Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour

Harvey Wasserman embraces your views with a Solartopian vision of the people’s politics, ecology, holistic health and much more.

  • 57 minutes 59 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 5.16.24


    We start GREEP zoom #177 with the great JERRY ASHTON and the amazing campaign to free the American public from medical debt.

    Jerry announces the inauguration of his game-changing campaign which is taking on the debt of veterans while saving them from PTSD, suicide, poverty and more.

    Among other things, Jerry tells us that his RIP Medical Debt campaign has retired more than $11 BILLION in life-destroying arrears lifted from more than 8 MILLION American citizens.

    Don’t miss his descriptions of his astonishingly effective UNDUE operation that YOU can help.

    Our second hour features RAY MCCLENDON with a terrifying description of voter suppression bills being forced through the Georgia Legislature to deny the right to vote.

    The bills (of course) target mostly the communities of color, and have spread throughout the United States.

    The anti-democracy campaign comes with violent MAGA terror against citizens who may want to work at the polls to guarantee a democratic proceeding.

    Journalist STEVE ROSENFELD joins us from Arizona to amplify the national perspective on this fascist horror show.

    We further hear from STEVE CARUSO, MIKE HERSH, WENDI LEDERMAN, LYNNE FEINERMAN and JOHN BRAKEY on this unprecedented crisis.

    Unless we all get active, we will lose both our democracy and our planet. 

    We know what to do…we have no choice but to win.

    17 May 2024, 3:00 am
  • 58 minutes
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 5.9.24

    We open with BRYNN TANNEHILL’s powerful report on escalating attacks against trans people throughout the US, but with an astounding victory in Kansas (!).


    VINNIE DESTEFANO’S information on Julian Assange includes a way YOU can help by calling your Senators & Representatives to get him FREE!


    MYLA RESON, DAVID GURAN and WENDI LEDERMAN chime into the amazing battle to save the right to practice journalism anywhere on Earth.


    RUTH STRAUSS talks to us about “Outside Agitators” and Joe Biden.


    From Georgia's RAY MCCLENDON we hear the latest on the Trump prosecutions and also on the arrival of the Vogtle nuclear plant already devastating the Peach State economy.


    Republican Arizona state Senator KEN BENNETT explains the 4-point program for guaranteeing safe, fair, digitally scanned paper ballots that produce accurate outcomes in public elections.


    With legendary election protection pioneer JOHN BRAKEY we conduct an astonishing excursion into the workings of the AZ legislature’s progress into the world of actual democracy.


    Will this publicly verifiable method of conducting the vote counting and auditing process become a national model? Let’s hope so.


    Globally infamous “magician” DAVID SALTMAN jumps in to doubt the ability of run a fair and accurate vote count when professional slights of hand are lurking.


    An Emmy-winning investigative reporter, Saltman challenges Sen. Bennett and Brakey to prove that they can produce a vote count without error.


    DONALD SMITH warns of violence at the polls.


    Myla Reson then challenges Senator Bennett to do face the realities of the horrendous Palo Verde nuclear plant. No Nukes!!!


    In four weeks (on June 3) we will stage a national zoom gathering on how to conduct fair, reliable, verifiable elections this fall….
    10 May 2024, 12:03 pm
  • 57 minutes 40 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 5.2.24


    We start GREEP zoom #175 with the great LINDA SEELEY from the Mothers for Peace of San Luis Obispo explaining the latest hearing on shutting the Diablo Canyon nukes.

    Linda explains that the extreme heat, pressure and radiation inside a nuclear reactor have embrittled Reactor Pressure Vessels, robbing nukes everywhere of their braking systems…rendering them all vulnerable to the next apocalyptic explosion.

    As Linda says, we have far more battery storage in California than Diablo produces….so who needs nukes?  Answer:  NOBODY!!

    MIKE THALLER of Progressive Democrats of America tells his personal horror show of what the San Diego utility has done to his electric bill (hint: it’s not pretty).

    Ohio’s CONNIE KLINE tells us about the gargantuan pro-nuke bribery fire still melting the Buckeye State.

    Green power pioneer RON LEONARD gets us to the solar nitty-gritty.

    MAYA VAN ROSSUM tells us how Green Amendments can help shut the nuke industry.

    STEVEN SONDHEIM offers his wisdom on saving the planet.

    VINA COLLEY of southern Ohio warns us against the dangers of reviving the Piketon enrichment facility, which has “killed so many people in the community.”

    VINNIE DE STEFANO gives us an update JULIAN ASSANGE just as Joe Biden has extolled freedom of the press at the National Correspondents Dinner.

    The abortion issue is dissected by WENDI LEDERMAN, including an on-the-ground report of “baby killer” accusations all over.

    MIKE HERSH explains the “Uncommitted” movement to get Biden’s attention on war and democracy.

    LYNN FEINERMAN demands that the political mainstream pay more attention to the young and the marginalized.

    RUTH STRAUSS and MYLA RESON bring reason and balance to the discussion of a nation in upheaval.

    From Ann Arbor, we hear from BRIAN STERNBERG on Michigan's confused but vital debate over what happens to electoral delegates.

    We conclude with the debate over reshaping the Electoral College and its devastating impact on real democracy.

    3 May 2024, 11:32 am
  • 57 minutes 54 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 4.18.24


      Our GREEP zoom #174 begins with famed investigative reporter ROGER RAPOPORT and nuclear safety expert KEVIN KAMPS.   They explore the absurd $15 billion scam to bilk state and federal taxpayers and ratepayers to pay for re-starting Michigan’s Palisades reactor. The government is spending billions to restart Michigan's Palisades reactor. Why? | Opinion Michigan and the federal government will spend billions to restart the Palisades nuclear reactor. They should invest in renewable energy instead.    The plant is 50 years old and was shut two years ago for safety reasons.       Critical parts have already been stripped out.   The company designated to restart the reactor—Holtec—has never operated a reactor.   Roger and Kevin give us a complete tour of this atomic catastrophe in the making.   WENDI LEDERMAN reports on the attacks on women’s health care in Florida, Arizona and elsewhere.   The legendary CAMILLA REES then convenes a world-class panel on the impacts of Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.     With world-class expertise, we hear from DR. KARL MARET, MD, M.ENG; TIMOTHY SCHOECHLE, PH.D, and attorney DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Esq.   Beautifully guided by Camilla, this is a uniquely powerful session that puts the EMF issue into essential perspective.   From LA activist Brenda Martinez gives us an update on the fight against 5G in southern California.   LYNN FEINERMAN, DAVID SALTMAN, DR. RUTH STRAUSS, TATANKA BRICCA, RON LEONARD, MYLA RESON & others all kick in.   The level of expertise on energy and EMF is unmatched.  Don’t miss this double session.     No Nukes / No EMF!!  
    19 April 2024, 3:00 am
  • 2 hours 16 minutes
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 4.11.24


    Our GREEP zoom gathering #173 begins with the magnificent MIMI GERMAN, our much-loved Poet Laureate.  Mimi reads us her fabulous poem about the time she almost got shot at the CGS nuke on the Hanford nuclear wasteland.

    Plus she tells of our great adventure on the legendary peace boat GOLDEN RULE and the time we were rammed (true!!!) by a police boat while protesting Portland’s militaristic “fleet week.”

    The great DENNIS BERNSTEIN joins us with tales of his activism as we celebrate the massive impact of his nationally syndicated FLASHPOINTS SHOW on KPFA/Pacifica. 

    PAUL NEWMAN chips in with a great comment on nuclear casualties.

    RON LEONARD reminds us of the realities of the insane continued operations at Diablo Canyon...and of the new Friends of the Earth lawsuit against the handout to keep Diablo headed toward an uninsured Armageddon.

    The connection between nuclear power and nuclear weapons is underscored by ALFRED MEYER.

    WENDI LEDERMAN the introduces the amazing PAUL BURKE of VOTEWELL.NET, who fills us in on many of the crucial the realities of  election theft.

    DONALD SMITH and PAUL STOKES raiseadditional key issues on election protection,

    At the top of the second hour, we’re joined by the legendary NORMAN SOLOMON.

    Norman’s uniquely brilliant career as a journalist includes his work as a non-violent pioneer for peace.

    As a co-author of KILLING OUR OWN, Norman reminds us of the horrible death toll among downwinders from the lethal Nevada Bomb tests of the 1950s and ‘60s.

    Norman also urges our participation in DAN ELLSBERG WEEK, upcoming June 10-16.

    TATANKA BRICCA reminds us of Ellsberg’s true greatness and of the many adventures they shared. 

    RUTH STRAUSS then reminds us that peace activism can be a dangerous business….and that the voting machines bought with millions of taxpayer dollars for Los Angeles are seriously problematic.

    MARION EDEY, legendary founder of the League of Conservation Voters and co-founder of the Threshold Foundatlon talks to us about election protection and more.

    We then hear MYLA RESON bemoaning the illusion among some young people that nuclear power can help fight global warming; she also raises the issue of depleted uranium being mis-used in US warfare.

    MIKE HERSH reminds us of the great accomplishments of the Clamshell Alliance and Norman’s very effective activism in Oregon on shutting the Trojan reactor.

    Norman ends with a plea for the revival of diplomacy as a tool of foreign policy rather than building ever-more weapons for increasingly insane wars.

    With such a mindset, Norman warns, DR. STRANGELOVE remains a documentary….NO NUKES!!!

    12 April 2024, 11:32 am
  • 57 minutes 56 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 4.4.24


    We begin GREEP gathering #172 with the multi-million-dollar SLAPP suit aiming to murder Greenpeace USA.

    We FOLLOW WITH Florida 2000’s coup d’etat perpetrated by the violent Brooks Brother Mob, which included current Supremes John Roberts, Amy Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.  

    ANDREA MILLER and RAY MCCLENDON then join us to discuss the powerful new “GiveButter" fundraising website.

    We also hear from Andrea about the welcome dismissal—after five years!---of ridiculous voter suppression charges against an innocent Texas citizen.

    Ray explains the realities of voter suppression through “caging,” and cites the potential impact of the issue of abortion being on the Florida ballot this fall.

    RON LEONARD mocks the Democratic Party’s top-down addiction, and the fatal trap of “couping.”

    Andrea points out that Florida’s referendum allowing ex-felons to vote is still being kneecapped by requirements to pay “fines and fees” even if they aren’t spelled out.

    RACHEL DEWOSKIN explains the rise of her “Writers for Democratic Action” and the use of the play “It Can’t Happen Here (Again)” as a powerful organizing tool.

    Legendary writer/filmmaker ROGER RAPOPORT of Muskegon, Michigan describes his award-winning podcast series on voter turnout, and the desperate need to get people to vote.

    Nuclear expert/activist KEVIN KAMPS joins Roger to explain the insane dynamics of the multi-billion-dollar attempt to re-open the failed, decrepit 50-year-old Palisades nuclear reactor, sited on Michigan’s west coast.

    RUTH STRAUSS clarifies the fine points activism among former NRC Chairs.

    Safe energy activists MYLA RESON and KARL GROSSMAN dissect the absurd attempt to prevent jalopy reactors like Palisades and Diablo from finding their way to the nuclear scrapheap.

    WENDI LEDERMAN wraps this week’s Eastern Monday session by introducing writer/organizer JAY PONTI to discuss the challenges and rewards of grassroots campaigning and his new book “Be the Revolution.”

    Happy Easter!!!   See you next week...

    5 April 2024, 11:35 am
  • 57 minutes 53 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.28.24


    We start GREEP Zoom #171 with the great NORM STOCKWELL, Publisher of the legendary Progressive Magazine, telling us how gerrymandering has been reversed in Wisconsin.

    It’s a huge victory for democracy that needs to be celebrated, with tangible progressive impacts for years to come…and outcome that could only have happened with grassroots election organizing..

    The legendary JOHN BRAKEY then fills us in on the battles for democracy in Arizona, where the outcome for 2024 could decide the Presidency.

    JAN PERELMAN, running for Congress in Florida, reports on killer developments in that uniquely tortured state.

    MYLA RESON inserts her concerns about the Sunshine State’s horrendous nuclear power plants.

    We then hear from DOROTHY REIK and DR. RUTH STRAUSS about the latest assault on birth control and abortion pills as approved by the FDA, now in front of the US Supreme Court.

    We open our section on political prisoners with STEVE DONZIGER, who continues to be prosecuted by Chevron for his powerful work for social and ecological justice.

    VINNIE DeSTEFANO updates us on the attempts to bring JULIAN ASSANGE to the United States for further torture and persecution.

    TATANKA BRICCA reminds us of the horrific forever attack against LEONARD PELTIER.

    And JEFF MACKLER provides chapter and verse on the four-decade incarceration of MUMIA ABU-JAMAL.

    Finally, WENDI LEDERMAN and PAUL NEWMAN add to the mix of a truly powerful testimony to the wrongness of these prosecutions and the incredible power of the defendants and their supporters.  

    29 March 2024, 11:29 am
  • 57 minutes 56 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.21.24


    GREEP #170 begins with QUASIM RASHID, candidate for Congress in Illinois, who offers a glimpse of a progressive new generation coming to power.

    NANCY LARSON fills us in on the latest insanity from the Buckeye State.


    RAY MCCLENDON clarifies the latest developments in Trump’s Georgia election theft case and offers a harsh warning on the likelihood of election theft throughout the United States.

    PAUL NEWMAN correctly attacks the spineless, listless Merrick Garland.

    We then explore the dying nuke power industry alongside the rise of the booming wind industry in New York and elsewhere.

    The great PAUL GUNTER, RON LEONARD, TATANKA BRICCA and others then explore the insanity of pro-nuke/anti-solar policies in DC and CA.

    MARY OLSON also takes us deep into the realities of the deeply denied death toll at Three Mile Island.

    JOHN LAFORGE of NukeWatch updates us on the killing power of tritium and other atomic fallout.

    ROSEDANIE CADET delivers as astonishing report of chaos and hardship in HAITI that defies description.

    MYLA RESON raises the killer questions about whether France will step up to right its historic wrongs.

    …and…WENDI LEDERMAN finishes with a terrifying catalog of the spread of Cop Cities around the US.

    Overall, it’s a session to question the fate of the human race….but we WILL see you next week…..

    22 March 2024, 11:33 am
  • 57 minutes 59 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.14.24


    VINNIE DESTEFANO starts us off with a detailed excursion in to horrid on-going torture of Julian Assange.

    We then get into the weeds with WENDI LEDERMAN on our comprehensive PEOPLE’S GUIDE TO GRESSROOTS ELECTION ORGANIZING, 2024.

    PAUL NEWMAN introduces a discussion of hand-marked/counted paper ballots, which, with digital scanning, can finally give us reliable election outcomes.

    DAVE SALTMAN introduces the issue of the Electoral College.

    LINDA SEELEY fills us in on the latest at Diablo Canyon.

    PAUL KANGAS talks abut Senate bills 9 & 10 for building four-family houses with 100 solar panels

    We follow with a full hour on the possibility of changing the world by Solarizing Los Angeles,

    It’s a project that can transform the entire energy picture in California, the US and the world.

    This is the world debut of a campaign that could completely end the reign of KING CONG—Coal, Oil, Nukes, Gas.

    Join US!!

    15 March 2024, 11:39 am
  • 58 minutes 15 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 3.7.24


    Throughout the world 5-G transmission is being imposed on the human population. 

    It has terrible health effects that are almost everywhere hidden from an unsuspecting public. 

    Millions of human are almost certainly suffering from health impacts that would appear inexplicable but that are being cause by this terrible technology.

    We’re joined at today’s CALIFORNIA SOLARTOPIA show by world-renowned expert CAMILLA REES.

    She is joined by Los Angeles activists SIDNEE COX and BRENDA MARTINEZ. 

    Though some of this show's information is specific to Southern California, the overall picture of the health and political realities put forward here is invaluable

    We also chide LA Representative Adam Schiff for his grotesque US Senate campaign, in which he trashed the legendary Barbara Lee and activist Katie Porter, elevating instead a fascist Republican to be his Senate opponent this fall.

    And with MYLA RESON and TATANKA BRICCA we remind with world of the insane dangers of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant and all other atomic reactors.

    And of the criminal opposition to renewables now being pushed by California Governor Gavin Newsom.

    8 March 2024, 12:45 pm
  • 57 minutes 59 seconds
    Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour - 2.29.24


    We gather again for the GREEN GRASSROOTS EMERGENCY ELECTION PROTECTION Zoom, this one #167.

    Legendary voting rights activist RAY MCCLENDON dissects the furor over Fani Willis and the Georgia prosecution of Trump’s 2020 election theft attempt.


    CYNTHIA PAPERMASTER tells us of her civil disobedience at the San Francisco home of Nancy Pelosi. 

    ANDREA MILLER explains her upcoming national webinar on Get-Out-The-Vote work that has made a tangible difference in so many elections.,

    RUTH STRAUSS, LYNN FEINERMAN and WENDI LEDERMAN add their perspectives to Andrea’s amazing work.

    Just back from London, VINNIE DESTFANO gives us his first person accounts of this critical juncture on the Julian Assange case.

    SUSAN PYNCHON introduces us to the upcoming election audit zoom with John Brakey, Ray Lutz, Ken Bennett, Bennie Smith; look for the link at

    PAUL NEWMAN and PAUL FENN give us the low-down on the benefits of actually installing solar panels in Santa Monica….and statewide.

    Renewable energy Godfather RON LEONARD fills us in on the global success of the spreading solar power industry.

    We finish by exploring the roots of the renewable vision from the 1975 Toward Tomorrow Fair at the University of Massachusetts, where the Solartopia outlook threw down its roots.

    A challenge to the solar future comes from MARY BUTLER-STONEWALL.

    MYLA RESON reads us the litany of legislation now being proposed to save California’s beleaguered solar industry.

    See you next week for more on THOM HARTMANN’s terrifying vision of how Trump can steal the 2024 election.

    1 March 2024, 12:43 pm
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