Episode 7: Oral History for Social Movement Building
Press Record is back for the first episode of the school year! The main questions guiding this month’s episode are: how have activists incorporated oral history into their work and how can oral historians take their work outside the academy and begin to mobilize in their communities? The complete answers to these questions, of course, are beyond the scope of 35 minutes. However, in three segments, you will hear an array of responses that will hopefully begin the conversation.
First, we hear from Dan Kerr about his time organizing the Cleveland Homelessness Oral History Project and his views on oral history and activism. Next, Carol Prince discusses her experience at a workshop on oral history and movement building in Charleston, SC. In that segment, you will also hear from other folks from the community who attended the workshop and why they chose to use oral history in their own projects. Finally, you’ll hear a clip from the SOHP archive of Linda Upton Hill, a feminist activist storyteller who was involved in Knoxville, TN’s Carpetbag Theater Project on how she understands activism, storytelling, and oral history.
26 September 2016, 4:39 pm