Everyday Science

PSD Channel 10 and Little Shop of Physics

Everyday Science is a joint production of Poudre School District Channel 10 and the Little Shop of Physics. PSD Channel 10 (http://www.psdschools.org/services/channel10/) is the Poudre School District's educational cable access TV station. The Little Shop of Physics (http://littleshop.physics.colostate.edu/) is a hands-on science outreach program at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. On the regularly aired television program "Everday Science," LSOP Director Brian Jones works with PSD students to demonstrate the principles of physics in fun and exciting ways! Every episode is something new and different and encourages viewers to try their hand at everyday science.

  • 34 seconds
    Show Me Some Science: Constructive and Destructive Interference
    We are super excited to release our first podcast in our new series, Show Me Some Science! These short podcasts are designed to be used in the classroom or incorporated into your lessons. In this episode we look at wave interference. When two waves meet they can interact before they pass through each other. They can add up or cancel out and this is know as constructive and destructive interference.
    9 May 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 52 seconds
    Mixtures 10: Mixing Carbon Dioxide and Water
    In this last segment of the mixtures episode, Brian shows how fun and delicious it is to mix Carbon Dioxide and water!
    2 May 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 37 seconds
    The Making of Weather and Science Day
    The Colorado Rockies, 9News and Colorado State University are teaming up to launch the Fifth Annual Weather and Science Day at Coors Field on April 23, 2014. Here’s a video of the Little Shop of Physics Team getting ready for the big event!
    18 April 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 18 seconds
    Mixtures 9: Mixtures in Nature and Unmixing with Salt
    Rivers can be a great example of mixtures, when the water carries rocks, sand and clay and deposits them in different places. Join geologist (and EverDay Science Producer!) Herb Saperston as he explores mixtures along the Podure River. Also, we look one last time at mixing and unmixing. This time the secret ingredient is salt!
    11 April 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 16 seconds
    Mixtures 8: Unmixing Milk
    You may have never thought about this, but milk is a mixture of different substances including proteins, sugars, and water. Learn how to "unmix" milk to make curds and whey!
    4 April 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 25 seconds
    Mixtures 7: Unmixing Plastics and Sand
    Last time we saw that it is possible to unmix a mixture, or separate it into it's constituent parts. This week we will learn how to unmix different types of plastic so they can be recycled. And we'll learn how to unmix sand from Dominica.
    28 March 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 27 seconds
    Mixtures 6: Empedocles and Unmixing
    Empedocles was an ancient Greek Philosopher and the first Western thinker to propose that everything in the world was a mixture of basic substances. He believed the four elements were Earth, Air, Fire and Water. In this podcast we also look at physically un-mixing, or separating out mixtures into their basic substances.
    14 March 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 41 seconds
    Mixtures 5: Hot Cocoa
    Cocoa does not like to mix with cold water. Brian and the team use emulsifiers, heating and good old fashioned stirring to get the cocoa to mix in for a delicious beverage!
    7 March 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 6 seconds
    Mixtures 4: Paper Boats
    We've already seen that oil and water don't mix. In this episode, we see how we can use this to propel little paper "boats" on the surface of water.
    28 February 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 27 seconds
    Mixtures 3: Magic Sand
    Magic Sand is specially treated sand that does not get wet! Another way of thinking of it is that it does not mix with water. At all. We play around with magic sand and then find a way to get it wet!
    21 February 2014, 9:00 pm
  • 2 minutes 42 seconds
    Mixtures 2: Oil and Water
    First we play around with cornstarch and water a little bit more. Then we see what happens when you try to mix oil and water!
    14 February 2014, 9:00 pm
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