Coaching Impact Podcast

Impact Coaching Academy

Coaching Impact Radio is a ‘for coaches, by coaches’ podcast and internet radio show. It’s all about coaching. In any given show you’ll find us exploring coaching technique, coaching as an industry, and how we all can make even more Coaching Impact ripples to add to the momentum.

  • 32 minutes 35 seconds
    Courage to Claim Your Expertise

    We wrap up our first season with a study in expertise - Your expertise. The courage to own your life wisdom, to put out there that you have the depth, breadth and value to be offered, all without fearing that you look like a know-it-all… And also, the willingness to realize that, just maybe, that first expertise wasn’t what you thought it was, and YOU weren't who you thought you were - and it's okay to grow into the next one. You are in control, and you can do it!

    14 September 2021, 6:28 pm
  • 35 minutes 15 seconds
    Courage to Practice

    In our last episode, Lee and Terri discussed coaching methods - This time out, practicing those methods. There’s your coaching practice, and there’s practicing your coaching - Coaching is skill that only builds and solidifies as you get out there and actually coach. So, is it acceptable to practice? Is it fair to your clients? Where do you begin? Do you “just do it,” or do you have wait for the perfect time to consider yourself a professional Coach?

    31 August 2021, 1:00 pm
  • 27 minutes 49 seconds
    Method Vs. Skills - Defining your Path To Success

    The old joke is:

    "Excuse me, sir, how do you get to Carnegie Hall?"

    "Practice, practice, practice."

    Developing your skills in anything - Whether you’re coaching a client, building a business, or baking a cake, is done by following a method - The steps that you take to complete the task at hand. Is it as simple as, “lather, rinse, repeat,” or is there something more?

    17 August 2021, 3:12 pm
  • 35 minutes 19 seconds
    Frameworks - How You Do What You Do

    Can you quantify your process - Not just in coaching, but in… Anything? A framework is an automatic process; how you go about doing your work - But to really master your own framework, you have to move out of the automatic, and into the purposeful - Define your frameworks, and define yourself.

    10 August 2021, 4:37 pm
  • 40 minutes 7 seconds
    Ethics In Coaching - Your Professional Standard

    Ethics are essential in any endeavor. In an industry without direct State and Federal oversight, however - Your Ethics and Conduct in coaching is paramount! It’s a subject that permeates all aspects of your practice: From the obvious, like how you conduct yourself or what you promise, to the behind the scenes, like the handling of client information. How strong is your foundation?

    2 August 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 54 seconds
    Coaching Vs. Programs - Are you Coaching or Training?

    Many personalities and organizations use the popular buzzword "Coaching", but is that what they actually do? Today, Terri and Lee look at the differences between Coaching and Programs, and how they can b e used to compliment each other.

    26 July 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 1 second
    Connecting The Dots - The Courage, Competence and Confidence Cycle

    There is more than one story of the road not taken - People mired in a holding-pattern of waiting for confidence that never comes. Confidence only begins when you put yourself out there, and take a step of courage. How do you judge when the basics are there, and it’s time for your journey to begin?

    19 July 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 53 seconds
    Coach Training - What's Needed, What's Necessary - Now and in the Future

    Is it really, "Learn as you go?" Terri and Lee discuss the depth of real coach training. As Coaching continues to become more popular, it is noticed in media - And in government. Is self-governing going to be enough?

    12 July 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 29 minutes 57 seconds
    Coaching Trilogy 3 - What Is Impact?

    The conclusion of our "Coaching Trilogy". Lee and Terri look at impact - We all want to make an impact - How do you define it, how do you measure it, and when have you succeeded?

    5 July 2021, 6:00 pm
  • 37 minutes 15 seconds
    Coaching Trilogy 2 - Who Becomes A Coach?

    Terri and Lee continue the conversation in our "Coaching Trilogy".  Just who becomes a coach, and why? The answers may surprise you... Where do you fit into the coaching picture?

    5 July 2021, 5:00 pm
  • 30 minutes 27 seconds
    Coaching Trilogy 1 - What Is Coaching?

    Professionals and newcomers alike will enjoy this spirited conversation in our "Coaching Trilogy".  First up, Lee and Terri look at what coaching is - and what it isn't...

    5 July 2021, 3:27 pm
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