Chipper churches leave no lasting impression on the world. The greatest gift we have to give is indomitable joy in Jesus in the midst of suffering and sorrow.
5 March 2025, 11:00 am
49 minutes 51 seconds
Supernatural Pastors: How to Minister in God’s Strength
Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God supplies.
25 January 2025, 11:00 am
52 minutes 57 seconds
Sorrows Are Normal for Now: What to Expect on Your Journey Home
David Mathis | In this fallen world, expect suffering and sorrows. But also know that, in Christ, they are limited, designed, and rewarded by a kind and gracious God.
15 January 2025, 11:00 am
57 minutes 41 seconds
How to Feed a Pastor: The Secret Life of a Happy Man
David Mathis | As pastors, our first priority each day is not to serve God, help his people, or engage in other ministry, but to get our soul happy in God.
11 January 2025, 11:00 am
42 minutes 7 seconds
I Want You to Be a Christian Hedonist
David Mathis | Do you want God to look good in your life? Then heed his invitation to find your deepest hunger, deepest thirst, and deepest longings satisfied in him.
1 January 2025, 11:00 am
37 minutes 13 seconds
Slavery and Christ’s Supreme Lordship: How to Live Under Human Authority
In a world of many authorities, we magnify the supreme lordship of Christ by the way we submit to the fading structures of this age.
18 December 2024, 11:00 am
55 minutes 29 seconds
Countless Dangers, Continual Joy: How Is That Possible?
Paul’s Christian life was one of countless dangers, continual sorrows, and constant joy. How is that kind of life possible?
27 November 2024, 11:00 am
1 hour 21 minutes
Bend the Ear of God: Three Wonders of Christian Prayer
David Mathis | God not only speaks to us — he bends his ear to hear us talk. Through the work of Christ and the help of the Spirit, we have the ear of God.
20 November 2024, 11:00 am
38 minutes 33 seconds
Restore Our Joy in You: A Prayer for God-Centered Revival
Marshall Segal | When our souls grow dull to spiritual reality, the character of God is our confidence. He has restored us before; he will revive us again.
13 November 2024, 11:00 am
33 minutes 2 seconds
Doctrine Fails Without Delight: The Mind as Servant of the Heart
By God’s design, truth serves emotion. Thinking serves feeling. The lyrics of our best songs serve the Godward longings of our hearts.
6 November 2024, 11:00 am
33 minutes 17 seconds
Do You Look to the Reward?
David Mathis | What do soldiers, farmers, athletes, and Christians have in common? We endure, through discomfort, to get the reward.