Short films and movie's Podcast

Short Films and Movies

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  • 15 minutes 35 seconds
    Where you can’t reach - Alzheimer's disease short film, starring Assumpta Serna and Aida Oset.
    Video in HD Alzheimer's is the main theme of " Where you can’t reach", a short film starring by the actresses Assumpta Serna ("Matador") and Aida Oset ("Three days with the family"). "Where you can't get there" is a short film directed by Marc Nadal, where family selfishness comes to light when Maria (Assumpta Serna) is diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Her illness affects her body and mind, as well as the life of her daughter Amparo (Aida Oset), who now faces an uncertain future. Artists such as Carles Cases, in charge of the soundtrack, and the company Antaviana Films, in charge of post-production, have joined to this project started by the non-profit Association FILA 10.7. Both actresses, Assumpta Serna and Aida Oset have won Best Acting Awards for their roles in " Where you can’t reach", a short film dedicated to Alzheimer's patients. The short film is shared on the internet after winning national and international recognitions such as the Best Short Film Award at the 18th Imagineindia International Film Festival (Spain), the Audience Award at the 4th edition of the FICMA International Festival (Spain) or the Best Film Award in Foreign Language at the VI Samara Short Film Festival 70/30 (Russia). The 15-minute film portrays two different states of this disease. In addition, we see how it affects the patient and also, psychologically, who is around him. Web: Trailer: Making Of:
    6 May 2020, 4:57 pm
  • 3 minutes 12 seconds
    The kiss which seeks me - Lesbian Short Film LGTB
    "The kiss which seeks me" (El beso que me busca) A short film by Marc Nadal. Cast: Julia Jane and Anna Meléndez. Country: Spain. Language: Spanish. Year: 2015 Formato /Format original: 4K 16:9 SINOPSIS / SYNOPSIS Alma regrets not having touched the person she loves, but, perhaps it was better this way, by being together she would have missed the kiss which was seeking her. Two people who were not destined to be together. One gesture which changes everything. Two potential love stories, the image narrates some of the facts and the sound others. Facebook: Web of the short film:
    29 March 2016, 12:11 am
  • 1 minute 53 seconds
    Citizens (Trailer) Human rights short film with english subtitles.
    Facebook: Web of the short film: "Citizens" a short film by Marc Nadal. Cast: Núria Molina, Àlex Casanovas, Maria Molins, Manel Barceló, Marc Aguilar Sebastián and Sandra Olivé. Sound: Sandra Barrachina. 2014. Drama. Plot: The confrontation between the people when money is our only way to survive. Unemployment leads to a decline in the standard of living of a country's citizens. An emergency situation turn people against each other, the citizens' rights were violated, a fight for survival, a struggle against injustice when the law is too slow.
    6 April 2014, 1:48 pm
  • 1 minute 7 seconds
    “The human mirror” short film directed by Marc Nadal.
    “The human mirror” short film directed by Marc Nadal. Starring Anna Castillo, Silvia Sabaté and Txema Lorente. Based on a true story. A 17 year old girl sees each day the cruelties announced in the news and his mind is getting closer and closer to the dangerous lifestyle of society.
    28 September 2013, 10:00 pm
  • 20 minutes 48 seconds
    Skin and Soul - A short film by Marc Nadal.
    Web of the short film: "Skin and Soul " A short film by Marc Nadal. Cast: Núria Molina, Montserrat Ocaña. 2012. Drama. Two sisters in love. Mar is in love with her older sister Celia and Celia with Mar. How will this affect them? The short film raises questions that are somewhat taboo, which he wrapped in controversy: The love affair between two sisters and lesbianism. Short film in Festivals: Proyección en la Filmoteca de Catalunya (Junio 2013, Barcelona). Seleccionado en el programa de televisión "Somos Cortos" emitido por Tv2. Sección oficial a competición de la "Mostra de Cinema Jove de Elche 2013". Sección Oficial del festival "Festival de cine" de Sant Vicenç de Castellet. Seleccionado en la red de programación de la Federación de Cineclubes de Galicia. Seleccionado en del festival de Cine Inusual (Argentina). Proyectado en el Festival Por Amor al Arte. A Coruña. Seleccionado en la Muestra de Cortometrajes "Cortopropio". Seleccionado en el programa de televisión "Toma 1 Cortos" de Buenos Aires. Proyectado en el cine fórum de la Associació Lgtb Talcomsom. Web: Facebook:
    15 September 2013, 10:00 pm
  • 15 minutes 20 seconds
    In front of the spider - A short film by Marc Nadal.
    Web of the short film: "In front of the Spider" a short film directed by Marc Nadal. Cast: Montserrat Ocaña and Rosa Nicolás. Drama. 2011. Runtime: 15 min. Plot: The small Centaur told to Carolina that before coming to Mount Peace had to traverse the maze of spiders. A small place but full of corridors at the end of which lived a spider, but one that led to the exit. Short film in Festivals: Finalista en II Tracce Cinematografiche Film Festival (Italia). Finalista en la Sección Oficial Made in Barcelona del festival BccN (2012). Finalista en IX Efebo Corto Film Festival (Italia). Nominación a mejor actriz Montserrat Ocaña en el festival Cortos Por Amor al Arte. A coruña (2013). Sección Oficial del festival Cortos Por Amor al Arte. A coruña (2013). Sección Oficial del Festival Internacional Cinematográfico de Toluca (México). Sección Oficial del festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Vagón 2012 (México). Sección Oficial de la 4 edición del Festival Internacional Pilas en corto. Sección Oficial del festival Cineseptiembre 2012. Sección Oficial del Festival Daroca&Prision Film Fest. Sección Oficial de Porcuna Creative Commons Film Festival 2012 (España). Sección Oficial del II Festival La nit més curta 2013 (España). Sección Oficial del I Concurso de cortos de ficción: Luis Buñuel, Zaragoza. Sección Oficial del festival internacional El Cine en la Cumbre, Tajín (México, 2013). Sección Oficial del festival "Festival de cine" de Sant Vicenç de Castellet. Seleccionado en el Festival Cine//B_5, sección Corto Resto del Mundo (Chile). Seleccionado en la 11ª Muestra Internacional "Video Jujuy Cortos 2012″ (Argentina). Seleccionado en el 8º festival de cine inusual de Buenos Aires. Foco "Marc Nadal". Seleccionado en Muestra oficial de Cine a la Calle 2012 (Colombia). Seleccionado en la red de programación de la Federación de Cineclubes de Galicia. Seleccionado para la Muestra "Una Mirada en Corto" de Tuxpan (México). Seleccionado para la Muestra "Una Mirada en Corto" de Xalapa (México). 4º video más visto de la semana en Dailymotion con 14.052 visionados. Emisión en televisión programa "Noche en corto" por Canal Extremadura. Emisión en el programa Toma1-cortos emitido por ZONA31 (canal de televisión regional de Buenos Aires). Proyectado en el cine fórum de la Associació Lgtb Talcomsom.
    8 September 2013, 10:00 pm
  • 42 minutes 52 seconds
    Frozen Rose - A short film by Marc Nadal.
    Web of the short film: "Frozen Rose" a short film directed by Marc Nadal. Year: 2011. Drama. Cast: Jesús Sesma, Alba Ferrara and Christian Guiriguet. Plot: The passage of time and monotony, a marriage between opposite ends to create an unbridgeable distance. He has formed a stable life and hates his wife repeatedly and fight with all means at its disposal to change. A struggle of resistance that creates terrible situations. Festivales y menciones del cortometraje: Estrenado en el Cinema Catalunya en Febrero de 2011. Finalista en el Festival Baumann c.02 a la Mejor Obra Local de la Sección Oficial (2011). Sección Oficial del festival Cortos con Ñ. Sección Oficial del 8º Festival Internacional de cine de Pasto, FICPA 2012. (Colombia). Sección Oficial del festival "Festival de cine" de Sant Vicenç de Castellet. Sección Oficial de la muestra de cortometrajes de Poblenou (2011). Sección Oficial de Chulpicine 2011. Festival de Cine Infantil y Juvenil de Quito. Ecuador. Noviembre. Seleccionado en el 8º festival de Cine Inusual de Buenos Aires. Foco "Marc Nadal". Uno de los filmes adscritos a la red de distribución de cineclubs de Portugal y de Catalunya durante 2012, accediendo a las más de 120 pantallas que la componen. Muestra en el Cine Club Aula Clavijero "Una Mirada en Corto" de Xalapa (México). Muestra internacional, nacional y local "Una Mirada en Corto" de Tuxpan (México). Emisión en el programa Toma1-cortos que conduce Analía Grosso y se emite por ZONA31 (canal de televisión regional de Buenos Aires). Proyectado en el cine fórum de la Associació Lgtb Talcomsom. Note: Short film starring Jesús Sesma, Espectáculos Tauro founder and star of the short film "Therapy", Alba Ferrara, star of the film "A criminal history" of Joseph Duran, and Christian Guiriguet actor who has made several short films and appeared in television series. Written and directed by Marc Nadal.
    1 September 2013, 10:00 pm
  • 1 minute 24 seconds
    The letter - A short film by Marc Nadal.
    Web of the short film: "The letter" a short film directed by Marc Nadal. Year: 2011. Drama. Cast: Núria Molina, Laia Nosàs. Director of Photography / Camera Operator: Francesco Tavolaro. Camera Assistant: Carlos Wong. Electrical: Itxaso Iparraguirre. A farewell message, a misunderstanding, a break. A short film about the separation of a couple. Festivales y menciones del cortometraje: Finalista en FILMING AGANST VIOLENCE, de la Mostra FIRE!! de Barcelona. Sección Oficial del 5º Festival Cortos Rodinia (España). Sección Oficial de la 1era Muestra Internacional de Cortometraje Cúcara Mácara (México). Seleccionado en la 11ª Muestra Internacional "Video Jujuy Cortos 2012″ (Argentina). Sección Oficial del festival "Festival de cine" de Sant Vicenç de Castellet. Seleccionado para la Muestra internacional, nacional y local "Una Mirada en Corto" de Tuxpan (México). Seleccionado para la muestra en el Cine Club Aula Clavijero "Una Mirada en Corto" de Xalapa (México). Proyectado en el cine fórum de la Associació Lgtb Talcomsom.
    25 August 2013, 10:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 40 seconds
    Puppets - A short film by Marc Nadal.
    Web of the short film: "Puppets" a short film directed by Marc Nadal. Year: 2011. Drama. 16 mm. Cast: Mireia Payret and Tamara Casellas. Director of Photography: Raúl Soriano. An adaptation of the surrealist play "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett. Festivales y menciones del cortometraje: Sección Oficial FICU 2013 - Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes del Uruguay. Sección Oficial del festival internacional El Cine en la Cumbre, Tajín (México, 2013). Seleccionado en el 8º festival de Cine Inusual de Buenos Aires. Foco "Marc Nadal". Muestra en el Cine Club Aula Clavijero "Una Mirada en Corto" de Xalapa (México). Muestra internacional, nacional y local "Una Mirada en Corto" de Tuxpan (México). Proyectado en el cine fórum de la Associació Lgtb Talcomsom.
    18 August 2013, 10:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 57 seconds
    Hand of Death - A short film by Marc Nadal.
    Web of the short film: "Hand of Death" a short film in 16mm. Director: Marc Nadal. Director of photography: Francesco Tavolaro. Cast: Núria Molina, Jasp Sanpere and Javier Juega. Year: 2011. Drama. Synopsis: Anton escapes from the Death to search the reason of his death, his dead wife Collette appears before him with pieces of his memories, memories that lead to his murderer. Festivals: Premiered at the Verdi Cinema Barcelona in June 2012, becoming a finalist for Best Actress: Núria Molina in Godarín prizes.
    11 August 2013, 10:00 pm
  • 4 minutes
    April and June - A short film by Marc Nadal.
    Web: Title: April and June Genre: Drama The theme: Allegory of submission and discomfort in a system. Director: Marc Nadal Screenwriter: Marc Nadal Dir Photography: Marc Nadal Editing: Marc Nadal Cast: Núria Molina and Marietta Sauerzapf Start shooting: 06/2012 Format: HD 16:9 Duration: 4min Language: English Subtitles: Castilian Synopsis: April plans to escape from an asylum, but he will not leave without June, a patient implanted system adapted to not want to leave this tranquility, April tries to convince her to seek freedom. One of the two ways of life must disappear.
    5 August 2013, 2:23 pm
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