Mindful Recovery

Robert Cox, MA, LPC | Therapist/Coach | Addictions Recovery | Trauma recove

Recovery from trauma and addictions one breath at a time

  • 26 minutes
    Cultivating compassion in a world of fear

    In today's world we seem to be navigating (many if not most of us) out of a fear response.  Avoidance of percieved (or acutally felt) pain may be our major motivation.  Unfortunately, when this is our decision making process we have no advantage over the earthworm.  In this episode we practice developing compassion, for self and for others.  Even those we heartily disagree with.  We will dive into compassion practice in short form and find that healing can be had when we release fear and move into a state of curious compassion.  Come join me on the journey inward and a peek into future episodes.

    3 February 2025, 5:59 pm
  • 16 minutes 3 seconds
    The New Mindful Recovery: Episode 1

    Welcome back.  It's been nearly 3 years and a heckuva learning curve.  Join us while we continue walking the road recovery.  A simple episode with a simple message about some exciting changes in the podcast.  And, of course, a new body scan meditation to get you ready!!  Let's get our practice back on the road!!

    14 January 2025, 5:59 am
  • 42 minutes 48 seconds
    Food Addiction and Trauma

    Today we talk with Alyssa Scolari who produces the podcast "Light After Trauma".  

    A very brave podcast where she asks therapists to come share their own trauma experiences as well as the hope of recovery.  We discuss everything from how awesome dogs are to food addiction.  What a fun interview!  Prepare to relax, learn and find hope in this one!

    19 April 2021, 4:35 pm
  • 35 minutes 46 seconds
    The Importance of Self-Care

    What is self-care?  Why is it important?  Why is it so easy to care for others and so hard to do it for me?  These are some of the questions we dig into this week on the Mindful Recovery Podcast along with a freebie meditation offer when you join our Facebook group!!  We deep dive into the wounds and fears that prevent us from taking our own care seriously while trying to keep everyone around us happy.

    5 April 2021, 5:01 am
  • 31 minutes 4 seconds
    Healing Through Grief

    In a continuation of last week's episode and dealing with the grief of a loss, we dive into Kubler Ross's five stages of grief and the non-linearity of that experience.  We do a meditation to create a holding space for the emotions that the grief brings and discuss using those stages and the process of grief to create both empathy and change.

    8 March 2021, 6:01 am
  • 31 minutes 22 seconds
    The Deep Grief: Surviving the Loss of A Child

    Tragedy strikes us all.  Pain and grief are an experience that we all will meet and all of us can share.  In this episode, I share what my family has experienced, how it has affected me personally and the hope of bringing something positive into the world out of unimaginable darkness. We talk about future upcoming episodes and how you can help with our healing mission by giving to "The Tristn Jevon Recovery Foundation" on GoFundMe

    1 March 2021, 4:27 pm
  • 16 minutes 29 seconds
    Awaited Return

    We are back!!  In this episode, I discuss my 2-year hiatus.  We are rebranding and starting again but you can expect the old format of mindfulness, interviews, and discussions on how we can recover from trauma, repair the brain, and lead abundant lives.  I include a really quick body scan here for relaxation anywhere in 5 minutes!  New episodes restart by January 2021!

    18 December 2020, 9:01 pm
  • 22 minutes 39 seconds
    Restart With the Body

    The Podcast Returns. In this episode, we talk about what's in the future for the podcast, why I dropped out of sight for a while and we begin with the beginning...learning again how to relax and pay attention to the body and what it's telling us.

    28 December 2018, 4:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 36 seconds
    Fear and Connection: An Easter Message

    This Easter has me thinking a lot.  I don't normally share that I am a Christian but felt that it was time to step out as we discuss connection.  I want to connect with those in the Christian community still driven by fear.  Fear of other, fear of war, fear of death, fear of exclusion.  Fear is the real enemy that separates us from connection.  The real message of Easter is to let go of fear and brave connection.

    30 March 2018, 4:01 pm
  • 30 minutes 41 seconds
    Anticipatory Grief: Preparing For the Inevitable Loss

    In the final chapter in our exploration of connection we actually discuss disconnection. Specifically anticipatory grief or the grief we begin experiencing knowing a disconnection is coming. Death, divorce and other forms of disconnection begin affecting us way before we actually experience them and preparing for that event can help us cross the bridge more easily. It will not save us from the pain, but it will insure we meet the loss with eyes wide open and learn what it has to offer. This episode has a personal meaning for me and we discuss how I am crossing this bridge too.

    29 March 2018, 6:26 pm
  • 57 minutes 37 seconds
    Johann Hari on Connection and Mental Health

    In part 2 of our series on connection I speak with author, Johann Hari. His new book, "Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression - and the Unexpected Solutions" is a deep dive into the healing power of connection. We discuss depression, grief, mental health and healing.

    22 March 2018, 2:21 pm
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