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必须学 English is the language that I must learn
出差 go on a business trip
世界语 the global language
学习很多生词 learn lots of new vocabularies
处理安排 when we are coping with
高效的 efficiently and effectively
得益于现代科技 thanks to modern technology
文件被传送 files can be transferred
城市生活苦 a lot of ordinary citizens are suffering in the cities
薪水 家庭琐事孩子教育 the salaries, the family affairs and the education for their children
压力 burdens/pressure/stress
融入一个安静的生活 fit in a rather peaceful life
有点孩怕 I am a bit scared
不适应打电话 I am not used to make phone calls to someone
喜欢发信息 Text message would be my favorite
撤回消息 I would recall all of them
大部分人 most of the people in my country
放松惬意 they would feel more relaxed and feel satisfied
考虑票价 think about the ticket price
炸薯条和可乐 some chips and coke
两个方面非常明显 Two changes can be very apparent
扮演重要角色 play a more important role in our everyday life
我们的首选 the first choice for us
价格公道 the price can be very reasonable
挨饿是秘密武器 stay hungry is the secret weapon
痴人说梦 that would be a dream
基本 that is the basic
效果更好 then the results would be more perfect
最刺激的事儿 the most exciting thing
和家人郊游野餐 go for a picnic with my family members
比坐公交车舒服 it could be more comfortable than taking a bus
太贵了 we couldn't afford it
一天坐满八小时 I usually sit down more than 8 hours each day
每天在车里很久 I would sit in the car for a long time too
回家途中 on the road back to my home
在户外 in the open area
现在没有以前看书多 at the moment I don't read more than past
看起来不同 it seems quite different
看点书 I would read something one or two
我接受 I am fine with
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