Birdpod - Birdwatching Podcast

Neil Baxter

Welcome to all you Birdwatchers, Birders, Twitchers, Scopers, Ornithologists, Bird Nerds and Nature Lovers out there - Here you can listen to my weekly podcasts where I discuss all things Bird-related, plus YOU have the chance to have your say too!

  • 11 minutes 34 seconds
    26th July, 2009 - "White-tailed Eagle"
    Birdpod's back after a short absence (sorry folks) - the artificial bird for this episode - the White-tailed Eagle! Plus of course, Birdping News.
    26 July 2009, 8:53 am
  • 23 minutes 58 seconds
    5th July, 2009 - "Live from South Stack, Anglesey"
    A return trip to this lovely place whilst on a day off work. Find out what I saw by tuning in! Also of course, Birding News and Artificial Bird Of The Week!
    6 July 2009, 6:36 am
  • 24 minutes 58 seconds
    28th June, 2009 - "Give me a call"
    "Trying to reverse the charges? Accept 'em? NO WAY!!!" No... it's not that kind of call... all about the sounds we hear from our avian chums that let us know they're there even when we can't see them. Plus of course, as always, "Birding News" and "Artificial Bird Of The Week"
    28 June 2009, 12:38 am
  • 20 minutes 56 seconds
    21st June, 2009 - "Oh look - A Heron!"
    Sorry for the bland and rather straightforward title... I wanted a pretty snappy title with great wordplay... I tried variations on 'error', 'hell and', 'herring', 'hearing', 'errand' - but nothing! ZILCH! Ah well - at least there's "Artificial Bird Of The Week" to look forward to! :)
    21 June 2009, 10:30 pm
  • 18 minutes 8 seconds
    14th June, 2009 - "The One With The Waggly Tail!"
    No... not a doggy in a window... it's all about Wagtails! Plus of course, "Artificial Bird Of The Week" - find out which one, by listening in!
    14 June 2009, 11:35 pm
  • 19 minutes 36 seconds
    7th June, 2009 - "Finch, Chimps and Mushy Bees!"
    That's the punchline to a TERRIBLE joke... I know it kind of defeats the object knowing the punchline, but hear the rest of the joke here... plus of course, don't miss the 'Artificial Bird Of The Week'!
    7 June 2009, 9:11 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Birdpod Weekly 31st May, 2009 - "Hello Ducky!"
    You'd be QUACKERS not to listen to this... all about the Mallard! Plus of course "Artificial Bird Of The Week" - bet you can't wait to hear which one it is this week!
    31 May 2009, 6:44 pm
  • 21 minutes 52 seconds
    Birdpod Weekly 24th May, 2009 - "A Cat Among The Pigeons"
    All about cats vs birds... information on keeping the two separate (at least until both sign a treaty declaring peace). Also as always "Birding News" - Bird-related articles from the internet. AND... not forgetting the "Artificial Bird Of The Week" - this week - the House Sparrow.
    24 May 2009, 5:37 pm
  • 24 minutes 7 seconds
    Birdpod Weekly 17th May, 2009 - "Invasion Of The Starlings!"
    Lock all doors and windows - we're being invaded! Hide in the cellar everyone! Eh? Ah... don't panic... I'm actually putting a good word in for these often maligned critters... find out more!
    17 May 2009, 5:03 pm
  • 44 minutes 53 seconds
    Birdpod Weekly 17th January, 2009 - "Why Do You Like Birdwatching?"
    Comments from our listeners on what they enjoy best about this excellent hobby. Plus recent news events in the Birding World, an 'Artificial Blackbird' and news about next week's podcast! Have a listen folks.
    17 January 2009, 4:59 pm
  • 16 minutes 45 seconds
    Birdpod Weekly 12th January, 2009 - "Why I enjoy Birdwatching"
    I'll tell you why I enjoy this hobby - and then YOU have the opportunity to have your say... find out how by listening to this podcast.
    12 January 2009, 8:46 pm
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