Every other week, Collin & Cindy (the "Boards", fans of more Euro-style games) and Chris & Philip (the "Swords", more thematic gamers) entertain the world of tabletop gaming with news, jokes, and the ongoing quest to find a game that they all will enjoy.
Not exactly an abundance of news stories this early in the year, but that’s okay, because there’s one Minis game that will probably stomp all over the rest… Plus! We’ve got Silvia and Fabio from Loot Studios here to talk about their upcoming game Malediction!
Malediction link: https://gamefound.com/en/projects/loot-studios/malediction
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Free RPG Day 2025 Set
Fullmetal Alchemist set coming to Union Arena TCG
What are you up to Mantic?
Not the licensing I intended...https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/58541/hasbro-signs-d-d-gambling-license
Ooooo shiny....
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
Wrath and Gloooooria……in exterminius deo? We get into the Christmas spirit talking with Chris Colston about the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop RPG “Wrath and Glory”. Also, we go through the top 10 news stories of 2024 and remember what a crazy year it’s been!
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Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswords.com on Bluesky, @boardsandswordschris on instagram, while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
Unlike my electric car, I like my Pax’es “Unplugged”. Both of us went this year, so what did we see & do? Also, Wyrmwood is still a crappy company, somehow Funko took down itch.io, and Vallejo workers are on strike? All this and more!
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Wyrmwood not getting any better
Funko takes down indie site
"Impossible?" classes coming to Pathfinder
Vallejo workers on strike
Warhammer updates....again...
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
Hopefully it wont be “Lore”-ded over me, but we’re talking about a new website to keep track of your tabletop roleplaying games: Lore Link (https://lorelink.com). Mark Della-Croce, one of the founders is on the show to show off this resource and how you can utilize it in your games. Plus, apparently no more Hasbro movies, and some UPS drivers made off with some MTG cards. All that and much more!
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Have you been in a Gamestop recently?
Asmodee not going to be as bad off by itself
Dimension 20 Hack of Kids on Bikes RPG now Free
UPS workers didn't learn from Gen Con thieves
Hasbro is done with movies
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
I feel like I should write something snap-py here, because we’ve got Scott Pease from Snap Ship Tactics here. Want to play an X-Wing style game with ships you build yourself? Then you’re going to want to listen up! Plus, Funko is worried about some trends, there’s some fancy baggage to carry around your board games here, and did anyone need poolside versions of board games?
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Better not check this luggage...
Is this a new board game trend?
Speaking of Cats...
Funko issues warning
Miniatures Kickstarter does really well out of the gate
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
Torn between playing D&D and not supporting a company that’s constantly in the news for its bad business ideas? We’ve got Wolfgang Baur on from Kobold Press to talk about “Tales of the Valiant”, a D&D5e alternative game that’s still compatible with all the books you already have. Plus, we’ve got MTG news for 2025, super cool squat models for Necromunda, and a 2 player version of Azul??
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Azul duel??
New Edition of Mission: Red Planet coming soon
OMG Lots of cool squat stuff coming for Necromunda!!
A look in the new Kill Team Starter Set
Here's what's coming in 2025 for Magic
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
It was mentioned briefly last time, but that MTG Commander Committee fired itself? Between that, Essen, Warhammer Day, there’s a ton of News to go around and we are guest-less so we take these stories on. Plus, Philip’s got a review of Heroes of Barcadia and Chris talks about Halo: Flashpoint.
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Follow up: Commander Committee fires itself
I figured out why One Piece is selling so much
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: The Video Game: The Card Game
More Halo Flashpoint stuff coming
Dungeon Crawler is a word now. Two actually...
New Kill Team models look super cool
Christmas boxes for Warhammer
New Star Wars Unlimited set
Dinosaurs coming to Conquest
Extra Life 2024 Magic the Gathering Cards
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
A Lord of the Rings trick taking game? A Gundam TCG - has someone been listening to our bonus bits?? Regardless, we’ve got Sam Nolton here from Eldritch Foundry to talk about printing custom miniatures…in COLOR!
Also, Eldritch Foundry (https://eldritch-foundry.com/) has hooked us up with a discount code good for $10 – equal to 2 free STL downloads of any custom mini!
Enter code: EFBS2024 at checkout for a credit of $10 on your account, redeemable through 12/31/2024
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New Space Marine 2 intro set for Warhammer
Middle Earth....the trick taking game?
A new Gundam TCG?
Play as the old D&D cartoon characters
Drama in the MTG Commander Community
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
Hasbro doesn’t know when to read the room, Netflix is “gathering” a new animated show, and Slimer is coming to Magic the Gathering. Plus, we’ve got Whistler, creator of the Rapscallion RPG here to talk rowdy pirates, ghost ships, and running away from “The Law”
Rapscallion BackerKit Link: https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/magpie-games/rapscallion-pbta-pirate-adventure
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Asmodee to release Flatiron
Daggerheart coming soon from Darrington Press
Netflix getting Magic animated show
Magic the Gathering & Ghostbusters??
Another week, another stupid quote from Hasbro
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
Chris went to the GW reveal and all he got was COVID-19! There was also this little con called Nova Open 2024 happening too. Also, there’s too many Cyberpunk games, Wizards messed up again with D&D, and Warhammer decided to try out this rotation thing Magic The Gathering keeps talking about.
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Cyberpunk doing really well
Three new board game items from Capstone
Magic still on top and strong
Wizards already regretting D&D Beyond decision
Kill Team going the Magic route...
Affiliate Links/Codes: Help support the show!
Amazon: https://boardsandswords.com/amazon
Renegade Games Studios: https://boardsandswords.com/renegade
Monument Hobbies: 5% off using code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
What were the ups & downs of Gen Con? Pretty standard, but I doubt you really want to hear about Chris’ elevator rides. Instead, we go through the highlights of Gen Con 2024 and all the cool stuff that was there.
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Liked our Monument Hobbies interview? You can now save by using our affiliate code "boardsandswords" at their checkout: https://monumenthobbies.com/
The best thing about HeroQuest...
D&D + Influencers = um what??
Unmatched: TMNT is coming
Union wins Diana Jones award
Email us your comments and questions at [email protected]. We're on social media! Facebook.com/boardsandswordspod is our official Facebook page. Chris is @boardsandswordschris on instagram, @boardsandswords on X/Twitter while Philip is @PhilTheDirtbag on X/Twitter. Thank you for listening to the show. Until next time, remember that every gamer has a story…..what's yours?
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