文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森JasonThe aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
社媒粉丝 social media lover
忙碌之余 after a tough day of regular work or study
现实活动 real physical activities
让改变发生 make the change
从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday
每天十多个小时 more than ten hours each day
我的朋友来找我 my friends would come to me
周末可以做很多事儿 just do lots of things on weekends
对我来说 for my part
我想买的表太贵了 the watch that I want to buy is super expensive
至少20万这样 more than 200 thousands at least
国际大牌 International brand
羡慕老板 admire their bosses
比如一个企业家 like a entrepreneur for example
简单定义 very easy to be identified
物质 about the materialism
还没开始 I haven't get started yet
在这一点上努力 work hard on this point
健康饮食 eat healthily
参加 participate in
理由很特别 The reasons behind this topic can be very special
教育资源 educational resources
好工作的机会 good job opportunities
更靠谱的一个方式 a more reliable way
来自爸妈的建议 I must say it is from my parents
经验丰富 very experienced
老师的话 my teacher's words
解决 work it out
崭新的书 brand new book
兼职工作 a part time job
选择 go with
一年一次 once a year
打发时间 kill my time
讨厌交通拥堵 I hate the traffic jams,
傻瓜 stupid or fool
塞车 I get stuck in traffic
不擅长 I'm not good at doing it
去长途旅行 go on a long journey
与..有关 related to
完美照片 very perfect photos
生活多姿多彩的人 The old person who has a very fun life
曾经可帅了 used to be very handsome
现在他就住在市中心 At the moment he is living right in the city center
讲流利的外语 he could speak fluent foreign language