The Archers

BBC Radio 4

Contemporary drama in a rural setting.

  • 12 minutes 58 seconds

    Josh attempts to stir the pot, and Elizabeth considers her options.

    23 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 12 minutes 59 seconds

    Stella asks quiet Brian if he wants to talk about Pip’s comment on Monday. Brian would rather not, snappily declaring Stella’s generation want to talk about their feelings all the time. Later Pip prepares roast chicken for dinner. Stella’s impressed. She shares how rubbish her day was with Brian in a mood. Pip regrets her comment about poisoning the Am – they lost the Home Farm house over it and it was awful for Jennifer. Suddenly it occurs to Pip that today’s the anniversary of Jennifer’s death. They realise Brian was sad rather than sulking. With that Brian arrives with a peacemaking bottle of wine. They invite him to stay for dinner. Brian accepts; it smells fantastic.

    Lily and Freddie are meeting Vince. While they wait for him Freddie recounts the story of Neil to astounded Lily. They move on to speculate about what Vince wants. Lily says if it’s to ask about the cricket, he should talk to Lynda. But when Vince arrives he wants to know how they’d feel about him and Elizabeth moving in together. Freddie thinks Vince shouldn’t abandon his own mum. When Vince assures him it’s not an issue Freddie insists it would still make more sense for Elizabeth to move to Vince’s. Lily declares cheerily she’d be fine with whatever happens; it’s none of her business. When Vince leaves, panicked Freddie wonders why Lily was so enthusiastic about Vince moving in, pointing out how it will look for himself at work. But Lily’s confident their mum will say no to Vince. Freddie hopes so, or he’ll need to move out.

    22 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 13 seconds

    Outside a hotel in Southport nervous Neil prepares to meet the person who found him as a baby. Susan allays his anxiety. He looks lovely and his gift of flowers is perfect. She suggests he goes in, and gives him a kiss. He does so. Nelly declares the flowers her favourites and the ice is broken. She admits she’s wondered about him every day since she found him. Neil fills her in on his life and family, declaring himself lucky. Nelly’s glad, and explains more details about the day she found him. She hadn’t wanted Neil to be taken away from her. They’d visited him at the children’s home, and Neil shares some memories of that time. They laugh that Nelly reading him The Three Little Pigs might be the reason he’s a pig farmer. She was upset but realistic when he was moved away, and pleased things worked out for him in the end.

    Meanwhile anxious Emma calls Susan, wondering how it’s going. Susan reports Neil’s coming out of the hotel and seems to be crying – she’d better go. However Neil’s happy, and invites Susan inside to meet Nelly. They each thank one another for their respective roles in caring for Neil. Susan declares Nelly his guardian angel, and Nelly’s touched. She confesses she has no clue who Neil’s mother might have been.

    Back at Ambridge View Susan suggests that Nelly seemed to hesitate when asked about knowing who Neil’s birth mother could be. Emma suddenly has the thought that Nelly could be Neil’s mother. Neil reckons that’s daft. She can’t be.

    21 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 12 minutes 57 seconds

    Pip and Josh debate the pros and cons of the beaver scheme. Pip claims it’s an expensive vanity project driven by Justin. Josh counters that the views of Pip and their dad are just weird. He reckons Pip’s just doing it for their dad’s approval, which he himself doesn’t need, as he’s more evolved than she is. Pip’s incredulous – she has a child and a relationship while Josh lives in a house share and cares for chickens. How is that more evolved! Later Pip shares her frustration with Stella, who thinks the whole argument is a bit ridiculous. Josh calls Pip to correct her; he’s in a relationship too. He just doesn’t see Nina as often as he'd like; he’s actually in love with her. Pip feels mean and apologises. Josh tells her not to worry; he expects his relationship with Nina will probably just die a slow death.

    Brian confides to Stella he worries their concerns over the beavers aren’t being taken seriously. They have to consider the safety of the Am. Pip points out Brian poisoned the Am, and irritated Brian takes his leave. Pip apologises to Stella for her comment, but Stella maintains Pip made a good point.

    Vince shares his panto outing idea with Freddie, confirming he’ll pay for it. He also mentions the cricket captaincy. Freddie explains he doesn’t have a say in those decisions, though later he agrees Vince could be great for the team given his history. He’d need to live nearer the village though. Vince tells Freddie to leave it with him.

    20 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 16 seconds

    Susan secures seats from Joy on the panto coach for herself and Neil. Fallon and Susan exchange views on mother daughter relationships and Joy moves the topic on, confirming Rochelle’s not around this weekend.

    Vince is interested to hear that Harrison won’t be captaining the cricket team next season. He was a hell of a cricketer himself back in the day. He’d love to do it. Joy suggests he puts himself forward. Vince shares his notion of running a panto works outing for his staff. Joy agrees everyone loves a panto.

    Neil tells Emma he’s thinking of searching for his biological parents. Emma’s relieved – she’d thought his preoccupation lately might have been because he was ill. Neil admits his visit to the doctor was sort of what triggered this plan. Susan’s put a message online and now they’re waiting for responses. He hopes Emma’s ok with it. Emma reassures Neil – she and Chris just want whatever he wants. She thinks it’s brilliant he finally feels ready. Neil admits that until now he’s been happy he’s had such good foster parents and never felt the need to look elsewhere. Also that he’s a bit afraid to find out who his dad might be, and how he was conceived. Who would that make him? Emma declares warmly that Neil’s the kindest man on the planet, and they all love him dearly. Later Neil worries to Susan they may have left it too late. His birth parents must be in their eighties at least. However Susan receives a notification – they’ve had a reply.

    19 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 9 seconds

    Helen thanks Tom for helping Henry with his homework. Bewildered Tom says he didn’t, but Helen’s gone. Later Tom finds Henry abrupt with him for seemingly ignoring his email, and when he tries to explain Henry cuts him short. Kirsty helped him with his homework; he’s handed it in now. If Tom didn’t know enough about it he should have said. Henry goes to check on the goats, leaving Tom wondering what’s going on. He catches up with Henry but Helen arrives before he can speak to him. Helen senses the atmosphere and finally Henry admits he didn’t like the way Tom bought the Beechwood house over Helen’s head. It’s not okay to do that to family. Chastened Tom offers apologies, which Henry accepts.

    Mick tries to comfort Joy and get to the bottom of the issues with Rochelle. Meanwhile Rochelle announces she’s leaving. She came here for comfort and instead feels judged. Mick pleads with her to give her mum a chance, but Rochelle asserts she has nothing left. Refusing Joy’s help, she accepts a lift to the bus station with Mick. On the journey Rochelle insists Joy isn’t the person everyone thinks she is. Their life stopped when her dad left. Her mum’s toxic and Mick needs to get out while he can. Later Mick hears Joy’s side of the story. Rochelle’s a drifter, easily distracted and leaves the minute things get tricky. Mick ventures that Joy might have made things worse by interfering. Joy counters that Mick wouldn’t understand; he doesn’t have children. Offended, Mick leaves.

    17 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 1 second

    Neil’s conflicted. Part of him feels he doesn’t need to know anything about his birth parents; his foster family were great and gave him everything. But he does acknowledge the genetic connection with his birth family. He’s torn between nature and nurture. Hearing this prompts Susan to ask Adam about finding his half-sister, Erin. Susan explains Neil’s vacillating mindset, and Adam confirms he’d be happy to chat with him. Later Adam’s story illustrating the pros and cons of reconnecting doesn’t put Neil off. He feels he’s got nothing to lose by pursuing this, and he and Susan agree they’ll start the search.

    Rex reckons he’s too busy for Rochelle’s picnic – they’ve got the green light for the beaver scheme and he has lots to do. Even more reason to share her hamper, asserts Rochelle. Rex folds, and they enjoy their time together. But when Rochelle suggests they do it again sometime Rex obfuscates. Rochelle can’t understand it – they’re both feeling something aren’t they? Rex agrees they are. With difficulty he admits that Joy has warned him Rochelle is vulnerable. Shocked Rochelle confronts her mum, accusing her of humiliating her and effectively labelling her to Rex as damaged goods. Joy insists she can see Rochelle’s vulnerability, away from her children with no job or proper home. She needs to stop being distracted and focus on Harper and Noah. Rochelle retorts that Joy was a useless mother, and now she only cares about her grandkids. She accuses distraught Joy of letting her down, and orders her out.

    16 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 12 minutes 57 seconds

    Miranda humours grumpy Brian as they get ready to go to her bridge club open session. She guesses his mood is to do with her lack of support over his opposition to the beaver scheme. He protests at her description of him as old fashioned, and confesses he didn’t like her disagreeing with her in public. She bats back that she enjoys a bit of lively open debate. However after the game Brian has his revenge when Miranda quizzes him on his erratic and unpredictable play. She has to admit when it comes to brass neck he’s in a category of his own. Though she concedes that with some proper lessons he might make a bridge player yet.

    At the rewilding office Ruth continues her case against releasing beavers while Kirsty and Rex do their best to assuage her doubts. Justin looks on, suggesting they view the planned release area. Even when she sees where they plan to put the protection in, Ruth’s still not entirely convinced. When she leaves Kirsty comments that at least she seemed to listen, if not agree. Justin suggests they reconvene after lunch for his decision. Rex and Kirsty brace themselves for a rebuttal, but to their surprise and delight, Justin agrees to putting things in motion for the scheme. He admires their tenacity and commitment. They all acknowledge there’s a long way to go but for now they’re overjoyed – they’re really doing it!

    15 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 5 seconds

    GP Azra confirms Neil’s blood pressure’s back to normal. Neil’s relieved. Susan’s taken it particularly seriously as they don’t know his family medical history. Azra asks if Neil’s curious about his birth family. Neil asserts it was a long time ago and his foster family couldn’t have been better; they’ve perhaps made him who he is today. He admits he does sometimes wonder about his mum – but at least he can stop worrying about his blood pressure.

    Susan arranges for Joy to cover her at the post office so she can take Neil out for lunch. He’s a bit out of sorts and needs cheering up. She tells Joy about Neil’s family history and Joy feels sorry for his birth mum. Thinking about her own family, Susan assert she follows the ‘keep calm and carry on’ motto. Joy agrees heartily. Later Neil says he’s going to stop worrying and be grateful for what he’s got.

    Rochelle has tracked down busy Rex to Lower Loxley, where he’s installing a heat lamp for some piglets. She offers to help him with the lamp. He hesitates, but she makes him laugh and he gives in. They chat about her wellbeing event, and the rewilding. Rochelle remarks that Rex’s face glows when he talks about it. She invites him for a picnic on Thursday so he can show her the longhorns. Rex reluctantly agrees. Later Rex calls Joy, explaining he’s had to accept lunch with Rochelle. Joy quietly despairs.

    14 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 13 seconds

    Helen can’t believe Justin appears to be dictating the future of the rewilding. Kirsty reckons Justin’s mellowed, but she’s still very wary. She reports all is proceeding with the Willow Farm purchase. Helen’s pleased for her. She’s fine about living with Tom and Natasha for a while. She’s no longer annoyed at them for not keeping her in the picture about wanting the house. It’s how they operate. She doesn’t want to move back to the farmhouse with her parents. She needs to be living her life on her own terms before she can move on. Kirsty understands.

    Tom wants Helen’s house key to do some measuring up. She suggests he gets the spare from Joy. She asks Tom if he can look at some homework Henry’s struggling with. That’s fine, says Tom. Mick’s preparing to get in the hot tub and surprises Tom by appearing in just a towel. Mick gives him the key and Joy offers their assistance if he needs anything; they’re looking forward to his family moving in. Tom asks that they don’t make any noise after 7pm. Affronted Mick assures him they’re not loud people. Later Mick and Joy have been disturbed by Tom’s squealing girls in Helen’s garden, and they acknowledge it’ll be different having little ones next door. Later Tom’s reluctant to return the key but Joy insists. Mick admires her tenacity. He can’t see Rochelle getting on with Tom. He mentions the chemistry between Rochelle and Rex, but Joy brusquely brushes this off. Mick asserts everyone deserves a bit of happiness.

    13 January 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 13 minutes 5 seconds

    Brian’s not impressed to find Justin at Grey Gables with Miranda. He corners Justin about the beaver release on the rewilding land, the prospect of which he heartily disapproves. He threatens to take it to the BL board; there’s no way any of them will allow beavers in Ambridge. Miranda pronounces this a shame, and points out the benefits. Brian undermines her views and she declares she’ll make up her own mind. Justin departs, not before asking innocently whether Brian dabbles in bridge. Miranda’s looking for a new partner due to her existing one moving away. Brian blusters that he’s not bad. After Justin’s left Miranda suggests Brian joins her at a Bridge club open session to see what he’s made of.

    Kirsty’s on edge awaiting Justin’s decision regarding the beavers. Rex says he’ll ring him to request a meeting. Ruth arrives, unhappy not to have heard from the rewilding team that the plan’s not going ahead. Kirsty assures her there’ll be no wild release now, but Ruth’s aghast to hear a licenced scheme is still a possibility. Rochelle joins them having walked on Lakey Hill. She’s keen to think about ways to help improve peoples’ wellbeing. She’s in search of Rex, and Kirsty suggests she asks him about his running. However Rochelle struggles to track Rex down. Later Rochelle tells Ruth she wants to organise a wellbeing event in the village. Impressed, Ruth offers the Events Barn as a venue. Later Rex and Kirsty’s wait continues as Justin tells them the beaver scheme is very much in the balance.

    12 January 2025, 7:15 pm
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