or self esteem. Hair loss is one thing but what about the other challenges this can cause?
The good news is not all anxiety related hair loss is permanent. If stress and anxiety are the main reasons for your hair loss, reducing that stress or anxiety can help your hair come back. There are some people who will find their hair doesn’t grow back, no matter what the root cause is but it’s always helpful to use relaxation techniques to help manage your anxieties to help reduce your risk of more hair loss that is stress related and to reduce the anxiety experienced because of your hair loss.
Today’s podcast will include a metaphor to encourage hair growth. There are many techniques that we can use to help you overcome hair loss so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 21: Overcome summer holiday stress with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
The summer holidays are here, 6 weeks of holiday for the kids which can be quite difficult to manage as an adult. Whether you work or not children can be a challenge! Juggling your responsibilities is hard enough when the kids are at school so having the kids at home can cause all kind of different challenges and more summer holiday stress.
If you work you might need to take time off or need to cover the cost of a childminder. Which is difficult if, like me, you’re self employed. It can be a challenge trying to get everything done and still having the energy to spend quality time with your children. You don’t want to spend the holidays stressed out or feeling overwhelmed but without effective coping strategies this is usually what happens.
What can happen if we don’t manage these stresses? Prolonged stress can make us more likely to experience
Commonly when we’re stressed we feel
You could also find you
Hypnosis can help us manage stress and anxiety in many different ways, deep relaxation helps us cope with the day to day stress we experience. Using positive suggestion can help us change our reactions to our children and the ways they make us feel stressed. Hypnotherapy can also help you build your self esteem and confidence which will help you feel more in control when you are with the kids. You can also free yourself from habits like smoking or nail biting or other symptoms stress can cause. You can create the ideal holidays in your mind during trance, being able to see yourself succeeding will help you achieve that success. Changing your subconscious reactions to the triggers you are faced with can help you take control and respond rather than react to the pressures you face.
Today’s podcast will include suggestions to help you overcome the challenges kids bring us during the summer holidays and live life with more energy. There are numerous techniques that can help you overcome summer holiday stress so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 20: Stop nail biting with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be briefly talking about
We will also look at how you can use hypnotherapy to change your subconscious patterns and stop nail biting for good!
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
Why do people bite their nails? Nail biting is usually a subconscious pattern that you're unaware of doing. Is it just your nails or do you chew or pick the sides of your fingers or your cuticles too?
This is usually a bad habit that kids grow out of in time, or are shamed into stopping but some people continue to bite their nails long into adulthood where it can have many different negative impacts
Are you more prone to nail biting when you're
People bite their nails for different reasons. Is it a time killer or a stress management tool? Do you get some satisfaction out of biting? Is there any reward?
There are many different negative impacts which can include
Which can cause their own added problems. Has your nail biting habit stopped you from
If you bite your nails as a stress management tool but the look of your hands is making you feel stressed the habit can begin to feed itself, you are caught in a downward spiral that can be difficult to break out of on your own.
How can you stop nail biting for good? You’ve probably tried different techniques without much success. Going cold turkey can be difficult if you’re telling yourself all day “don’t bite your nails, don’t bite your nails” If I ask you not to think of a purple elephant you have to think of that elephant to know what you shouldn’t be thinking about. It’s the way our brains work so really you’re telling yourself time and time again to think about nail biting. Which will erode even the strongest will-power over time and lead you back to nail biting. It’s also difficult to stop with will power if you’re unaware you’re nail biting, if it’s a subconscious pattern the damage is done before you realise what’s happening.
How can you stop nail biting with hypnotherapy?
If you experienced pleasure from biting this can be changed to pleasure when you file your nails or something else you find pleasurable. We can use positive suggestions that are reinforced with repetition to change your subconscious reactions and patterns of behaviour.
You can create the success in your mind during trance, being able to see yourself succeeding will help you achieve that success.
You can learn to manage stress and anxiety, deep relaxation helps you cope with the day to day stress we experience. Hypnotherapy can also help you build your self esteem and confidence which will help you build your determination to succeed and help you get back on track if you do find yourself nail biting after you’ve committed to stopping.
Today’s podcast includes a technique you can use to help you change the subconscious pattern of nail biting and suggestions to help build your confidence and live life with more energy. There are numerous techniques that can help you stop nail biting so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.
Podcast 19: Fly with confidence with hypnotherapy. Today I’ll be talking about fear of flying, how this is commonly experienced and how you can use hypnotherapy to help you fly with confidence. Listen to the podcast for my 5 top tips for a calm, relaxed state of mind.
There will also be a free hypnotherapy audio at the end of this podcast that you can enjoy, keep and come back to time and time again.
Are you one of the many people who find it a bit nerve wracking to fly? Does the thought of it give you butterflies or knots in your stomach?
Fear of flying is one of the most commonly experienced phobias, ranging from mild anxiety to full blown panic which can feel irrational at times. A fear of flying can interfere with holidays with loved ones or business travel which could make you avoid that career you’ve always wanted or going to that country you’ve always wanted to visit. A holiday is supposed to be relaxing, if the thought of flying makes your blood run cold it can make what should be a relaxing experience a really tense and uncomfortable experience.
Why do we experience a fear of flying and how does this turn into a phobia?
A phobia usually builds up over time, it might start with a small incident like
There are many different aspects of flying that can create anxiety which can include worrying about
These anxieties all start with the flight or flight response which is there to protect us. It’s a response all mammals have, when we experience something that we perceive as exciting or dangerous our bodies and minds make a snap decision.
Do we fight or run? This causes a reaction within us that we have no control over. It is an automatic reaction to the stimulus. Humans are so intelligent that we can turn this response on just by thinking about something we find stressful and this is why thinking about being in a plane, booking a holiday, looking at a plane in the sky or seeing your luggage in the cupboard can cause this reaction and make you feel anxious. Our minds can’t tell the difference between a real and a perceived threat so our bodies react in the same way to a thought as they would to a physical threat.
How do you know if your fight or flight response has been triggered?
Commonly people will experience
Hypnotherapy is a great tool to help you make the changes you need to overcome a flying phobia. You can reduce the symptoms the anxiety causes and change your subconscious reactions to flying in a calm and relaxed state of mind. As I’ve said before, there are many different aspects of flying that can cause anxiety and there is an intervention for each one of these. Reducing anxiety and increasing relaxation will help you fly with confidence!
Looking into your reaction to flying, or the thought of flying, can help change the experience in the future. This gives you more control over your thoughts, feelings and reactions when you want to fly.
There are numerous techniques that can help you fly with confidence so if you find you need more help visit www.altptherapies.co.uk to have a bespoke recording made for you with your challenges in mind.