The Minimalists Podcast

Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus, T.K. Coleman

  • 51 minutes 2 seconds
    459 | Simplework

    The Minimalists talk about making a workplace less cluttered and more enjoyable through the concept of “simplework.”

    Discussed in this episode:

    How can I use minimalism to simplify my home office? (1:54)

    How do I get my coworkers to be less messy? (23:42)

    What is the productivity fallacy? (26:32)

    Why do the pressures of my job make it less enjoyable? (31:11)

    Could delegation help me enjoy my job more? (33:59)

    How simple would the world be if everyone followed The Minimalists? (35:39)

    What would make your work life simpler and more enjoyable? (38:28)

    Listener tip: Scrolling is the new smoking! (46:52)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    Recorded at Earthing Studios.

    9 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 32 seconds
    458 | Dating Clutter

    The Minimalists speak with clinical psychologist Orion Taraban about minimizing dating clutter to form more meaningful intimate relationships.

    Discussed in this episode:

    Any advice for dating again after the end of a long relationship? (2:08)

    How do I avoid carrying past baggage into future relationships? (15:32)

    Why does Dr. Taraban encourage his clients not to date? (26:49)

    Does hookup culture make it harder to meet people who want a genuine connection? (35:03)

    Do dating apps make it harder to commit to a relationship? (38:41)

    How do I decide whether it’s time to move on from a difficult relationship? (40:43)

    Are great relationships effortless, or do they take work to maintain? (46:39)

    How can you tell whether a date will be worthwhile or a waste of time? (52:35)

    Listener tip: How to minimize while unpacking after a trip. (56:40)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    Recorded at Earthing Studios.

    2 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 49 minutes 12 seconds
    457 | The Science of Happiness

    The Minimalists speak with Harvard professor Arthur Brooks, author of Build the Life You Want, about the art and science of happiness.

    Discussed in this episode: 

    How do I deal with the intense dissatisfaction I feel when I struggle to let go? (1:50)

    What role does worry play in our unhappiness? (17:12)

    What are the three main ingredients in happiness? (19:42)

    How do our reactions shape our happiness? (32:40)

    How does the weather affect our happiness? (36:17)

    What’s preventing you from being happy right now? (39:00)

    Listener tip: Would I repurchase this thing? (44:43)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    Recorded at Earthing Studios.

    26 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 41 minutes 50 seconds
    456 | Underconsumption Core

    The Minimalists discuss the new “Underconsumption Core” trend that set the Internet ablaze.

    Discussed in this episode:

    Why do I feel compelled to buy new clothes even though I already have enough? (2:18)

    What’s the last thing you didn’t buy? (22:58)

    Listener tip: What to do with old awards, trophies, and sentimental items. (38:50)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    Recorded at Earthing Studios.

    19 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 37 minutes 7 seconds
    455 | Legacy of Stuff

    The Minimalists talk about leaving behind a legacy without leaving behind material possessions.

    Discussed in this episode:

    What are The Minimalists’ thoughts on leaving behind a legacy? (1:51)

    If you were to die today, what would you leave behind? (14:36)

    When is The Minimalists’ next live event? (27:25)

    Listener tip: Seasonal decluttering of digital photos. (34:11)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    Recorded at Earthing Studios.

    12 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 58 minutes 47 seconds
    454 | Reaction Clutter

    The Minimalists talk about the clutter that appears every time we are unnecessarily reactive or defensive in our interactions with others.

    Discussed in this episode:

    How can I be less defensive when interacting with others? (2:10)

    Of all the things that push your buttons, what’s one thing you have a hard time not reacting to? (37:57)

    From whom did The Minimalists receive a grant? (51:00)

    Listener tip: Buy nothing for a month! (55:54)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    Recorded at Earthing Studios.


    5 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    453 | Infidelity

    The Minimalists speak with Carl Lentz about the deep breach of trust that accompanies cheating in a romantic relationship.

    Discussed in this episode:

    How did Carl Lentz’s life come crashing down at the height of his fame? (2:47)

    How did “lifestyle clutter” contribute to Lentz’s infidelity? (4:18)

    What unexpected areas of Lentz’s life were affected by his extramarital affair? (7:19)

    What steps are required to make amends after you’ve hurt someone you love? (16:39)

    How do I avoid blaming others for the mistakes I’ve made? (24:47)

    What role did apologizing and forgiveness play in Lentz’s healing? (27:47)

    What self-defeating stories lead to adultery? (39:45)

    What are the commonalities between most cases of unfaithfulness? (42:15)

    What’s your definition of infidelity? (54:15)

    Listener tip: Just say no to free things! (1:02:23)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    29 July 2024, 11:00 am
  • 47 minutes 51 seconds
    452 | Rest

    The Minimalists talk about the need for rest in a restless world.

    Discussed in this episode:

    How do I get my kids to adhere to a more reasonable bedtime so I can go to bed earlier? (1:47)

    What's one thing that’s stopping you from getting the rest you need? (23:51)

    Listener tip: Realize what you want by getting rid of what you don’t need. (44:51)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    22 July 2024, 11:00 am
  • 38 minutes 15 seconds
    451 | Other People’s Possessions

    The Minimalists talk about counting material possessions, decluttering other people’s possessions, and more.

    Discussed in this episode:

    What’s the best way to count my material possessions? (1:40)

    What’s one thing you’d like to declutter from someone else’s life? (20:50)

    Right Here, Right Now: Who is The Minimalists’ newest team member? (32:42)

    Listener tip: What’s the best way to declutter the contacts on your phone? (35:06)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    15 July 2024, 11:00 am
  • 41 minutes 4 seconds
    450 | Can’t Let Go

    The Minimalists talk about what to do when you can’t let go.

    Discussed in this episode:

    What can I do if my family won’t allow me to let go of certain sentimental things? (2:04)

    What’s one thing that other people won’t allow you to let go of? (19:23)

    Listener tip: A response to Gratitude Clutter. (36:48)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    8 July 2024, 11:00 am
  • 46 minutes 31 seconds
    449 | Searching for Chaos

    The Minimalists talk about why people avoid peace and go searching for chaos instead.

    Discussed in this episode:

    How do I handle the chaos in my life that is caused by other people? (1:48)

    In what ways do you make your own life more chaotic? (24:45)

    When is the next 30-Day Minimalism Game? (40:20)

    Listener tip: How do you throw a decluttering dinner party? (42:29)

    Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon:

    Detailed show notes:

    1 July 2024, 11:00 am
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