Insight and Renown


Podcast by Thursday

  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    S02E03 - What We Do in the Shadows
    Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of AGoT? The shadows know! Join us this time as we take a look back at the Shadows mechanic, which was recently announced to be returning to the game's second edition. And as a bonus, see how many of the weird rulings we discuss you can figure out!
    14 April 2018, 10:35 pm
  • 45 minutes 58 seconds
    S02E02 - If you liked it, then you should have put a limit on it
    Today we talk about c-c-c-combos! What is a combo? Where do they come from? How many tournaments have they ruined, and how do we prevent them from being a problem going forward? All this and the continuation of our crack-a-pack feature on this episode of Insight and Renown!
    18 January 2018, 12:07 am
  • 29 minutes 31 seconds
    Insight and Renown Episode 05 - It's All About the Money, Money, Money
    Resources have always been uniquely handled in the Game of Thrones card game - and even within that uniqueness, there is a vast chasm between the design philosophies of the 1st and 2nd Editions. From where do those differences originate, and what future designs do they hint at? Well, let's take a look! This time it's a special double-length episode, to make up for the brief hiatus since episode 4.
    13 May 2016, 3:14 am
  • 15 minutes 14 seconds
    Insight and Renown Episode 04 - The Old Mill
    Why play mill? Discarding cards from the top of your opponent's deck doesn't actually affect your opponent directly unless you discard EVERY card from your opponent's deck (except in rare cases). And yet the ability to do so has been in the game from the very beginning. What drives mill to be an effective mechanic?
    15 April 2016, 12:20 pm
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