Stalking The Retro


Stalking The Retro is the most profane yet hilarious podcast you will ever hear on retro gaming. A truly international podcast filled with news reviews and much much more.

  • STR 76: Once a Bottom: QTR 2.0
    STR 76: Once a Bottom: QTR 2.0

    It's time for another episode of Quarantining the Retro! Uhm.... I mean Stalking the Retro! In this second whilst quarantining episode, we talk about the games we've been playing at home. We run down some news in the retro gaming world and do a top ten retro games to avoid people with. Indie also does a special segment on the mini Retro Arcade as an interesting quarantine project. So sit back relax and grab your seventh beer of the morning and listen to another fun-filled episode with three guys who have gone totally mad with cabin fever. I hope you all enjoy this episode and stay safe and stay strong everybody!
    4 May 2020, 2:02 pm
  • STR 75: Stay the Frack at Home
    STR 75: Stay the Frack at Home

    The world is in a crisis, so we should all stay home and listen to another episode of the Stalking the Retro podcast. Yep that's right folks whether you wanted us back or not, we are back! In this new episode, the first new episode recorded in about five years, we talk about our current situations in quarantine. We decide on which codpieces would make appropriate fashion choices for the new world we live in. We also talk about retrogaming pickups, the news, and even run down the top ten retro games you should be playing during the Covid 19 crisis. So sit back relax, stay warm and comfortable in your home and listen to a new episode of Stalking the Retro. We had a blast making this episode and hope to be making more in the future. Stay safe everyone!
    6 April 2020, 7:49 am
  • STR Lost Episode 1: Revival
    STR Lost Episode 1: Revival

    Here's an episode that was only released on a few select CDs handed out at a gaming convention several years ago. Now everyone can enjoy this lost episode of STR. Please give our Facebook Page a like. Hope you enjoy this lost episode of Stalking The Retro

    31 May 2016, 5:47 pm
  • STR 74: The Last One.
    STR 74: The Last One.

    The end of Stalking The Retro has arrived. We have had a lot of fun over the past four years and 74 episodes talking about retro gaming. Thanks to all of our listeners and contributors over the years for all of your support. In this episode we talk about what we have been playing lately, pickups and retro news across the inter-webs.

    Are you a fan of the Vectrex? Why not listen to an awesome new podcast called Vectrex Radio. Check us out here on Facebook:    Please give our page a like.

    Thanks everyone!
    12 October 2015, 1:12 pm
  • STR 73: Tempest: Oops Wrong Hole.
    STR 73: Tempest: Oops Wrong Hole.

    In this episode Willie, Socal Mike, and myself Indieseoul talk about that classic game Tempest. We discuss the arcade original, arcade ports, Tempest 2000 and the myriad of clones and knockoffs of this wonderful game. In the Intarivisions segment the boys talk about Atlantis as they compare the different ports on the pre-crash systems. So grab an adult beverage of your choice and watch out for holes as you listen to the latest episode of Stalking The Retro.

    10 July 2015, 1:20 pm
  • STR 72: Too Much Bun For This Meat.
    STR 72: Too Much Bun For This Meat.

    Septic is back from Play Blackpool and he tells us about all the panels he saw and retro gaming gurus he met. Ferg from the 2600 Game by Game Podcast joins us as we do a special top ten Atari VCS space shooters. Then in the Intarivisions segment the boys compare Frogger on all the pre-crash systems. So grab a cold beverage of your choice and have a listen to the latest episode of Stalking The Retro!
    26 May 2015, 12:36 pm
  • STR 71: Strange Days Retro VR
    STR 71: Strange Days: Retro VR

    In this episode we talk about the history of Virtual Reality from it's simple beginnings in the 1800's to the 1990's arcade and home console and PC days. Septic and Willie talk about their experiences with VR back in the day and we discuss all of the promised headsets from the likes of Sega and Atari. VR is so cool and it's sooo retro! So grab your VR headset and set it next to you as you listen to the latest episode of Stalking The Retro.

    On the Intarivisions segment the boys talk about the game Venture and compare it on the big three consoles.
    7 April 2015, 1:43 pm
  • STR 70: Gentlemen, Start Your PC Engines!
    STR 70: Gentlemen, Start Your PC Engines!

    In this episode Issac joins us and we talk about Turbographx and PC Engine games and game development. Socal Mike tells us more about his upcoming cartridge based video game system coming to Kick-starter in March. We talk about our recent pickups and games we have been playing. In the Intarivisions segment the guys talk about the game Dragonfire.
    26 February 2015, 8:06 pm
  • STR Sexty-Nine: Year In Review
    STR Sexty-Nine: Year In Review

    In this episode we talk about the year 2014 and all of the retro events that shaped it. We rundown the games we played the most this year and do our best to not make jokes about the number sixty-nine. In the Retro Stalking segment Willie goes to Evansville, Indiana and checks out an awesome Super Mega Replay store. Then in our final segment the Intarivisions crew talk about the game Beamrider! and vote on what is the best version to play.

    Since you have already broken most of your New Years Resolutions...why not break another by listening to the latest episode of Stalking The Retro!
    7 January 2015, 7:47 pm
  • STR 68: The Fall of Sega/Homeless In Japan.
    STR 68: The Fall of Sega/Homeless In Japan.

    In this episode we talk about my recent trip to Japan, The fall of the great Sega, The 20th Anniversary of the PlayStation One, games we have picked up and much much more! As a special Christmas gift you will also get to hear exclusively the premiere episode of the awesome new podcast Intarivisions.

    So grab a cup of rum tainted eggnog and listen to the latest episode of Stalking The Retro whilst wrapping your presents!
    8 December 2014, 9:23 am
  • STR 67: The Rise of Sega.
    STR 67: The Rise of Sega.

    In this episode our new co-host Mike Kennedy aka Socal Mike joins us as we talk about the rise of the great Sega. We talk about Sega history, games we have been playing, our recent pickups, and much much more. This episode has two Retro Stalking segments. One with Mike at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo and one with Septic Lemon at a car boot sale. We also talk about the latest retro news and Mike reveals some awesome new projects he's currently working on. So why not grab yourself a cold can of beer and listen to the latest episode of Stalking The Retro!
    13 November 2014, 8:24 pm
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