Life Beyond The Massage Table: A Podcast for Health & Wellness Businesses

Candice Eisner, happy little biz

A short, no BS weekly talk about the realities of running a Massage Therapy practice - or any health, wellness or fitness business, really!

  • 36 minutes 8 seconds
    Financial Planning for Massage Therapists
    Financial planning can be a really tricky topic for anyone who is self-employed, including massage therapists. We want to have a good life, both now and in the future, but there are so many things to consider. There is a business to build, clients to see, and of course, a personal life to live! No one wants to be working all the time, even if there are times we need to. But just like we plan for things like graduation or a milestone birthday, we also need to plan for other big life changes like buying a house and retirement. So for this episode, I am sharing my perspective as a fellow business owner and former massage therapist. I know how tricky it can be when you’re a solo business owner! This is the fourth and final episode in my short series on How to Stay a Massage Therapist for the Long Haul. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    16 June 2022, 3:52 pm
  • 37 minutes 55 seconds
    The Three T's of Staying Healthy as Massage Therapists
    They say many massage therapists quit or burn out in 3-5 years. But that doesn't have to be you! If you want to stick around your massage therapy career for the long term, I've got some tips and tools you can use to help your body (and mind!) be in it for the long haul. This is the third episode in my short series on How to Stay a Massage Therapist for the Long Haul. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    3 June 2022, 2:59 pm
  • 27 minutes 42 seconds
    Setting Boundaries and Avoiding Burnout
    Massage therapists are passionate about their careers, but this can sometimes lead to working too much and not taking enough time for self-care. This can lead to burnout and feeling like we don't have a life outside of work. So in this episode, we are discussing: Using your Enough number (see last week’s episode!) to set goals How growth for the sake of growth isn’t worth your time (and will only lead to burnout) Setting boundaries as a business owner (to avoid, you guessed it, burnout) How you should think of yourself as more than just your job title The importance of working to live (having your career support your life, not run it!) This is the second episode in my short series on How to Stay a Massage Therapist for the Long Haul. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    19 May 2022, 7:47 pm
  • 27 minutes 41 seconds
    Massage Therapist Business Goals
    This next series of episodes is going to talk about realistic, achievable business strategies that, when all put together, allow you to keep working as a massage therapist for many years to come. Over this set of five episodes, we’re going to talk about financial factors, business planning, setting boundaries within your business, tools, and technology you can use to make your life easier, and the importance of taking time for your own self-care. Today we are talking about setting business goals. We are discussing: What are business goals, exactly? The concept of SMART goals Figuring out what your Enough number is in terms of income The importance of setting realistic goals that fit both your career and life. This is the first episode in my short series on How to Stay a Massage Therapist for the Long Haul. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    5 May 2022, 5:54 pm
  • 21 minutes 25 seconds
    Should Massage Therapists Be Employees?
    Being self-employed as a massage therapist is the norm, at least in North America. However, the vast majority of people would be much better off as employees, rather than working for themselves. Why do I say this? There are a few reasons, which I go over in today's episode. This is the third episode in my short series on Controversial Topics Within Health and Wellness. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    6 December 2021, 5:45 pm
  • 28 minutes 49 seconds
    Massage and Science - What's the Proof?
    One of the things massage therapists on the whole are sensitive about are questions about the efficacy of their treatments. There are a lot of therapist websites out there that have this big list of conditions, diseases, and disorders that they say massage therapy can treat. So in today’s episode, we’re talking about the science behind massage therapy - or the lack of it. But we’re also talking about why it doesn’t necessarily matter, at least in terms of running your business! This is the second episode in my short series on Controversial Topics Within Health and Wellness. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    29 November 2021, 5:13 pm
  • 35 minutes 35 seconds
    Wellness Careers and Conspiracies: Why Should We Care?
    We are closing out the year talking about some controversial topics in the health and wellness industry. No matter where you fall within this overall ‘sphere’, these are things you should be thinking about, in terms of how this has an effect on your business. This episode is discussing something that has been in the media a lot recently, and that is the link between the wellness community and conspiracies. There is a lot to think about, so I've provided some food for thought! This is the first episode in my short series on Controversial Topics Within Health and Wellness. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    22 November 2021, 4:49 pm
  • 20 minutes 21 seconds
    She's Back? What's Up Next For This Podcast
    A little update on what's going on with this podcast and what you can expect next! Spoiler alert: more episodes coming shortly! Find out more about this podcast at my website, Shownotes for most episodes are available as well!
    28 October 2021, 12:27 pm
  • 26 minutes 14 seconds
    Five Money Saving Tips for Massage Therapists
    Today we're going over five tips to save time and money in your massage therapy business. Stuff that isn't the typical 'shop sales' or 'use coupon codes'... because we all know that! Ready to save some cash? This it the third of three episodes on Money Mindsets. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    29 April 2021, 1:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 19 seconds
    Stop Trading Time for Money
    Unpopular opinions warning! Sometimes we need to think non-linearly about our income. We need to get creative on ways we can use our professional skills and resources to earn. It helps us get off the roller coaster that booking ups and downs can have.  You see, it doesn’t have to be all hands-on hours or an hour of your time for a fee exchange. So in this episode, we talk about exactly that! If you want to increase your income without just booking more hands-on time, this episode is for you. This it the second of three episodes on Money Mindsets. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    22 April 2021, 1:00 pm
  • 41 minutes 34 seconds
    Money Mindsets for Massage Therapists
    Money is a tricky topic, but one all of us must think about as business owners and, well, humans! There are multiple mindsets we can fall into that hold us back from having our best chance at success - so that's what we're talking about in today's episode. This is the first in a three-part series on money mindsets. Show notes are now available for all episodes at
    15 April 2021, 1:00 pm
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