Scot McKay - X & Y Communications
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === Well, you probably saw this one coming given how much I love to travel. But seriously, though...women talk about travel A LOT, especially in their online profiles. This, even though the only evidence they have of real, actual travel are a couple of pics from Cancun. What's up with that? Why is travel women's go-to subject when trying to meet guys, or even on first dates? I'll unravel the mystery AND give you a clear plan for what to DO with this information to enchant and attract more women than ever! More at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
Co-Host Dr. Marcia Reynolds ( When it comes to making our desires and grievances known, we as men can easily find ourselves landing on one side or the other of two extremes. Either we get angry and yell about it, or we bottle it all up and do nothing. Well, in this episode I'm joined by returning guest Dr. Marcia Reynolds. We kick things off by talking about how so many guys find it difficult to be assertive without either rocking the boat or creating some big, hairy misunderstanding. Even worse, most of us dread coming off like some sort of male 'Karen'. And I mean, we're all sick of feeling judged by others, so that's the last way we want to come off. Fortunately, there are simple ways to mitigate those situations, which Marcia happily explains. First off, our brains are naturally designed to judge everything to protect us, so how do we know how and when to act on those judgments when necessary...especially if it potentially involves someone else's behavior modification? And how can we be assertive without lapsing into passive aggression? On that note, what exactly does 'passive aggressive' actually mean? And what is the difference between toughness and assertiveness? Do women want us as men to be tough as nails all the time? I mean, is there zero margin for error there? And how should we be more assertive--or less so--within the context of our own relationship with a woman? Ha...that's a tricky one. How can arrogance cloud our effectiveness at being assertive? How does Hanlon's Razor factor into all of this? And the million dollar do we measure how assertive to actually be in any given situation? Take a look at the whole catalog of Masterclasses For Men and so much more at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === This extra-brief episode covers a phenomenon that's not only disarmingly obvious once you recognize it, but also applicable to virtually 100% of us as humans. Given how the 'holy grail' of men's dating advice is a fall-out-of-bed simple but absolutely foolproof tip, this four-minute show delivers one of the few genuine ones you'll ever find. Just for good measure, I'll not only reveal what it is and how to use it, I'll tell you WHY it works so freaking well. Expect a clear advantage over all the other clueless guys out there...all while making women happier (and hotter) than ever. More at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
Co-Host Marty Strong ( My first-time guest is retired Navy SEAL, author, speaker and CEO Marty Strong. Post military service, Marty has built a career out of teaching men how the SEAL mindset wins in both business as well as on the battlefield. Also, how to be strategically visionary, and--interestingly enough--how to bend, break and even ignore the 'rules' to get results. In a world where many men believe being loud and bullying others is to be admired, and admitting to not knowing it all is "weak", Marty is--like every other SEAL I've ever met--almost disarmingly laid back and almost unassuming, along with being a lifelong student. So then, first is it that SEALS almost always seem to be 'over themselves', yet rise to higher echelons in whatever they endeavor? What is the most effective mindset for men who find themselves at the top of the group they're a part of? How do we as men suffer when we avoid any kind of competition in life whatsoever? How and when is paranoia a good thing...and even fun? Why is a leader who expects to have all the answers all the time pretty much doomed from the start? What traits matter the most when rising to the top of the leadership hierarchy in SEAL teams? (HINT: it won't be what you probably guessed) What is the most unexpected (and disarming) trait SEALs almost always portray? When are SEALS at their strongest, even when other men may consider their strategy 'weakness'? (This is GOLDEN...and changed my life personally when I figured it out.) What is the most disastrous character flaw any man can have? How would a Navy SEAL view approaching women and possible 'rejection'? And wait until you hear Marty explain why badass combat vets are often total wimps around women! Get all the info you need at:
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === You know about 'sugar daddies'. You also know what's going on when a woman says, 'You're like a brother to me.' But when those two phenomena are combined, that's where truly pathetic mayhem ensues. By now you might be wondering how any guy could possibly fall into such a trap. Well, not so fast. It's a LOT easier to find yourself a 'sugar brother' than you might think. In this brief episode I'll reveal what it's all about, how it happens, and most of importantly of all--how to make damn skippy sure it doesn't happen to YOU. More at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
Co-Host Corey Martire ( Well, here we's Valentine's Day again. It's no secret most of us as men utterly dread this Queen of the Hallmark Holidays for obvious reasons. But 'dating dread' it isn't just reserved for February 14th, is it? The term 'dating' itself is virtually obsolete because ain't nobody got time for that anymore nowadays. Meanwhile, it's well-documented around here how the majority of us as men are allergic to fun. So how on Earth are we supposed to actually enjoy meeting and relating to women out there? Joining the discussion is my first-time guest Corey Martire, or 'Love Strategist Corey' as she is often called. And getting a 'lady guru's' take on this turned out to be a whole lot of fun in and of itself. For starters, online dating and apps are obviously feeling more like work than fun nowadays. What's up with that? Have the sites and apps contributed to their own problems there? So then, we should probably go out into the real world and meet women there, right? But that sounds like even LESS fun to most of us. What does Corey have to say about that? Well, here's a hint...there's more to life than buying women a drink. And by the way, what might look like 'rejection' probably isn't. What about when we're actually on a date with a woman? Is there an alternative to playing '20 questions'? Should men still be chivalrous? And how is fear robbing us (and women) of fun? Finally, what are some unexpected fun ways to keep a relationship amazing even after many years? Get in on all of the fun stuff at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === We all know the stereotypes. It's always the Hollywood leading man or the quarterback of the football team who gets all the girls. But is it always that way? We instinctively know it's not, but that doesn't make it any less fun and interesting to find out about a certain part of our country--yes, right here in the good ol' US of A--where a completely different kind of guy gets all the girls in high school. What can we discover from this admittedly weird phenomenon? Well, for starters, we can tell just how true it is that getting the girl is all about how you make her FEEL. More at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!/
Co-Host Justin Stenstrom ( My long-time friend and fellow men's coach Justin Stenstrom from The Elite Man is back to talk about one of his favorite subjects, men's mental health. Unfortunately, a lot of guys feel like even acknowledging the need for support in this area is an indication of weakness, but hey...we're only human. If we don't deal with our darkness and our demons, they'll ruthlessly deal with us until we do. So first off, how does our mental health affect both our attitudes and our actions toward women? What are the two main external factors that greatly affect our ability to, well..stay sane as men in this world? And why is it the more we as men care about being better men, the more susceptible we seem to be to mental health crises? Could all this be at least tangentially related to how most of us as men are allergic to fun...and feel almost guilty relaxing? And how do our lifestyle choices affect our overall mental health? What does our sense of value and purpose have to do with it? Could we have been raised to go crazy? And what if this is coming back around to how 'safe' everything is in today's world? Are we going 'stir-crazy', if not anything else? So how do we wrap our heads around this and reclaim our sanity? Well, as you might have already guessed, the first step is simply removing the blinders and recognizing there is a problem. Fortunately, Justin has other practical steps so you can take it from there. For a crazy amount of free goodies, get on over to:
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === Have you ever noticed that we as men tend to evaluate our own potential attractiveness to women the same way we evaluate how attractive women are to us? It's true...and the result is we conclude a small percentage of men who are naturally handsome are the ones who will get all the women. Well, this brief episode explains why those guys may actually suffer a disadvantage that 90% of the rest of us don't have to worry about. And what about the other small group of men who have been hit with a proverbial 'ugly stick'? Wait until you hear the true advantage they can leverage...if they're smart enough to figure it out. More at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
Co Host Kim Ades ( My returning guest is Frame Of Mind coach Kim Ades. She has observed that high-achieving, driven men tend to struggle in four key, and quite valid areas. The first is 'isolation', which encompasses a lot more than you might be guessing. It's not only about relationships, but also about carrying responsibility and the expectations of others. What a mess already, right? Well,that's just the beginning. Stay tuned as Kim talks about why high-achieving men often experience friction in their relationships. This friction can either be overt or covert, which Kim goes on to explain. But either way, it's invariably a source of massive frustration. But wait, there's more. High-achievers can also feel chronic work, at home, their social lives, and for sure in their relationships with women. So what's up with THAT? The fourth struggle Kim has identified is based on a term she has coined herself, and that's 'slippage'. It's probably not what you're guessing it is. How do these four ways we struggle affect our dating lives and ultimately our relationships with women? What is it that's making so many men feel beaten down in general? Why is it that billionaires often can balance their lives to the point of having plenty of 'free time', yet most of the rest of us struggle mightily just to keep up with our daily grind? And by the way, what does our upbringing and/or our birth order have to do with any of this? Add it all up, and you'll likely not only relate to much of what is talked about in this show, but also LOVE the solutions Kim comes up with. Get in on the latest Masterclass For Men and more at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === As we celebrate a full year's worth of Snippets From The Summit so far, our attention turns to a truly mission critical topic. What we're talking about here is the magical continuum that takes us from meeting a woman all the way through to having a long-lasting and healthy relationship with her. It all starts with being what I call 'connectable' (as described in my Invincible program), then igniting each other's masculine/feminine polarity, then culminating in true compatibility. In this brief episode, I'll explain not only what those three stages look like, but also how to achieve them in your own life dating and relating to women. Get your ticket to this week's Masterclass For Men on charm and charisma at
The content in this show is NEVER generated by AI. I discovered it can't handle a joke a long time ago. Meanwhile, I'll keep the practical, actionable ideas coming as well as the entertaining part...all for free. If you love what you hear, please rate the show on the service you subscribed to it on (takes one second) and leave a review. As we say here in Texas, I appreciate you!