It’s All About Health & Fitness

Vicki Doe Fitness

A place to learn, discuss and participate in healthy living: healthcare, nutrition, fitness, wellness, prevention, exercise, interventions, healthy living, weight-loss, inspiration.

  • 52 minutes 57 seconds
    #303. What’s New? Hot Topics #One Hundred and ten

    Episode#303-Taped February 5, 2025

    We talk about research articles and hot topics.

    Regular flossing can prevent strokes and heart disease. People who floss at least once a week have 22% lower risk of stroke caused by a blood clot.

    Researchers found that nearly half of Americans still think the benefits of taking a daily dose of aspirin outweighed the risk. In 2019, top heart groups concluded that the risk of bleeding caused by aspirin outweighed its benefits in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

    Some of the articles discussed:

    Article-Regular flossing can prevent strokes-HealthDay News

    Article-Many Americans misguided on daily aspirin,survey finds-HealthDay News

    Article-Heart health at risk for new moms of twins-HealthDay News

    Article- Birdflu is spreading:what you need to know-HealthDay News


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


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    27 February 2025, 3:57 am
  • 42 minutes 16 seconds
    #302. Exercising at night; Is it better for your heart health?

    Episode#302-Taped January 22, 2025

    We talk about exercising at night.

    We're diving into an intriguing question-could exercising at night be better for your health?

    Research suggests that working out later in the day may be especially beneficial for individiuals who are overweight or obese, helping to regulate blood sugar levels and protect heart health.  We'll explore the pros and cons to see if evening exercise might be the right fit for you!

    Article discussed:

    Article-Exercising at night offers biggest boost in heart health-EveryDay Health


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    13 February 2025, 5:06 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    #301. Sleep Deficit and Long-term health problems

    Episode#301-Taped January 15, 2025

    We talk about the long-term health problems that come with not getting enough sleep.

    According to NIH, in the U.S. about one-third of adults do not get enough sleep.  Thirty-five percent of adults sleep less than seven hours per night. Lack of sleep is detrimental for our health and well-being. We talk about some of the long-term health problems that may happen if we continue to not get enough sleep!

    Article discussed:

    Article-8 Health problems linked to not getting enough sleep-EveryDay Health


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    11 February 2025, 8:36 pm
  • 50 minutes 19 seconds
    #300. How to start working out and sticking to it!

    Episode#300-Taped December 11, 2024

    We talk about how to start a workout regimen and stick to it.

    Research has shown that exercising regularly improves our cardiovascular system, our sleep quality, our energy levels, and lowers the risk for chronic diseases.

    We will discuss at least nine tricks that can help you get started with your workout plan and that will help you stick with it!

    Article discussed:

    Article- 9 Tricks to help you start working out and actually stick to it-EveryDay Health


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    27 January 2025, 4:28 am
  • 58 minutes 13 seconds
    #299. What’s New? Hot Topics # One Hundred and Nine

    Episode#299-Taped November 13, 2024

    We talk about research articles and hot topics.

    A report states that well-being disparities are happening depending on where you live. The South and the Rust Belt have the lowest well-being and the highest well-being is found in parts of Colorado, Maryland, California and D.C.

    Mindful breathing may ease cancer-related pain and anxiety.  A research study showed that cancer patients who participated in a 20 min. mindful breathing session had an immediate reduction in pain.  What can this mean for the use of pain killers?

    Some of the articles discussed:

    Article-Report finds big disparities in Americans' well-being by region-HealthDayNews

    Article-Want to slowly cut down on dietary salt? Here's how-HealthDayNews

    Article-Mindful breathing might ease cancer-related pain, anxiety-HealthDay News


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    20 January 2025, 5:25 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    #298. Strength training in women over 40 with Rachel Cosgrove NSCA-CSCS

    Episode#298-Taped October 9, 2024

    We talk about strength training in women over 40.

    Research has shown that women typically start to lose muscle mass and strength at a rate about 3-8% per decade after age 30.  Strength training has been shown to increase muscle mass, boost metabolism, combat osteoporosis and improve overall health and well-being.

    Joining us is Rachel Cosgrove NSCA-CSCS a renowned personal trainer and certified strength and conditioning specialist.  She will talk about her book “Age Strong: A Woman's guide to feeling athletic and fit after 40”. She will also give tips on how we can participate in strength training safely and reap all of the amazing benefits as a strong woman!


    Buy Rachel Cosgrove's book-Age Strong: A woman's guide to feeling athletic and fit after 40.

    Find out more about Rachel Cosgrove NSCA-CSCS programs and serivces on here website…

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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    16 January 2025, 10:23 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    #297. Autoimmune disease and functional nutrition with Risa Groux, CN

    Episode#297-Taped October 2, 2024

    We talk about autoimmune disease and functonal nutrition.

    In the United States, approximately 50 million people have an autoimmune disease, making it the third most common disease category.  Does nutrition play a role in autoimmune disease?

    Joining us is Risa Groux, CN a functional nutritionist and certified autoimmune coach.  She will talk about her health journey in fighting against an autoimmune disease and how functional nutrition helped her and healed her. Risa will also talk about her book-“FoodFrame: Diet is a four-letter word” which is a comprehensive guide to using functional nutrition to address autoimmune health issues.

    Go buy Risa Groux's book- FoodFrame:Diet is a four-letter word

    Find out more about her programs and services on her website.

    Use the promo code: healthandfitness10


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    12 January 2025, 4:42 pm
  • 1 hour 28 seconds
    #296. What’s New? Hot Topics # One Hundred and eight

    Episode#296-Taped September 25, 2024

    We talk about research articles and hot topics.

    What are the benefits of an intermittent fast or (IF)? We are revisiting the health benefits of following the intermittent fasting or time-restricted fasting way of eating.  Is it more beneficial than the other diets for improving our health?

    Article discussed:

    Article-12 possible health benefits of intermittent fasting-EverydayHealth


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    10 January 2025, 4:29 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    #295. Erectile Fitness and Cardiac Health with Elliot Justin, MD

    Episode#295-Taped September 18, 2024

    We talk about erectile fitness and cardiac health.

    We are discussing one of the most common problems concerning men.  According to the CDC, erectile dysfunction(ED) affects millions of men worldwide. In the US up to 30 million men.  According to the Mayo Clinic erectile dysfunction – the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex- can be an early warning sign of current or future heart problems.

    Joining us is Dr. Elliot Justin, MD, a physician, health tech consultant, and CEO and Founder of FirmTech, a pioneering company in the rapidly growing sextech industry. Dr. Justin will discuss with us sexual health and cardiac health and the role of technology in the treatment process.

    Get in touch with Dr. Elliot Justin [email protected]

    Learn about and buy at


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    6 January 2025, 7:31 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    #294. The Power of Empathy and Healing with Judith Orloff MD

    Episode#294-Taped August 28, 2024

    We talk about empathy and its healing power.

    Empathy is the ability to see things from another's perspective and feel their emotions.  Empathy is important because it allows us to have compassion for others, loved ones, co-workers and strangers as well.

    Joining us is Dr. Judith Orloff MD, a board-certified psychiatrist and a New York Times bestselling author.  She will talk about her new book “The Genius of Empathy; Practical skills to heal your sensitive self, your relationships and the world” She will give us tips on how we can learn to practice empathy to receive health and healing.

    Find out more about Dr. Judith Orloff and buy her book…


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    27 December 2024, 4:24 pm
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    #293. Cannabis and Fitness:Exploring the Science with J Derek Kingsley PhD

    Episode#293-Taped August 14, 2024

    We talk about cannabis and its use as an enhancer of energy and better recovery for athletes and regular folks after exercise.

    According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, cannabis or marijuana is one of the most used drugs in the United States.

    Joining us is Dr. J Derek Kingsley PhD, FACSM a professor in the School of Health Sciences within the Dept. of Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology at Kent State University.  He will discuss his latest research on the use of cannabis as an ergogenic aid; its effectiveness and safety for athletes and for individuals who just want to have more energy and health and well-being.

    Get in touch with Dr. J Derek Kingsley PhD

    Listen, learn and explore the lecture about Cannabis with Dr. J Derek Kingsley


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    Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE

    Discover the Vicki Doe Fitness-STORE—your destination for stylish apparel, fitness gear, and wellness essentials like yoga mats, water bottles, candles, and premium supplements. Shop now and elevate your health journey!



    *Note: Some of the resources below may be affiliate links, meaning Vicki Doe Fitness receives a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use the link to make a purchase. Thank you for your support!

    Herbs and spices are the keys to delicious, flavorful, and sophisticated meals!

    FREE DOWNLOAD- Herbs and Spices Cheatsheet


    Need relaxation and stress relief?  Try Yoga!

    YogaDownload is the premier online destination for downloading/streaming online yoga, meditation, pilates, barre, and fitness classes. Online since 2009, they offer 1,700+ classes taught by professional instructors, including world-renowned yoga teachers the likes of Anna Forrest.




    Let’s get ECO-friendly.  Try

    ECOlunchbox specializes in stainless steel bento boxes, artisan fair trade lunch bags, napkins, snack sacks, and other eco-friendly lunchware. They are a certified green business.  ECOlunchbox is a consumer products company started by an eco mom in the San Francisco Bay Area.


    Go to our Resources page-   For the most recommended tools, you need to succeed on your healthy living journey!!


    Listen and share our podcast show- “It’s All About Health & Fitness-” Vicki Doe Fitness

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    26 December 2024, 3:06 am
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