Motivation with Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard

Motivation and Life Coaching from the World's Best

  • 23 minutes 15 seconds
    What People Don’t Realize About Happiness

    Have you ever stopped to ponder what elusive truths about happiness remain hidden in plain sight, waiting to be uncovered? In this episode, Brendon explores the elusive truths about happiness that often go unnoticed. Join Brendon Burchard and Pastor Steven Furtick as they uncover the hidden dynamics and mindset shifts that can truly transform your experience of joy and fulfillment.

    Whether you're searching for happiness in your career, relationships, or personal life, this episode will provide you with the insights and strategies needed to cultivate a deep sense of joy and contentment. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to reveal what people don't realize about happiness.

    “No one stole your joy, you gave them your attention, instead of owning the fact that you control everything up here. When you know this, you start to own your emotions.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to find happiness in your life, this episode is for you!

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    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    25 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 21 minutes 47 seconds
    How to Persevere in Tough Times

    Ever wondered what separates those who crumble under pressure from those who emerge from tough times stronger than ever? In today's episode, Brendon goes deep into the art of persevering in tough times. Join us as Brendon helps to uncover the mindset shifts and practical strategies needed to navigate adversity with grace and resilience.

    Whether you're facing personal struggles, professional setbacks, or global challenges, this episode will empower you to rise above adversity and thrive in the face of uncertainty. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you persevere in tough times and emerge victorious in every aspect of your life.

    “Failure is an occurrence, not a person. So what if you failed? That’s not you, your identity is not of a failure unless you choose to make that so intentionally.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to persevere through tough times in life, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    22 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 17 minutes 50 seconds
    The 4 Primary FEARS That Prevent Action

    Are you ready to uncover the four primary fears that silently sabotage your progress, keeping you trapped in a cycle of inaction and missed opportunities? In today's episode, Brendon helps to uncover the four primary fears that hold us back from taking action and achieving our dreams. Join Brendon Burchard and Pastor Steven Furtick as they uncover the hidden barriers that silently sabotage our progress and learn how to overcome them with courage and conviction.

    Whether you're striving for success in your career, relationships, or personal growth, this episode will provide you with the tools and insights needed to conquer your fears and take bold action towards your goals. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you overcome the four primary fears that prevent action and unlock the life you were meant to live.

    “We make our psychology the same as the problem, and we forget that our personhood is bigger than the problem. We need to remember that the problem is not permanent, it is placed there to challenge us to rise above it.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to eliminate fears that are holding you back from action in your life, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    18 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 31 minutes
    Discovering Resilience in Adversity

    What if you were told that within the depths of adversity lies the key to unlocking an unyielding reservoir of resilience, propelling you towards triumph in even the darkest of times? In today's episode, Brendon dives deep into the transformative journey of discovering resilience in the face of adversity. Join Brendon Burchard and Jamie Kern Lima as they uncover the strategies and mindset shifts needed to navigate life's toughest challenges with unyielding strength and grace.

    Whether you're facing personal struggles, professional setbacks, or global challenges, this episode will empower you to rise above adversity and thrive in the face of uncertainty. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you discover resilience in adversity and emerge victorious in every aspect of your life.

    “Focus and discipline isn’t about the outcome, it’s a way of being true to yourself, and a way of knowing the difference between what is authentic and inauthentic.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to discover resilience in adversity, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    15 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 20 minutes 48 seconds
    How to Find Hope in ANY Situation

    Have you ever wondered how to uncover a beacon of hope, even in the bleakest of circumstances, guiding you towards a brighter tomorrow? In today's episode, Brendon dives deep into the transformative power of finding hope in any situation. Join Brendon Burchard and Pastor Steven Furtick as they explore the mindset shifts and practical strategies needed to ignite the flame of hope within you, even in the darkest of times.

    Whether you're facing personal struggles, professional setbacks, or global challenges, this episode will empower you to rise above adversity and create a future filled with hope and possibility. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you find hope in any situation.

    “If you consistently struggle to be positive or move forward, what’s usually happening is that you’re using the phrase ‘what if’, followed by a negative statement. Challenge yourself to balance your thinking. A lot of the mindset is the decision to start the journey, hoping and trusting that things will turn out well later.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to find hope in any situation, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    11 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 29 minutes 50 seconds
    Fortify Your Mind: The Blueprint to Resilient Living

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to construct an unbreakable fortress of resilience within your mind, capable of weathering life's fiercest storms with unwavering strength and grace? In today's episode, Brendon gets deep into the art of creating a blueprint for a resilient mindset. Join Brendon Burchard and Jamie Kern Lima as they uncover the strategies and mindset shifts needed to navigate life's challenges with unwavering strength and determination.

    Whether you're facing setbacks in your career, relationships, or personal development, this episode will provide you with the tools and insights needed to cultivate a mindset that thrives in the face of adversity. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you create a blueprint for a resilient mindset that will carry you through life's toughest challenges.

    “The single essential element of all spirituality and mindfulness training is having a sense of presence and grace in the moment despite the hurts and struggles of yesterday and today.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to create a blueprint for a resilient life, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    8 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 19 minutes 15 seconds
    The CONFIDENCE Blueprint: How to OWN Your Worth

    Have you ever wondered what it truly takes to confidently step into your power and own your worth, unlocking the limitless potential that lies within you? In today's episode, Brendon helps to explore the transformative journey of owning your worth. Join Brendon Burchard and Pastor Steven Furtick as they explore the powerful mindset shifts and practical strategies needed to step into your true value and claim the success and fulfillment you deserve.

    Whether you're striving for success in your career, relationships, or personal growth, this episode will empower you to break free from self-doubt and embrace the incredible value you bring to the world. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you own your worth and live a life of abundance and purpose.

    “People who finally feel more confident, more fulfilled, and more capable are able to see all the times where they did okay and integrate that into who they are.” 

    If you’re looking for tips on how to own your worth, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    4 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 32 minutes 38 seconds
    How to Achieve Success Without Burnout

    Are you ready to discover the key to achieving unprecedented success without sacrificing your well-being to the relentless flames of burnout? In this episode, Brendon dives into the crucial topic of achieving success without burnout. Join Brendon and Jamie Kern Lima as they uncover the strategies and mindset shifts needed to reach new heights of accomplishment while preserving your mental and physical well-being.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, leader, or high achiever in any field, this episode will provide you with the tools and insights needed to succeed without burning out. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you achieve success on your own terms – without sacrificing your health or happiness.

    “The challenge and the stretching is the payoff in the moment. It’s joyful only if it’s pushing yourself in a sustainable and harmonious way where you actually feel the fulfillment.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to achieve success without burnout, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    1 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 14 minutes 7 seconds
    The Unstoppable Power of Positive Habits

    Ever wondered what separates the extraordinary achievers from the rest of the pack? Hint: it's all about the habits they cultivate. In today's episode, Brendon dives deep into the unstoppable power of positive habits. Join us as we explore how cultivating intentional routines can transform your life, one habit at a time.

    Whether you're seeking to enhance your health, amplify your productivity, or deepen your relationships, this episode will equip you with the tools and insights needed to cultivate habits that lead to lasting success and fulfillment. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're unleashing the unstoppable power of positive habits.

    “You are building a foundation of strength in life. It is your job to be the builder of that foundation of strength and the gatekeeper of that fortress.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to unleash the power of positive habits, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    28 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 30 minutes 4 seconds
    How To NEVER Fear Failure

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to cultivate a mindset so positively powerful that it transforms challenges into opportunities and propels you towards your wildest dreams? In today's episode, Brendon helps to explore the transformative power of cultivating a positive and growth oriented mindset. Join Brendon and Jamie Kern Lima as they explore practical strategies and mindset shifts to help you overcome the fear of failure in your life.

    Whether you're facing setbacks or striving for greater success, this episode will equip you with the mindset and skills needed to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and confidence. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you overcome failure and live your best life.

    “The tasks of the world aren’t you and the tasks of the world don’t need to shape your mindset. Your mindset can shape how you deal with the tasks of the world and that’s a beautiful thing.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to never fear failure again, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    25 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 19 minutes 9 seconds
    Master Life’s Journey: Win the War in Your Mind

    Are you tired of feeling trapped in the same old routine, longing for a way to break free and reignite your sense of purpose and passion in life? In today's episode, Brendon is helping to tackle a universal challenge: feeling stuck in life. Join Brendon and Pastor Steven Furtick as they uncover the strategies and mindset shifts needed to liberate yourself from the chains of stagnation and reignite your sense of purpose and possibility.

    Whether you're feeling stuck in your career, relationships, or personal development, this episode will provide you with the tools and inspiration to propel yourself towards your greatest aspirations. This is the Motivation with Brendon Burchard Podcast, and today, we're on a mission to help you stop feeling stuck and start living the life of your dreams.

    “People always mistake the signal for doubt as a signal to stop. Doubt is not saying stop, doubt is a signal to learn, and when you change that frame in your mind everything changes in your life.”

    If you’re looking for tips on how to stop feeling stuck in life, this episode is for you!

    1. Get my daily life coaching, monthly seminars, and free tickets to my events when you join GrowthDay:
    2. Grab my famous 1-Page Productivity Guide:
    3. Join me in-person at my next Los Angeles show: 

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    21 March 2024, 11:00 am
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