

GamesRadar’s video game discussions with all manner of silliness!

  • GamesRadar E3 2018: The Pre-Show Predictions Podcast

    The Big Topics: Sony, Xbox and Nintendo E3 2018 predictions.

    Further Discussion: EA, Bethesda, Square Enix, Capcom and more.

    *We appreciate we’re posting this ‘predictions’ podcast during E3. This podcast originally appeared on but we experienced problems with our FTP server so we’re making it live on this blog and iTunes now. Thanks for your patience.

    The GamesRadar podcast – variously known as TalkRadar, RadioRadar and the GR UK podcast over the last few millennia – is back for E3 2018, the world’s biggest games show, with an all-new cast. Join host Dan Dawkins (GTAVoclock, PSM3) and guests Leon Hurley (GR+), Sam Loveridge (GR+, Digital Spy), Dave Houghton (GR+) and Rachel Weber (Glixel,, GR+) for around 60 minutes of debate, predictions and insight about what we can expect from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft next week in Los Angeles. We’ll also talk about Bethesda, EA, Activision and more, which is worth sticking around alone for to hear Dave lose the run of himself describing Destiny 2’s second year changes.


    Dan Dawkins (@DanDawkins)
    Leon Hurley (@LeonHurley)
    Sam Loveridge (@apacherose3)
    Rachel Weber (@therachelweber)
    David Houghton (@David_H_Esq)

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    11 June 2018, 6:31 pm
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 77: One more slow jam for the road

    The Big Topic: Not buying an NES Classic

    Further Discussion: What Remains of Edith Finch, Tumbleseed, Kingdom Hearts 1.5

    What we’re into: Games you should play to bring joy into your life

    Well, this is it – we’ve come to the end of the road. Thank you for joining us on our wild and stupid ride, thank you for your emails, tweets, and feedback, and thank you all so much for listening to RadioRadar+. The podcast might be going on hiatus, but we’re here for one last hurrah, talking about the NES Classic, the cool games we’re all playing right now, and yelling about Suicide Squad one last time.


    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)

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    24 April 2017, 10:01 pm
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 76: What would make you buy an Xbox Scorpio?

    The Big Topic: The Xbox Scorpio’s official specs unveiling

    Further Discussion: Horizon: Zero Dawn’s wonderful open world

    What we’re into: Makoto Shinkai’s latest animated masterpiece, Your Name. (yes, the period is part of the title)

    Microsoft officially released the technical specs for its upcoming console update, Xbox Scorpio, which is great – but are the teraflops enough to get us to come back into the Xbox fold after enjoying the bounty of PlayStation exclusives? We also dive back into Horizon: Zero Dawn after months of Zelda and Persona talk, spending some time reflecting on Guerilla’s beautiful sci-fi world. We close out with some chat about Your Name., a lovely animated film finally making its way to the West after enjoying massive success in its home country of Japan.

    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)

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    10 April 2017, 10:33 pm
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 75: Just when we think we’re out, Destiny 2 pulls us back in

    The Big Topic: Destiny 2’s big reveal

    What we’re into: Snake Pass, Elder Scrolls Legends, and TypeShift are all wonderful

    Destiny 2 is coming (surprising basically no-one) and will arrive on PS4, Xbox One, and PC this September. And you know what? We’re into it. We gather round to share our thoughts on the reveal trailer’s colorful, humorous tone and its box art’s bland, monochromatic cover. We also discuss a few games we’ve been playing over the last week or so, including serpentine platformer Snake Pass and Bethesda’s free-to-play card game Elder Scrolls Legends.


    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)
    Connor Sheridan (@c_sheridan)

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    3 April 2017, 10:25 pm
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 74: Proclaiming Persona 5’s PlayStation perfection

    The Big Topic: Persona 5’s long development yielded proper results.

    Further discussion: Living through your Switch bricking and other dead console experiences.

    Persona 5. It is here. A full four years after its original proposed release date, two months after the GamesRadar crew finally started playing it, and just in time for the game’s release comes a podcast where we talk about the brilliant Atlus RPG’s story, style, and perfectly executed battle system. Fear not: WE ARE SPOILER FREE!

    One spoiler, though: Anthony’s Nintendo Switch bricked for no reason. We talk through what happens when a Nintendo system goes down and look back on dealing with other catastrophic console failures.


    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)

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    28 March 2017, 4:43 am
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 73: Mass Effect: Andromeda stumbles across the finish line, and PAX East is a delight

    The Big Topic: Mass Effect: Andro-meh-da

    Further discussion: The many games of PAX East

    Pardon the minor, uh, home invasion (and subsequent digression about The Big Lebowski), and permit us some discussion about Mass Effect “My Face Is Tired” Andromeda and our own perceptions about the game based on the weekend’s EA Access preview and our own review. We also discuss the many things we saw at PAX East, including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Kingsway, Final Fantasy 15: Episode Gladiolus, and much, much more.


    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)
    Sam Prell (@samprell)

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    20 March 2017, 9:32 pm
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 72: Talking GDC and the Breath of the Wild/Skyrim connection

    The Big Topic: A week with the Nintendo Switch

    Further discussion: Breath of the Wild’s interlocking systems and expansive world

    What we’re into: GDC is a ton of fun, you guys

    Half of the team is hanging out at PAX East this weekend, so David took over hosting duties and ran the podcast right off a cliff. While they careened into the air Thelma and Lousie-style, Anna talked about her week at GDC, David and Connor talked about their week living with the Nintendo Switch, and everyone discussed Zelda’s similarities to Western RPGs like Skyrim.


    David Roberts (@davidrobots)
    Connor Sheridan (@c_sheridan)
    Anna Washenko (@AnnaGetsPithy)

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    14 March 2017, 12:49 am
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 71: Merry Switchmas and Happy Nier: Automata Celebration Week

    The Big Topic: The Switch is here! We chat about the games we’ve been playing on it

    Further discussion: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is majestic

    What we’re into: Nier: Automata is weird and great

    The Nintendo Switch is officially in the wild and we spent the past weekend putting it through its paces. Spoilers: we like it a lot! We run through our experiences and the handful of launch games we’ve gotten a chance to play, including Snipperclips, Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, Blaster Master Zero, and Super Bomberman R. And, oh yeah, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is great. We also discuss Nier: Automata, the bizarre, fourth wall-breaking, genre-bending RPG from Platinum Games and Square Enix’s enigmatic designer Yoko Taro.

    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)
    Connor Sheridan (@c_sheridan)
    Sam Prell (@samprell)

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    7 March 2017, 12:32 am
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 70: Nintendo Switch is coming in hot

    The Big Topic: What the hell are you doing, Nintendo?

    What we’re into: Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, Slayaway Camp, and Night in the Woods

    No, we didn’t skip a number. I don’t know what you’re talking about. In episode 70, we get together to chat about some games that are near and dear to our hearts this week: Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, Slayaway Camp, and Night in the Woods. We also discuss the Switch’s imminent launch, and ask that all important question: What the hell are you doing, Nintendo?

    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
    Sam Prell (@samprell)

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    27 February 2017, 10:32 pm
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 68: E3 goes public, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and our first spoilercast

    The Big Topic: Spoiling Resident Evil 7, Final Fantasy 15, and The Last Guardian

    Further Discussion: E3 is officially open to the public

    What we’re into: Horizon: Zero Dawn’s big, beautiful open world

    To the victor go the spoils. Er, spoilers. This joke made more sense in my head. ANYWAY. 2017’s video game onslaught continues apace, as David dives right into Horizon: Zero Dawn’s sprawling ‘post-post-apocalyptic’ world and talks about its magnificent, um, horizons. We also talk about E3’s recent, seemingly inevitable decision to allow the general to attend the world’s biggest video game conference, and what that means for the industry. And by popular request, we talk spoilers in the first of (hopefully) many spoilercasts, chatting about what makes the final hours of Resident Evil 7, Final Fantasy 15, and The Last Guardian so great.

    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)

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    20 February 2017, 9:04 pm
  • RadioRadar+ Podcast 67: Fire Emblem Heroes and the trouble with backwards compatibility

    The Big Topic: Fire Emblem Heroes is pretty good, actually

    Further Discussion: Backwards compatibility and the games you should play before they disappear

    What we’re into: Dissecting Zelda’s totally unnecessary timeline

    Let us hypnotize you with another week of fabulous video game discussion. Fire Emblem Heroes is Nintendo’s latest mobile title, and we have our resident Fire Emblem expert Connor Sheridan walk us through it. We also talk about how Sony isn’t doing enough to preserve its back catalog, and we share the games you should play before they get too hard to find. We also take a few minutes to talk about whether or not Zelda’s timeline is necessary. (Spoiler: no, it’s not)

    Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)
    David Roberts (@davidrobots)
    Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)
    Connor Sheridan (@c_sheridan)

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    13 February 2017, 11:29 pm
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