Pare de chamar o bombeiro! Rsrsrrs
Hoje você finalmente vai aprender o que diz a letra de "I Should Have Known Better"!
É claro que uma aula completa como esta, você só encontra só aqui na série "Aprenda Inglês com música", que te ensina inglês de maneira divertida e eficaz (ah, e de graça!) desde 2016 🤩!
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🔴 TEACHER MILENA FLIX (para alunos a partir do intermediário)
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And I should have known better to lie to one as beautiful as you
Yeah, I should have known better to take a chance on ever losing you
But I thought you'd understand, can you forgive me?
Saw you walking by the other day
I know that you saw me, you turned away and I was lost
You see: I've never loved no one as much as you
I've fooled around but tell me now just who is hurting who?
And I should have known better to lie to one as beautiful as you
Yeah, I should have known better to take a chance on ever losing you
But I thought you'd understand, can you forgive me?
I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Should have known better
I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Should have known better
It's true, I took our love for granted all along
And trying to explain where I went wrong, I just don't know
I cry but tears don't seem to help me carry on
Now there is no chance you'll come back home, got too much pride
And I should have known better to lie to one as beautiful as you
Yeah, I should have known better to take a chance on ever losing you
But I thought you'd understand, can you forgive me?
I, love you
I, love you
Oh, I love you
No, no, no, no, no, no, yeah
And I should have known better
To lie to one as beautiful as you
Fonte: Musixmatch
Compositores: Paul Mccartney / John Lennon
Letras de I Should Have Known Better © Diamond Brothers Music, Mpl Communications Inc
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Jim Diamond I Should Have Known Better,
Jim Diamond,
I Should Have Known Better,