This show will certainly entertain any gamer but also will spark new play ideas. The discussions often offer solid insight into use of historical verisimilitude in gaming. Interview guests add enjoyable variety.
This month, Mike and Roger look at Roger's latest enthusiasm, Mongoose's revision of the Bayern campaign for 2300 AD.
This month, Mike and Roger talk about one-off and convention games.
This month, Mike and Roger consider how to steal material for RPGs, and work out an example.
This month, Mike and Roger consider the limitations of improvised campaigns and how to deal with rules lawyers.
This month, Mike and Roger once again attempt RPG-a-Day as RPG-a-Minute.
This month, Roger and Mike look back on our experience with Blades in the Dark. Warning, Roger gets a bit ranty.
This month, Mike and Roger consider our experiences with Enemy in Shadows, the first part of the classic Warhammer campaign, and look at the second edition of Reign.
This month, Roger and Mike consider system choice and system mastery, and look at Mike's new Blades in the Dark campaign.
This month, Mike and Roger consider how to do character sheets right, and ponder the future of generic systems.
This month, Roger and Mike can't get away from bashing dungeons, and consider the (sadly still-extant) adversarial relationship between players and game masters.
This month, Mike and Roger review a bumper set of Bundles of Holding, consider our gaming plans for 2024, and consider the deep history of RPGs.
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